FIX Scaling please, everything overtuned after prepatch!

Everything just got harder for no reason! I understand the reasoning behind the squish but the player strength versus the content has not been adjusted properly.

And before anyone starts saying it’s because of corruptions were removed, I am basing this conclusion on doing old content and world quests on my alts who had ZERO corrupted items. Even so, 8.3 content was tuned over corrupted gear so it should be nerfed even more!


Did yesterday the Zandalari allied race quests and it was a walk in the park, maybe it is specific content affected by the squish?


Doomhowl, Arathi Rares, Darkshore Rares, World Quest mobs, Old Raids…etc etc etc.

While typing this, I am getting repeatedly killed on my mage from Alash’anir for the Darkshore WQ. He used to easily solo the mob with no corrupted gear.


It was a walk in the park…? I’m brand new to BFA content so my ilvl may not be good enough or something but even the first war campaign quest enemies are like insta killing me and taking no damage


There will always be someone who will come and dismiss any legitimate concern altogether. It’s a forum thing.


I did my heritage armor quest yesterday and it seemed like the mobs hit harder than they should as well as the last quest boss… I had to self heal alot more than I normally do on similar quests.

Which IMHO is all fine for when I start SL, but not for BfA quests and content…


Deal with it. I don’t think we should ask for development time to be spent on anything related PP. Just get Shadowlands done right asap


Look at it this way. You are no longer max level. It’s a short window. Not a great usage of energy to tune things for 50/60 when 60/60 will be here soon enough.

You do know people working on current content are not always the same as people working on SL?

And why don’t just Blizzard “Deal with it” and nerf all world content by a set amount. Or “Deal with it” by upping the damage of all players?


The big change in difficulty comes mainly from the fact that you’re no longer 100+ ilvls above where BfA launch WQs were tuned. If I recall correctly, open world scaling only increases mob health, not damage (and also not linearly with player power), so that gap was a massive survivability increase.

BfA had people hitting WQs below ilvl 300, but 8.3 Emissaries (and other sources) were giving ilvl 445+ gear. With prepatch, even Mythic Ny’alotha gear is below ilvl 150, lower in absolute than the difference across the duration of BfA, never mind the fact that you’re not starting from ilvl 0 when you hit Level 50. The potential power gap from gear is so much smaller - so content isn’t as easy as it was.

TL;DR, Instead of being 100+ ilvls above tuning, you’re only ~30 ilvls (or so) above tuning.


I would say that, at 120 at least, most current content is a bit harder but still doable. World content is mostly the same. I did have to reign in pulling on Island Adventures lest I get dumpstered by pulling groups of 10+ spawns. I haven’t tried M+ yet, and my guild is set to try Ny’alotha tonite so I’ll know more then. PVP actually seems improved since PVP scaling seems to be gone.

I’ll have to try some other areas tonight, because I tore through the assault yesterday.

At one point I think I had four of the elite mobs at once.

I wonder if scaling is acting differently based off content.

One thing I do wonder about, why is it still showing some people as 120, but others as 50? That’s… wierd.

(edit) Meaning the level next to the author portrait in posts by the way.

This doesn’t make any sense! By definition scaling means that things will always have the same proportions in relation to each other. If one thing is scaled down everything else should remain similar. They overtuned something along the way, perhaps to slow people down and get more “engagement” numbers for the next Activation meeting.


Meanwhile all leveling content is undertuned. Could be spec, my warrior struggled with old content, current content and any content. Reconfigured his spec and that went away. But, I hear others having problems, that is typical prepatch for ya.

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This is why they released the pre-patch early.

That isn’t how open world scaling has ever worked - mob health goes up (at some rate), mob damage does not, so when your health went from ~100k at the start of BfA to 400k+ at the end, the mobs are still only hitting you for 10k (for example), less your now even higher armor reduction.

End result, you live a lot longer, can pull more at once, etc. And because your damage also scales up faster than mob health (in theory), you even kill it all faster.

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AoE target cap is nerfed and this is already documented in the patch notes. So don’t go pulling like crazy.

What I’m talking about is solo 1-1 difficulty is way overtuned.


Was leveling a Pandaren shaman yesterday and did a legion dungeon around level 16. The first boss tossed a scythe out and would deal 1700 damage while I only had around 900 health. I wasn’t mad or anything it’s just rather hilarious to see lmao.
I’m trying to remember when the last squish was. Was it before BFA that Blizz tried to squish the numbers a little bit? I remember farming ToT and the blood boss would one shot me every attempt. So I’m not mad about the squish. This stuff happens and will be fixed. Hopefully :stuck_out_tongue:


Was leveling a Pandaren shaman yesterday and did a legion dungeon around level 16. The first boss tossed a scythe out and would deal 1700 damage while I only had around 900 health. I wasn’t mad or anything it’s just rather hilarious to see lmao.

If only they would err on the side of the player.