I’m an avid PvP and genuinely enjoy World PvP, but Blizzard, it is evident your team does not play with War Mode on when creating some content. This is absurd that the main hub in Siren Isle is not a safe-zone. On my realm, Dalaran, particularly, the Alliance outnumber the Horde at an extreme uneven ratio. This means it is almost impossible to get anything done with War Mode on. There is no reason at this age of technology you cannot fix the system so that Alliance to Horde ratios are phased to be more balanced.
Regardless of that sentiment, there is no reason the MAIN HUB of Siren Isle is not threatening to players ganking those who just enter or reading quest-texts. Either buff the guards to make them threatening to prevent players ganking each other in the main hub, or turn it into a Sanctuary. There is no reason a single player can start nuking everyone, then rocket up to avoid any repercussion, because the area guards do not do any damage or offer any threat.
Fix this annoyance. It’s not fun.
(And for those who will write below “turn WM off” - I understand that sentiment, but for those of us who like WPvP, we should be able to engage in it without automatically being blasted to death in a loading screen while entering a zone)
You people are never gonna stop until all the fun has been squeezed out of the game. Getting blasted in a loading screen while entering a zone is wpvp. Now you can go back to your body and you’ll know what you are dealing with. Improvise, adapt, overcome.
Considering we had 2+ entire xpacs of the Kimbul’s quest abandon escape I think we better hunker down for this one.
Granted that was horde only and was not NEARLY as abusable as this one, so best case scenario we can cut the time in half and say 1 full xpac of this before (if) Blizz does anything about it.
This is super easy to do and it happens in just a couple steps, you can consolidate and go right to step 2 if you wish:
Step 1: Recognize that 40-3 (your numbers for example sake) is not gonna end in any other way than you dying.
Step 2: If you NEED to go to Siren Isle, which if you are in PVP forums I am willing to bet you don’t, turn off WM and go do what you need to do.
Step 3: When you are ready to WPVP again somewhere else where its only 20-3 turn WM back on
This is how you improvise and overcome this situation, you avoid it.
I actually missed this when I replied to the other user’s comment with “turn off wm” so I wanted to circle back and touch on this. I do not intend to be condescending though I feel like this will come across as such:
You absolutely can engage in WPVP, there’s some spicy zones all over the world (old and new) you just gotta find them.
You get this everywhere else you can engage in wpvp except this one spot, there’s not many places where you can be portal camped. So I think it is exceptionally reasonable to say “For this one instance, on this one small island that means absolutely nothing, turn off WM if you feel like you have to go there. You can’t have it your way everywhere you go.”
I will agree this is annoying - HOWEVER let’s say that they make the zone-in a sanctuary, you run the risk of hitting those same numbers at the sanctuary line on the isle then you have Korthia 2.0 and these posts would be “Can’t Step Out of Siren Isle Sanctuary Without Getting Ganked” . The problem boils down to faction imbalance and that’s a completely different issue.
Also food for thought, Amirdrassil from DF’s hub where you port into was, and still is, a hostile zone - so I don’t expect this one to be changed either. Can’t tell you how many times even as ally I phased in there taking damage.
Eh, I have a feeling that would’ve been fixed even quicker had more people known about this. As of recently in Dragonflight and TWW, a lot of abandon quests introduced in BfA or SL have been getting fixed oddly enough. Weird how Blizzard are fixing things less known about rather than the thing everyone is abusing.
well “buddy” me and several other’s literally watched you use the follower dungeon que to get away from being killed after we exhausted your tricks and toys. Deny it all you want, But I’ve got kettle that would love to meet you…
This is the same person who’s claiming I’m hacking. Yeah, we know it’s you Lottie. I don’t follower, I just dalaran hearthstone in general’s bulwark. It’s what I did last night when I got bountied near mole and I had to dip. Stick to healing because you suck at warlock.
You’ve been complaining about me since Dragonflight. I already told you, if you want to add me on btag and see how I play, you’re free to. I’ve already played with several people from the forums here already, like Lluagor and Frostfel… They can tell you I don’t follower lol
I always have war mode on and scrambling for crates while out gathering is one of my favorite game elements.
But I turn war mode off before traveling to Siren Isle. Just way too crowded and the collaborative nature of the Isle just doesn’t make sense for WPvP imho. The isle is for PvE, and I’ve just accepted that for now.
They don’t even need to do that… remove racials from rated pvp and the problem is fixed. Only reason ally pvp outnumber horde is because shadowmeld is meta.
Once streamers start playing whatever race they want other people will too.
With all the rivalries I’ve made since Dragonflight, I came to the realization that Alphon wasn’t going to cut it. He can be a livelord, sure, but isn’t going to go so far killing some of these people that I regularly fight. My Hunter has so many ways to chase people and keep them locked down too.