FIX Scaling please, everything overtuned after prepatch!

I am not hacin issue with havin wq done quick and fast. At least with this pally. And my rogue

Islands are a cancer literally now, could easily solo heroic islands on my characters without corruptions, now? I die if i pull more than one pack.

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They fixed this, I believe.

Edit: Referring to the Sha boss in the pandarian dungeon hitting too hard.

Agreed. Getting my GF into the game so I’m just leveling new toons with her and it’s so fun to not just stomp everything with my heirloom gear. I actually get upgrades that are better than my heirloom now, for a couple levels at least, and I think that’s cool!

That AoE ability when you level up though can really screw you over… Looking at you Gadgetzan.


I went to Redridge at 49 on my warrior and had to switch to Prot in order to beat the guy at the top of the tower, Dofus or something. Massive amount of HP, has a succubus pet at the start and calls in an abomination pet mid fight. These are not hardcore quests for smart and cunning players only. The next step has you driving a tank and doing nothing while John J Keeshan autoattacks 200 orcs.

No trouble with rares in Zul or Kul but darkshore and arathi are painful. No idea what the discrepancy is.

The damage from the rare mobs in those zones is out of control.

If some things are truly unbalanced like they are one shotting you and what not, then you need to report it OP. Things taking more time to kill are low hanging fruit issues.

Im fine with the squish but old content has not be leveled properly.Even my main which was 120 pulls everything even in molten core now,yea he can still one shot everything in there but there is no just walking by mobs you dont need and only one of my toons has managed to get a binding and that is a druid that was level 90,now he is 36 and cant even get in there

For all those who say “great now you have to try” go put on some greens if you want a more challenging experience the community should not be forced in to your mindset cause you want to be hardcore.

A sat squish should make the world feel just as it did before all the changes. If you were killing mobs in two hits you should be still, you did not work for all that power just to go back to square one when pre-patch comes.

This is the end of the expansion and yeah if you were playing all of BfA then all that content should feel trivial that why you get the next expansion to be pumped for the next challenges. If your weak all the time then why keep moving forward?

The lost of corruption should of been taken in thought and even with it lost we should only have some extra time added to playing as health would not change not the damage the mobs dish out that a scaling issue.

Moving into BfA from Legion we had no issues with scaling until we hit 120 then everything stated hitting harder and had more difficulty, so it should be the same if Shadowlands not the other way around were we now have to get back to max level to feel as strong as we were in BfA.

Maybe its just something Blizzard missed in beta, or they really just wanted to add more time on the clock by giving players a wall to slow us down.


I started doing islands as prot, and it’s a bit easier. Also I do more damage as prot than ret. That’s normal, right?

Shouldn’t be normal at all unless you’re pulling an insane amount of mobs!

You have to log out/back in to forums to get it to display correctly

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i logged in on my dk in voldun and was easily questing at 111 with out much issue with difficulty before prepatch , after prepatch at 45 it is noticeably mucher harder , getting killed pulling any more than a couple mobs where i was taking 4-5 fairly easily previously in unholy

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Darkshore on Alliance seems about the same as before.

I noticed that Vugthuth in Nazmir is substantially harder than before. I actually have to pop cooldowns and play mechanics now, and carefully manage my self-healing. This guy used to be a total faceroll where I completely ignored mechanics and killed him with basic attacks, while he struggled to even break through my resounding protection.

The thing that really makes it feel wonky, however, is that last night I was able to solo the Scrap King in Mechagon with substantially less effort. I still popped cooldowns, but my health bar barely moved and the dude just sort of melted.

The fact that a Nazmir elite mob is noticeably harder than a Mechagon rare suggests to me that something went wrong with the tuning somewhere.

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Goes beyond dispells, at level 30 on my mistweaver I’m having to /oom after EVERY pull and bosses cause whipes like no other. Tanks don’t have the damage mitigation they did, bosses are hitting as though your going into that expansion geared up from the prior expansion still, and that’s what’s causing these issues. The dungeons/content are still tuned as though through the original release methods of things.

Hell, even gold sinks are still tuned that way, and I had to report that vendors were charging presquish prices but displaying as though they’d be using post squish prices (and still have the images to back it up)

The big problem here is, Bliz had this all in the Beta/PTR and instead of listening to people reporting issues with mechanics and the like, they only listened to people crying about their gladiator titles/cosmetics

I think the difficulty jump with mobs from Level 49 to Level 50 is way too large right now, but I can’t recall running into any other scaling issues as of late. (Of course, I despise mob scaling based on one’s gear in general and always have.)

EDIT: On second thought, some rares have seemed harder than they used to be, and the AoE cap is a pain means I’m taking more damage in older dungeons. Lastly, I never wore any corrupted gear (I disliked the concept), so the removal of corruptions in this patch is totally not a factor for me.

I think if they just count the huge spike in wipes at the headless horseman then it will be glaringly obvious that there is a problem. Tanks are melting from the adds that spawn.

Also, it seems that level 52+ elites are scaled to be like they were when people were still in green questing gear when they dinged 120. It dosen’t make sense that an elite that drops crappy gear is tuned for 120+ item level with the new scaling.

If they want things to be ‘more challenging’ they should own up to it and say it outright. But saying that scaling is just cosmetic and everything will be the same is just not true.


Try the Twisted Child of Rezan world quest up right now in Zuldazar. It’s glaringly obvious that players were scaled down much more than open world mobs.

Was doing an Assault on stormsong valley, and almost got 1 shotted by one of the elites, went from 100 to 20% of my hp, at 120 ilvl. Got so pissed that i had to logout the game just not to delete my chars. This scaling is a bad joke they pulled on us, with the $hit excuse of things tuned for lvl 60.