Fix the old content

But when would they be formed? When I say when I mean right now I can go do MC no problem, some people work nights some mornings and they have trouble finding guilds to do current content already and now they have to find guilds to do old raids as well? How will going from “do it whenever I want” to “gotta find a group like a current content raid” be beneficial? And what about gear?

Does that mean that literally every item in every raid has to be considered for “what’s best” gear wise? No one will want that. And how will people partition their time? Right now a M raider can raid 5 days a week then zip into MC on the weekened for a few minutes and GG. Your change would make the raid require the same time investment.

I’ve already explained why leveling to 30 would cause problems involving a complete gear farming just to duplicate it at higher ilvls.

And it’s not just about the gear of the raids, it’s having fun in them, and also, I am wearing a piece from the classic raids, yes.

Oh wait, you’re the dude defending how it’s okay you can’t solo legion raids anymore while bragging that you have a house and multiple hobbies:

No wonder you’re acting like a pretentious jerk here. That’s just who you are.

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To you terrible Sunday idea? Seems exactly what it deserved.

Dude, you’re not wearing a single piece of Vanilla raid gear ANYWAY. You literally have a Broken shore scenario ring.

I mean, we knew you couldn’t months ago, what’s your point ?

That’s just an insult. You have no argument ?

This character absolutely has a piece of vanilla gear on.

Oh dude, a single piece of gear. OMG, that’ll take forever to refarm.

Oh wait no, ToEP is ilvl 29 in game too, you don’t even need to refarm it.

In fact, this character is wearing about 5 pieces of vanilla gear lol

For all your hobbies and your extravagant life, you sure have posted quite a bit on the forum here.

I think that you make some really fair points, but the big issue here is: do enough people want that? To me it is fun to just solo an old raid while listening to a podcast. There’s no pressure. No social interaction. I can afk as I wish. Or alt tab to reddit or the GD. It has it’s own variation of fun that I enjoy that helps balance the other aspects of the game that requires more social interactions and organization.

I think something could be done with timewalking, but on a general level, I would not like to see raids scaled to current level.

I don’t believe you :no_entry_sign: Come here, I want to check all your tags :slight_smile:

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Less than the guy who claimed to have no job, no schooling, and no life. But it’s ok my dude, I can see I hit a nerve with you.

I don’t know how true this is but I’ll let it slide :rofl:

Not really. I just find it funny you’re bragging about how awesome your life is while it seems to me your life in the small time I’ve read your posts is nothing more than defending blizzard in the forum.

Why do you come off like that? I mean, you were at 4500 posts just an hour ago.


You do realize they merged in 2008 I honestly don’t think they have that much pull with Blizzard development as much as for a lack of a better term (conspiracy theorist) claim if that was the case SL would be out in OCT

You sure you read all 4000 of my posts ?

Just because I think the leveling squish is positive and don’t really care about its effect on old raids doesn’t mean I defend Blizzard all the time my dude.

Not everything is black or white. No need to attack Blizzard on everything all the time, that’s not healthy.

Rewards. We want the rewards. And we will keep playing til we get them.

Where did that come from?

Who asked for a dungeon or raid to be removed?

Is you tinfoil hat too tight?

Then I wonder why they made them soloable.

Correct, not everything is black and white, which is why your inability to see a problem with how the classic raids level requirement was botched is even more pathetic.

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uh…yeah…that MIGHT work IF there were actually any players who wanted to form teams to run old content EVERY …SINGLE…DAY…ALL…DAY.
But there isnt.
I know.
I tried.
I queued for Mists raids and let it sit for half a day. Not ONE player queued the entire time that I ever saw.

So what we have is what we have.

Good luck with that…