Maybe on the ladders but not overall. Plenty of other Alliance races out there.
If it’s as crowded with alliance as OP says it is, then even after he comes out of the follower dungeon, the problem is still there.
Spending all your time with the follower menu up seems extremely unfun and unproductive. Your character might be alive but at the cost of wasting all your time with your finger hovering over the find group button.
Personally I don’t play with WM on, but I find it interesting that years back when it was horde with the numerical advantage, they would just tell alliance players to git good.
Funny how times change.
If only there were some kind of macro.
There’s a macro? Had no idea. Still though, between the load screens and getting back to what you are doing, it’s highly disruptive. Not sure how people enjoy playing that way.
Eh, not exactly. Sure, you had a few trolls telling Alliance players to “git good,”, but for the most part everyone understood Alliance was outnumbered and agreed something needed to change.
Blizzard actually addressed the issue pretty quickly by introducing the AOO quest and increasing the War Mode bonus for the underdog faction within a patch. At least they took action. Horde are outnumbered, and no amount of increased rewards will change that. I believe it’s more about racial disparities, with players steadily trickling to Alliance over the course of SL-TWW.
I don’t think Kennie is supporting people using follower dungeons to escape—seems more like they’re just making a meme out of the situation.
i do hope the numbers are fixed. I just wonder what happens with the leftover folks. Do they get a shard to themselves with no PVP?
Pretty much. It’s funny, this is sometimes the case for me on my Hunter whenever I’m trying to find people to fight… But then when I’m on my alt trying to gear him up, I’m put in a shard full of Alliance.
You can deny the follower dungeon thing all you want; your bulwark wasn’t used and neither was your hearthstone. we literally watched you phase out mid fight. You only know how to abuse buffs in world pvp. And when caught, you run and hide. This is the last time you or your alts will get a reply. I’ve known its been you Alphon the whole time.
So turn it off.
The War Mode toggle is the solution you’re looking for.
Really? Because how I remember it was I killed you at moles on your warlock, I got bountied, glidered down into the water, my bulwark procced (it’s the red carapace buff; you’re probably only used to seeing the purple one), and I literally dalaran hearthed right in front of everyone and spammed lol the entire time.
Of course, and all you do is complain about them. I already offered you the chance to learn, I said you can add me on btag and see what I use since all you know how to do is complain. You should take a page out of this dude’s book. Instead of complaining like you, dude took out a notepad and wrote down all the buffs I used and did his own research, and when he needed more info, reached out to me and added me on btag like I’ve offered you.
Remember when you said this in Dragonflight?
How well this comment has aged haha.
“Fix WPVP… Please make the town a sanctuary.”
This has to be trolling.
Sad. Take your beating like a man.
Paladins can bubble hearth, why can’t I? It can be interrupted too if you know which item to use. I am not becoming some Alliance’s loot pinata. They win enough crates as is.
You seem like a “rules for thee but not for me” type of guy.
No where did I say it was wrong for Paladins to bubble hearth or for anyone to use General’s Bulwark to bubble hearth. I just throw a banana.
Only just in turdo could have this level of disconnect.
You seem to be confusing abusing queueing mechanics with no cooldown and unlimited usage with a legitimate ability on a fixed 20-minute cooldown only usable in TWW zones. They’re not the same. One can also be countered, while the other can’t.
If you can’t see the distinction, that’s a bigger disconnect than anything I’ve said.
That guy has been caught multiple times in his web of lies. You’ll never get him to admit what he’s doing. It is just better to put him on ignore and move on. All that guy ever does is find the strongest exploit for wpvp.
using buffs available to anyone is not the same as abusing a game mechanic to cheapen combat my guy.
What lies have I supposedly made? If you have proof, show it—I’m always willing to admit when I’m wrong.
I’ve literally offered to play with you in WPvP multiple times in Dragonflight and The War Within so you can see for yourself what I actually do. The people I’ve played with here on the forums, like Lluagor, can confirm they’ve never seen me use follower dungeons to escape like you’re claiming. Offer still stands, btag is WilloWisp#1275.
The only thing I do in WPvP to drop a bounty is either log out or hearthstone. Honestly, I avoid logging out most of the time because I’ll just get bountied again five minutes later due to the Horde Assassin buff. Mid-combat, sure, I’ll use Bulwark + Hearthstone—it’s a legit cooldown and part of my strategy, not some exploit or abuse of queueing mechanics.