i know that the devs are playn shaman in sod but this is just a joke at this point. you cant play a bg as ally and not know how stupid shaman are.
You don’t enjoy melee trying to attack an avoidance capped ele shaman?!
10 shamans will be here soon defending the nonsense … just wait
Shamans always have defended their nonsense OPness which is only stopped by max range hunter and boomies. If you are neither it’s GG.
Most melee even rets don’t even hit above 1k. Mages are almost free kills unless they somehow get lucky and RNG favors them. Warlocks are whatever tbh.
Of all tears, I find rogue alt tears to be the sweetest.
The irony of tears coming from a class that can literally kill raid geared players naked is insane
Yea I agree. Buff them. They are currently not top of S tier…druids are.
What are you talking? As a Paladin, you are the strongest PVP class in the game. All of your abilities are busted to the point of no return. As a Shaman, I get 2 shot by Paladins almost every single BG, and there isn’t anything I can do. You come up, HoJ me, wham-bam I’m dead.
Paladins have so much in their tool kits, fighting them as a shaman is next to impossible. You guys have 2 stuns, big heals, impenetrable defenses, escape with immunity…
If you think elemental shamans and tank shamans are the same, and they do the same thing, you are sadly ill informed.
Tank shamans doesn’t have the range to do any damage. Pallies just stand outside of our dps range laughing at us as you throw out insane shocks and exorcism and then come in a tap us to death.
Elemental Shamans are squish AF. Can’t compete with a Paladin in PVP.
I agree it is killing alliance participation in PvP.
Paladins are strong but they have to use like 3 abilities to setup their BIG burst combo. It’s quite easy to spot and easy to kite them or pop a defensive CD to survive.
The problem isnt with shaman its defence/block chance. having 10k armor and 50% block chance while casting is what makes it SOOO good. But there is a known defence problem in pvp right now where full stacking mitigations wins the day. (but you have to stack mitigations vs hunter damage. Its the only way to beat them as melle. ) Anyway if your feral/rouge/non prot warrior and go vs a FULL BIS prot pally you just see the same problem of… block, block, parry, block. its not just limited to shamans. You literally just cant touch them.
Yeah true, you need a boomkin or hunter to kill them, tbh. I try to mortal strike and kite in BGs.
My argument is against a Paladin as a Shaman. I agree a tank Shaman vs melee (other than Paladins) is pretty good. But, that’s how it’s supposed to be. Melee against tanks isn’t supposed to go any other way.
My issue is that all the Paladins are saying Shaman this, Shaman that, they have no idea what they are talking about.
All 4 Shaman Specs gets destroyed by Paladins. Shaman tanks has the best chance of surviving a Paladin, but still gets killed in the end.
I kill a Paladin 1 out of every 10 encounters as a Shaman. Once they close the gap and on top of you it’s nap time.
Maybe you are just bad at PvP? You are playing a non meta shaman spec when there is an S tier spec available.
You are complaining about an S tier spec paladins have. That lose to tank shamans.
People aren’t having this big of an issue with the other tank specs.
Melee against tanks isn’t supposed to go any other way.
No. It can definitley go alot of different ways. Not being able to touch or interact with your target is not in EVERYONES best intrest. Just the tank boy. Im full defence capped feral druid. (as you can see from my portrait/gear.) You cant fool me.
I just care about the defence problems i dont care about pallys specifically… everyone knows its gotten out of hand. prot pallys, prot warrior, defense capped feral, defence capped shamans all a problem. It COMPLETLEY discourages any other playstlye. (which means your indirectly telling people how they should have fun in PVP). Block chance can be capped in pvp and mitigations can be too.
I’m just arguing the fact that Paladin players are complaining about Shamans in general. Paladins can nuke any class out there in seconds. Shamans are strong when they are built right and with the right gear, but not as strong as Paladins are.
I can do well against most classes as a Shaman, but against a Paladin…next to impossible even when I’m playing as a tank.
totally fine my friend … (But if shammy just gets hard bullied then obviously you need some options right)… However, 2 things can be true at once. 1) There IS a defence problem. 2) Shaman gets ROLLED by paladin and needs more options.
As someone that only wanted to play 2h enhance, and it turned into a laughable meme spec again despite them having a chance to fix it, but then making my only viable spec a god mode ele tank shaman…. It truly is the worst of times. I’ll never get to enjoy a 2h enhance with a second melee attack, the only spec in the entire game that’s melee locked to one melee attack. And also laughably the worst melee PvP spec in the entire game. But you can’t really expect them to buff shamans when I can just press N , become and ele tank, and mow down scum with my eyes closed spamming flameshock every 5 seconds.
Atleast 2h ret is living the dream. They actually get to PvP as a dps spec with insanely fun burst and mobility with pony which you arguable will cast more than I’ll ever hard cast ghostwolf to chase someone.
I should have went ret. Better yet, I shouldn’t have played SoD.
and its EXACTLY statements like this that drive my point home. Im right there with you man. Game needs to try to be healthy to all specs/ideas.
I agree with you mostly, and as I have stated, I can do well against most classes as a tank except a Paladin. They just bully me into the ground and I can’t do anything about it. The little defensive CDs we have, won’t out last their burst and mobility.
I love playing 2h Enhance, but I get 1-2 shot by Ret every time. I play as Ele tank most of the time as the only way to have a small chance, but still gets killed 99% of the time in BGs.
In BGs most Alliance players are Pallies, and so I’ve quit doing BGs cuz when they see a Shaman, they gang up and nuke you in .5 sec. Paladins are just too strong in PVP.
Time to call out the skill issues.
Okay mister schizo, which abilities are so OP for retribution paladin that even competing against shamans, hunters and even boomies?
Shamanistic Rage is one of the best defensives and you do not have to interact with anyone for mana gains, ret paladins have to go melee and hit someone with a Crusader Strike to even get mana back and if you runed this garbage rune of Guarded by the Light you get at least 15% mana back at the cost of doing half healing.
Decoy and Grounding can eat stuns, that is alone OP, it can also eat a melee from a reckoning stacked paladin.
You have grounding totem, you can gear more stam. You should never ever be a 2 shot for a ret paladin to begin with, heck it is impossible to 2 shot people as ret in BGs. Basically you are making up these things.
Tl:dr skill issue.
Get things right jesus.
1 Stun, 1 Incap that breaks by a mosquito stinging you.
What big heal? The Divine Light that drains more than 1/3rd of ret mana when they are already screwed on that end?
Bubble has been nerfed yet you still cry.
Shamans got:
- either wolves (that stun, heal, damage, movement buff) or root (+ increased FS DPS)
- Earth Shield or WoE
- Riptide (heals more than the majority of pally spells and costs close to nothing)
- purge
- totems
- ST ranged nuke in form of EM+CL or Lava Burst
Skill issue and blatant lying.
You mean getting nuked by every ranged and forced into bubble? Sounds “insanely fun” to people.