Fix the old content

I don’t see it as botched. I see it as fitting 120 levels of content into 50 levels. For sure, 12 year old stuff got tossed into a corner at level 30. And I think that’s fine.

Blizzard isn’t going to go out of their way to support your very niche playstyle. Adapt.

Like I said : there’s an advantage, now you can do Vanilla/TBC/WotLK raids on a single toon!

You don’t even have an issue, since your ToEP is the same ilvl that drops out of MC right now. You don’t even need to refarm it.

It could have fit where it was, at the halfway to 120, or in this case, 50.

Going out of there way to what? Let us have access to what we already had access to?

It isn’t just refarming the raid gear, leveling causes a refarming of all your gear, my 5 pieces of Classic gear, need to refarm, the gemslot gear, re farmed, some through long questlines this toon will no longer have access to, because they are completed.

Gems, enchants, expensively replaced.

All they had to do, was put the level required where it should have landed, but they botched it.

Came in. Saw the word twink and got excited. Then realized people were talking about a different kind of twink.

This is my brain on Sunday.

Also I like farming old raids for tmog, mount, and whatever small amount of gold they give. So I do like the solo option. I also think there should be a permanent timewalking option for people who want to do old raids with scaled loot. I’d probably dip into it every now and then for funsies.

Ask Wildstar how 40 man raids work out nowadays…

You do have access. Walk right in.

Have you even checked in game ? The gear drops in MC are exactly the same as what you have. You don’t even need to refarm gear at all, your gear is already at the proper ilvl.

In game, ToEP is a ilvl 29 item that requires level 25 to equip. Same as the one you’re wearing.

Open your dungeon journal and check it out.

Nobody is talking about the item level we are talking about the requirement to actually enter the raid.

You can enter the raid at level 25 if you really can’t be bothered to spend 30 minutes leveling.

Level 30 requirement.

Probably anytime you wanted, there is a group finder tool. Worst case scenario you would have to coordinate in a community or something.

They might find it hard to form a group that they consider acceptable for the current content. I don’t think this applies here. Also you are still thinking with the mentality of "This is a massive chore that I want to be as easy and convenient as possible. Having to group up a few times is a much easier process compared to having to spend months walking towards the boss.

No idea what are you talking about.

Ok so how much time do players in classic take to clear MC? Its not much is it? You would also come to a point that you are done with MC very quickly and never have to step foot in it again.

Why is it terrible?

I think so. Reviving a ton of old raids making them playable again is clearly a good thing and would be perceived that way by the majority of players. I can’t imagine a content creator saying with a straight face that the current state of the old content is preferable.

Of course, I also have the habit of listening to audiobooks while playing a truck simulator. But the cost for enabling this play style is the complete destruction of the old end game. You not only make the content unplayable but you reduce the drop rates and diminish the value of the rewards. The cost is just too high. You pay for the expansion but you can’t play it because it got destroyed by other expansions.

And this play style would still exist in the form of gathering herbs and nodes, fishing, etc…

Yes, timewalking is a way to resolve this, and the scaling of the content would probably be similar. But it doesn’t fix the problems that I mentioned on the OP.

The rewards would still be there and with increased drop rate?

The content inside them got removed with the addition of newer content, you are advocating for it to stay removed.

They didn’t, it became soloable with the power inflation that comes with each new expansion.

Of course there isn’t right now, there is no reason for anyone to form these groups.

Thank you


Because you want to take away fun for many MANY people and for what reason?

I do know that, that is also when their games started going down hill. Look at late wrath. Look at how the subs started dropping like flies. It’s either there is some sliver of truth to what I’ve stated. Or this is all just a huge coincidence.

No, I want to return the fun for many MANY people that got removed for no reason in the past.

No you don’t. You want to remove transmog run options for people. All for content you wouldn’t do yourself.

In your mind sure

No, you can still do transmog runs on the system I’m suggesting. I want to make the old raids playable again. They are currently not. Why should raids be deleted everytime a new expansion is released (more like each patch on the latest ones).

Correct. And when I asked if players would group to run ToT I was laughed at. Why would they waste their time running old content, was the gyst of it.
So…youre either naive enough to think we can somehow get a group together magically…OR…you dont think we can and this is maybe more about you not wanting us to be able to get some rare mount drop you got to keep it more ‘special’ ?

either way, this isnt happening. Bliz pulls some stupid crap, I’ll grant you that, but they AINT dumb enough to keep us from farming old content for mogs given that THAT is what keeps a lot of us busy during their content droughts.

They are very playable. You’re telling me you can’t walk into old raids anymore? If they’re unplayable that sounds like a bug you need to report.

I was unaware raids were deleted. Last I checked I had access to them all.


You act like soloing old raids is new. It’s been in the game since BC released and really amped up since xmog became a thing. So your “long run fostering hatred” idea is just false.

People like being able to solo old raids for xmogs, theres no 2 ways about it. It’s the reason legacy loot/buffs were invented. Its the reason people write up posts every squish to ensure you’ll still be able to solo old raids.

It’s an important part of the game at this point. What you’re proposing would be just awful, I’m sorry.

uh…no…you were very clear in the OP here, friend.
We shouldnt be ABLE to one shot the lich king…and it should REQUIRE (YOUR word, not mine) and ENTIRE RAID of players to clear it.

so yeah…you ARE talking about removing OUR ability to just to farm old raids when we want to

Don’t be sorry. They know exactly what they’re suggesting is WILDLY unpopular which is the ONLY reason the OP suggested it.