Fix Ret Paladins Megathread

Or you suck at explaining and forgot how to add.

Is this a response to my comment about wrath lol ? Cause in wrath classic I didn’t play a ret big dog lol. It was terrible, played a fury warrior cause my guild had a ret already, and it was so bad they didn’t want another, so I was the warrior we needed for sunders. Warrior btw that was also terrible until late toc/icc because not enough armor pen before then. I was just replying honestly to the statement presented to me lol.

I literally just explained how 15 maths into 60 because you’re under the impression 6 x 15 = 60.

Maybe pick a different insult than “you can’t do math” in a thread where you actively displayed inability to do math.

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B/c the group was 2-3 disc priests and the rest was BM hunters. You just have zero reading comprehension.


Thanks for explaining something that wasn’t necessary. Also, neither is shamanistic rage since mana tide also exists.

You must have forgotten about that. But I have never said shamans wouldn’t good for PVE. I am comparing paladins to shamans in the world and in group pvp.

Mana tide is group wide. Shamanistic Rage is raid wide. Shamanistic Rage effects twenty players - Mana Tide effects five players.

I can’t believe I’m still having to explain basic things to you.

If you’re going to be this argumentative/toxic/insulting/flamey - you have got to step up your bare minimum game knowledge… or at least display the ability to divide 60 by 15.


You re meaning… pallys cry enough to get more buffed being top class but its ok because it takes for months.

So please no more big posts pallys in wrath were completely unbalanced.

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Also I’d absolutely love to have seen any meta where 3 rets were wanted lol. Getting 1 ret Ina premade was a chore, all people wanted were boomies, priests, and hunters lol. Trust me, the wsg grind was very painful as a ret, cause hardly zero premades wanted paladins, especially after the avengers shield nerf.


Soon to be 40 players, which will be even dumber.

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Lol, you aren’t explaining anything you are bouncing around on information no one asked for. I am so glad I got that shamanistic rage in my 2 melee groups.

I am talking about paladins abilities to be unkillable while simultaneously kill people. Sorry you picked the wrong class to raid on. But there are other aspects of the game.

Ran into tons of them all the time in phase 1, literally just 10 minutes ago, it is grossing imbalanced.

You ran into a phase 1 premade 10 mins ago ? That’s some intense time travel my friend. I’m impressed.

no thats not what i Mean. Stop trying to assume you know when you have no idea and didnt bother to go read the context.

Man, you are dense.

You expressed the necessity to have six shamans to sustain shamanistic rage. That is untrue - it’s four.

You expressed that mana tide totem is equal/better than shamanistic rage, so it’s not even needed… You can also use both, you goof. It’s not like Resto shaman has a meaningful leg rune that competes with permanent mana sustain for your entire raid.

Shaman quite literally broke the game for the last four consecutive months and you have the audacity to whine because you stand and try to face-trade a class with zero gap closers, zero ranged snare, zero lockdown, zero melee snare, zero sprint, and one single ranged based ability - during the eight second window out of five minutes ?

Pro tip: Just run away. Paladins don’t get anything nearly as game-breakingly busted as Maelstrom weapon, so their healing requires stopping to cast. When they stop to cast, you can just literally run away. They can’t catch you for DS/CS/etc. Press W. You win.

Losing to a bubbled paladin is a clear-cut proclamation of “I don’t know how to pvp at all.”

People who complain about bubble in PvP should not get to have opinions publicly about PvP. You simply are not good enough to understand that autorun beats the entire class.


I’m so glad you understand how you come across to literally everyone here lol. Please go main a paladin, and see how much your wanted for literally anything outside of aoe tanking lol. Go on I’ll wait. We are the worst class in anything meaningful pve in the game. I’m aware your just focused on zug zug pvp, and zug zug no understand complicated issues like pve and pvp are separate things. It’s alright though, have you opinion, your entitled to it. I wish you a good day, glhf good sir.

I’m bit torn on giving ret 5 100% damage weapon attacks in rapid succession. That is basically the old Reck-bomb and it was bad for the game when it existed.

Other than that your solutions aren’t that bad, in so far as they don’t undermine the other specs.

I was responding to some one else saying that Horde groups run 6 shamans, named alirianna. Not my claim, one of your owns statements.

it IS a reck bomb. but because you ahve to stack it by getting 5 crits the ramp time will prevent it from being bursty in pvp

My suggestion is to quite literally delete all Paladin runes, take each Shaman rune and paste it into MS Paint. Crudely scratch out “Nature”, “Lava”, etc - and write “HOLY OR SOMETHING” above it.

Give them all to Paladin in exact transference. Every single one, 1-to-1. Dual wield? Dual seals? Maelstrom? Holy Burst? Dual Wield Spec? All of them.

Give them every single Shaman rune-based ability, and let’s see if the game is still fair.