Fix the old content

Classic is very important for people that want to relive vanila, and timewalking is a big step in a good direction, but its not enough.

The dificulty increase from the squish is a bug and will probably be fixed, they clearly tried to scale it to keep it the same.

The scaling tech is already done and they seem to be able to use it very easily.

I understand what you are saying but I think its not as big of an issue as you think. Timewalking dungeons and raids seem to be playable with no issue every time they are up, seems like they are pretty good at it, and it doesn’t look like something that require much work to keep going.

Oh so I can have a 0.1% chance to drop a mount that had 100% drop chance in the past? I don’t think I would be able to form a group to do this. And you probably one shot it even while naked.

Yeah that is not enough.

Sure, it doesn’t need to be super hard, but currently it has 0 dificulty and it is supper annoying due to the lower drop rates.

I’m not asking transmog runs to be removed, I’m asking transmog runs to have their dificulty preserved and restored to their original values. There is no reason why transmog runs need to get exponentially easier with every patch. One shotting bosses is too much.

Yes, keep telling yourself that.

Because they are fun and have good rewards (assuming that the drop rates are restored)

From the fact that the drop rates will be restored.

Because their content is harmful to the game. Rewards that were once meaningful are now just simbles of boredom. Great raids that were challenging and interesting are now just overrewarding walking simulators, and the only reason anyone would defend their current state is because they mistakenly see it as less of a chore.

The broken state of old raids is evidence enough.

It is irrelevant because it is soloable.

Yes, and i’m sure they will be able to keep collecting by doing interesting content with a much higher drop chance.

And I bet many people left the game because the raids they loved are no longer playable, they are just overrewarding walking simulators.

I can see this working. But the drop rates should be the original 100% ones. But it is still not ideal, just a big step in the right direction.

I disagree. I don’t find it annoying if I don’t get something.

You might be ok with it but I’m clearly not.

The nature of this game is RNG has an aspect. You will never 100% get something you want unless it is specifically designed to have it happen that way. Mage towers, challenge modes, PVP elite mogs - these are all awards you can work toward in which you will 100% get the thing you want if you fulfill the criteria. There is no way to make old raids give you something you guaranteed want in any manner of difficulty when mythic raiding itself (which is the most difficult form of content in the game) doesn’t have a 100% chance to give you what you want either. You’ll be fine.

Yes you are.

Which removes solo transmog runs.

Yes there is. I keep telling you but you refuse to acknowledge it. Power progression.

In old content? No, that’s fine.

dude, if they increased the droprate it will defeat the rareness of the mounts. imagine invincible going back up to 100% for folks who get in a group. suddenly, one of the rarest mounts in the game, becomes just another mount folks can get.

i understand you want a harder version of older content, but just cause you want that does’nt make you entitled to some of the rarest mounts in the game. not saying your entitled, just saying if you think completing an old raid with bit more difficulty means you deserve the mount, then your running the old raids for the wrong reasons.

you wanna grind-out a mount? 30 110- er… 45+'s a week. that’s what i did. got me arthas’s horse.

Get back under your bridge troll.

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There are lots of things that are 100% drops. Mythic jaina drops 2 mounts for example guaranteed.

It doesn’t. Transmog runs don’t need to be godmode.

Yes, you keep telling but it is no justification. The player does not get canonically exponentially more powerful. It is just a bad game mechanic.

Its not.

Sigh, this was the original drop rate, it doesn’t matter if it get rarer or more common, that is the reward for the challenge.

I’m not claiming to be entitled to anything, I just want the old content to be preserved instead of nerfed to oblivion by power inflation. I want the rewards to be the same and the dificulty of the fights to be about the same.

I’m saying that clearing the content like it was intended should give you the intended reward.

Yes, but I don’t want to play walking simulator, i want to play the raid like it was intended and get the reward, which is the mount.

Make me

So remove access to all old content by making it entirely unplayable. Why not just remove the “world” from “world of warcraft”? Would that make you feel all special snowflakey enough? Maybe if you removed all other players so you could play wow as a single player game…?

I know! Nobody should ever have anything to do!

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And it takes considerable effort to get one Timewalking raid set up, let alone dozens upon dozens of raids through out the history of WoW. There’s a reason we get so few of them as opposed to all of them in a given expansion. Time spent retrofitting past content is time spent not working on everything else.

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It does.

Yes you do.


Certainly is.

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For the duration of an expansion. Then they go to -1% drops. Bad example.

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