Fix the old content

I certainly would not :rofl: And I farm content on several classes for mog. How many of these groups could I find a week? When could I find them? I can clear MC anytime I want to right now, how would you convince the playerbase that a system where you have to clear 16 year old content with a full raid is worthwhile?

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This would be like saying if you could go back to elementary school, they should scale up the tests to college level.


We will fix old content as soon as we are finished fixing all the new systems within systems in Systemlands.

The ilvl goes up enough to matter, as when you level you need more stats to retain the same % value. So you would need to replace the entire set to optimize, including low chance drop items, like my MH and OH, and also causing some of our hard to acquire gear, like my hunter crypstalker gear, needing replaced.

As I said, this is a concern with the twinking scene, more then the general populace, it’s ok if you don’t get it.

Dude, if we’re talking about Molten Core, even in Classic people didn’t even need a full raid of level 60s to do it. I think on retail you could 5 man it with Heirloom gear prior to this patch.

I don’t get why you’d do it in Retail rather than Classic if your goal is Vanilla content no. It’s easy enough in Classic, in retail its downright trivial.

yeah we generally 5 man MC, meaning we do need to be stronger then normal, thus the min maxing.

And again, it’s the twinking scene, that’s why it’s not on classic, twinking in retail, is not meant to duplicate the classic experience, it’s to create characters to handle different expansions end game in different ways, as well as some using it for its pvp scene.

So all you want to do is exp freeze and gank. Gotcha. I love when Blizzard messes with you guys.

You must be enjoying those twink PvP queues since exp locked twinks get their own pool.

You’d do MC in retail rather than classic to get the legendaries all for yourself. Also bloods sell for a lot along if for whatever reason you don’t have the pets that drop from there.

There are multiple reasons to do MC solo even though it’s trivial. Hell I like doing it by myself every few months cause it’s fun to do it by yourself every few months.

You can do that at cap. I would know, since I have both the Thunderfury and Sulfuras achievements. Guy is talking about doing it at level.

Not what Amani was talking about, read again.

There’s a reason many people who twink have duplicate toons just at different levels.

I had a 60, 70, 80, and my main 120 warlock, the lower 3 designed for their respective endgame expansions.

That’s what we do as twinkers. Now all of a sudden, the changes have basically made my 60 obsolete. This is a bad change, and can easily be fixed by reducing the level requirement of the vanilla raids to what it should be.

This change would have 0 negative impact, and only positive impact.

Why is this such a hard thing to understand?

Topic was started by some guy who wanted to upscale the old raids to your level, is this not what the topic is about?

No, the overall leveling experience is much more healthy now. It’s a good change.

Messing with twinks is just the cherry on top.

i rarely do twink pvp, note why I couldn’t care less about the xp lock bgs, and am instead talking about the botched raid requirements.

But nice strawman.

And I was replying to Amani, not Direstorm. If you’re going to interject, at least read the context.

It doesn’t affect me but I don’t want you to have stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

So you need to solo raids in order to know them? Why?

How is removing the content from old raids and reducing the rewards makes anything more fun?

What use is not having shared drop then the drop rate gets reduced 100 fold?

Ok, but how is removing old content and replacing them with walking simulators helping them with it? Keeping old raids relevant seems like the perfect recipe to having a lot of content for players to do, and it wouldn’t even take dev time.

How is turning old raids into walking simulators keeping people playing? Why is everyone advocating for content to be removed and reward chances being lowered? Giving people a reason to get a group and go into old raids for a good reward is a much bigger incentive for people to keep subbed.

Sure there are no MC groups right now, there is no reason at all for there to be one. But if groups were needed to go in, why would players not form them?

Because there are good rewards inside them?

No, it would be like saying that if you go play Diablo 2 now, it has mechanics and bosses do damage. Imagine turning Diablo 2 into a walking simulator with really low drop rates just because Diablo 3 got released.

It sure is Sunday. What a terrible opinion.

Nobody is saying to alter the leveling experience, reverting the raids to 25, would have no impact on it.

And again, you are deliberately showing you would rather see a portion of the playerbase get shafted, just for laughs.


You leveling up to 30 in 30 minutes wouldn’t either.

Your toon isn’t even using a single piece of Vanilla raid gear. :man_shrugging:

They aren’t going to change it, you’ll need to adapt. Think of it this way : now your level 30 toon is good for Vanilla/TBC/WotLK on a single toon!

What a terrible reply