Idk man, I’ve seen many of your posts and responses and your perspective of things is indeed odd and bias
And how good are shaman’s when ur teammates are cc’d? Once again… both have strengths and weaknesses. Thats ok though. =)
If ret was bad what would a paladin be able to do if they wanted to dps? Nothing, its our only dps spec. Your upset 3/4 of your total specs are godmode except enh and always try to make paladin seem like they are the broken class. Be real brother
when did i say that tank shaman werent a problem? its been a long time since i even thought that much less even put it down in a post.
ive changed my mind on that and am not deflecting on it at all.
im treating the individual class and spec as its own thing and right now pure enh is terribad.
most people know this and know they arent really a threat anymore.
it may be in some cases. ill give you that one.
then again i dont take most of what is posted on the forums with full credit as it is prone to hyperbole and “chuck norris” types of posts where one spec or class is boosted up to ridiculous proportions and is hard to see what is true or not without testing (somethign i do regularly on my own by banning myself certian skills or combos of such while playing the offending class and watching streams and people in the bg ect ect…)
but its not a follow everyone type of deal so i do rub against the prevailing notion alot of times.
Polymorph. That’s the only CC you’re removing with cleanse. Hammer of justice would be, but as a paladin you’re not seeing that.
Shaman get to remove blinds, and they can remove fears. Something paladins can’t.
So you do all this “testing” and you came to the conclusion shaman not op, pally op
Sure, totems that are very unreliable and die if they get looked at. Im not saying they are terrible but hardly would they are game changing.
if blind is still a poison effect then pallies can cleanse it on other players right?
no. that would be another misrepresentation of my posts.
i have stated clearly when ive thought shaman /priest/pally/lock/ ect have been op.
currently for shaman , tank specs are op. and beyond that , they are just unfun to play against for melee and even sometimes ranged.
but in the current conversation , pure enh shaman are underpowered and very very bad in pvp and lacking in pve.
pallies are strong but not op as long as they are running 6pc core forged and 2 pc drac for the twist crap AND ONLY if they cant be dispel/purge spammed and even then its still an argument if they are busted or just very strong.
shockadins dont get talked about as much but those are very very strong too when played by someone with half a brain and some rng luck.
I don’t see how this has any impact on the arguments I am making at all.
Then you’re bad at using totems. They literally made it so you can’t macro totem targeting in the game and you’re still gonna complain?
it goes against the “well you have these other specs doing well blah blah blah” argument you made or was that someone else?
i dont know. honestly it doesnt matter.
point is , this post is about “pure enh” shaman and not those other specs.
it is well known that pure enh is strugglebussing and isnt good at all in pvp.
it lacks the umph it should rightfully have.
You only name 2 specs? Resto/ele tank/ele tank/enh and ele are all op
You saying the twisting mechanic is op? Its been a thing for 20 years
tank spec i willl agree is op.
the other two are just strong.
if you ignore all the changes to it and the ability to do it reliably and all the changes within the past 4 months or more or the current meta… ya its been in the game for 20 years.
i also put some caveats in my post to even further distill the point but you seem to be not picking up on on purpose.
Again, you are arguing with a guy that has such low IQ he thinks every other person is wrong but him.
5000 posts.
He doesn’t get it. He will never get it.
From this line… I can tell you dont play a Shaman or at least fight against decent people. One icelance, judge, auto attack, wand, moonfire any type of damage will instantly destroy a totem. If you are having trouble versus Shaman’s. tell me what class you play and I will give you pointers.
Bro ret has repent… They get it off all the time. You also get bubble… It is not hard to get a divine light off you also have hoj too… You can get a div light off in a grenade and if it crits it LITERALLY heals you to full. Rets healing is WAY better than enh.
You literally do not. You run sac shield and fanatcism as ret. Bro you have NO IDEA what you are talking about LMAO.
You give up a dot that procs on crits and breaks CC for sacred shield… that is not a hard trade. And fanaticism is the best head rune for ret…
When did ret ever have maelstrom wep? Enh’s only ability to survive is through healing. They have no hard CC or big defensive CD… And they can’t heal anymore at all. I see rets top themselves all the time. You are delusional…
First off we are talking about enh here not shaman in general and what exact runes can enh swap to just “get stronger”…
Bro can you read? You stated that enh only got 1 pvp specific nerf… Now you are moving the goal post to say it needs to be a unique nerf to enh.
wote got nerfed. Lava lash got nerfed TWICE. Mental dex got nerfed and maelstrom weapon got nerfed… If you are trying to argue that enh is actually in a good spot idk what to say they’re abysmal. The only class they do well against is legit a ret pal because ret doesn’t get sanctified seals and that is it.
I would say that in a 1v1 open world scenario that with all the buffs paladins have received, yes it is OP. Just because something wasn’t OP in an old version of the game doesn’t make it not OP now with new abilities.
No, it’s my thread. You’re massively off topic.
my bad the direction of the thread went towards pure enh balance and i mistook it for being the theme of the thread.
to that point i will only talk to that as i havent read the op post so i dont know.
Dude is legit a cooker