FIX Scaling please, everything overtuned after prepatch!

It’s got nothing to do with corruptions.

My pally was 440. Not great, but he was certainly not undergeared. He only had one corrupted item, just enough to get him the root thing.

He is getting destroyed on islands. Absolutely destroyed. Now I like islands, so I do them all the time. I could solo a heroic island before this. He just died twice on a normal. I’m only pulling one pack at a time, and I’m using word of glory as part of my rotation, have selfless healer, and still died twice. TWICE. On a NORMAL island.

My mage is heroic geared. 462 I think? Had only 20 corruption, heroic Ny’alotha, mythic10, whatever geared. She couldn’t do islands either.

I’ve heard that certain dungeon bosses are practically unbeatable. Sha in Temple of the Jade Serpent is the one I’ve seen thrown around the most.

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Ngl, if I was a dev, I’d be heckin surprised at all the issues coming out of islands.

As in, who the heck is playing them, I thought they were considered garbage content.

My main is a pally as well, and I feel your pain! AoE target cap is really hurting the Moving Divine Storm of DEATH that we were since MoP. I am not behind heavily nerfing melee AoE cleave so ranged players can shine more but at least that’s documented and you can argue with he numbers in an empirical manner. But the whole voodoo scaling thing is purely server side and has many unknown variables.

From what you are saying it’s not only that you are not pushing out a lot of damage but also mobs are way overtuned on steroids. This has nothing to do with corruptions or cleave nerfs.


Consecration is ticking for 40-60. My finishers hit for 400-1.6k.

Don’t even know what these numbers mean anymore :sweat_smile: could be that you’re doing fine damage compared to mobs or could be your item level making you feel like a naked gnome with rez sickness.

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As a Fresh returning player who quit in 8.1, now with a 50 DH with literally nothing from BFA for player power heart of azeroth (is that still a thing?) and I literally cant get through the T’partoss doubt boss scenario to get Light forged because he has like 10x my health and one shots me.

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people who say “deal with it” or “its because you’re weaker now” are missing the point
i shouldnt have to struggle to do old mog runs in 3yr+ old content because my numbers were cut

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I noticed tag as well whike leveling a rogue. Regular questing is tougher. I was actually enjoying the feel of danger and added challenge.

I don’t know what it is, so I was in darkshore, trying to do rare mob quest, no one nothing in group finder. I engaged some water elemental rare.

1+m hp took me like 5 minute to solo. Not sure if I’m just playing my class wrong now lol.

Well, looks like you’ve got it figured out.

Ion told us that if we noticed a difference, it was because of the loss of corruptions. I immediately was suspicious that a lot of things were going to be made harder, and he was not telling the truth. But since I don’t do current content anymore, sorry, can’t test this myself.

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My alts have found that Nighthold on heroic isn’t the cakewalk it used to be.

My poor healer monk simply cannot solo one of the bosses there. (She was decked out in 445 gear, not sure the ilevel now 116?)



Reminds me of the MC anniversary event. Queue up. Get into the raid. Going along and entire raid gets cursed. There’s 3 of us that can remove it… we spent most of that fight decursing on CD to keep the healers/tanks clear.

My druid (no cloak, low neck, no corruption, 2 azerite items) could solo Dunegorger Kraulok without major CDs before I quit… came back recently and played a bit (cloak, bit higher neck, same azerites items, about 15% item level increase) and am getting creamed on rare elites using everything I have.

Not looking forward to trying to finish pathfinder 1/2 and the new zones.

Combat during leveling actually feels good, for the first time in half a decade. Leveling is actually a game now, not a faceroll.

Imagine being a new player, and spending 24+ hours one shotting mobs before you hit level cap. Leveling NEEDS to be engaging content, otherwise players will quit without playing enough of the game to get hooked.


Was two or three-manning the first bosses of ABT with friends for a chance at Charhound before patch… seems like you need a lot more now. I was expexting BfA stuff to become more challenging, but I was hoping Legion etc. would still be easy.

Also had some pretty funky damage in BRC when running Cata dungeons. Some of the boss abilities seemed pretty darn overtuned. When you have about 3.5k health and a ticking damage ability does 2.5k, a lowbie healer is not going to be able to keep up.

Seems like this entire mess maybe the reason Shadowlands has been delayed? Also being “max level for BFA” and not “max level for SL” with our scaling nerfed with no specific date when SL will be launched is not fun. Feels bad man.

We ARE max level for BfA. We are not in the SL expac and the BfA expac doesn’t go above 50 for leveling so we should be MAX LEVEL.


I was in Arathi last night on my previously 460 Warrior, and I had to call in help to take down a rare. A rare that I could easily solo before. If my main cant handle this stuff, there’s no way my lower-geared alts can. And that just means there’s no point in playing the game anymore.

Another example: Last week I was missing one quest item for Balance of Power on my Shadow Priest, so I went into Normal Nighthold and killed the scorpion boss to get the last drop I needed. It took me somewhere around 4 minutes I think. My DPS was really low, but there was no chance that mob could kill me.

Cut to yesterday when I tried to solo him again, to see how much Shadow had improved for soloing old content. He killed me. I went from no chance of dying, to getting destroyed by a normal difficulty legacy boss. That’s not fun.


And it’s the single most annoying thing about this community.

I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing to have harder content, especially in dungeons. I get not having your full kit, but dungeons have been too easy and I welcome having to think again and pay attention to mechanics instead of zerging it. Teaches better play.