Greetings everyone,
Recently I have had the great pleasure of experiencing someone using every single consumable/toy/buff that allows them to 1v10 in world PVP.
This IS NOT an complaint thread. Blizzard placed this items in the game, so I have no issues with them.
One such buff is a “Shared A Meal”, which reduces all damage taken by 10% from all sources. I am currently trying to figure out where I can also partake of this buff.
Quick google search brings me to
I have found such pop in the dragon isle, but when I eat from it, I get no such buff. Any help finding where I can obtain this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Oh hey look it’s Xenovale. I killed you yesterday. Post on your main next time! 
I wish I could 1v10. At best I can 1v5. If you’d like to play with me and see some of the stuff I use, you can add me on battle tag. Level up a Horde and I can help gear you up too.
I consistently never post on the forums, you are more then welcome to check any of my characters post to confirm. Hence why I didn’t care nor check to see who I was posting from. But heres my main if that’ is a huge issue for you.
Furthermore, I didn’t mention you by name, as this isn’t a hate thread. And you also indeed correct, you did in fact kill me, as I stood still writing all your buffs down on a note pad. For the most part I have been able to source most of them out, but the “Share A Meal” from a google search isnt providing correct info.
I sincerely mean it when I say this, I wish more people did things like what you did. Most people just straight up complain about them instead of doing the research themselves. Kudos to you.
Add me on battle tag. 
Wait a second, the DF World Buffs are still viable??!
Everything besides Ruby Feast.