Fix Ret Paladins Megathread

Hello once again,

it’s me Ogb, the same guy that asked for paladin buffs back in wrath. And I’m here to do it again! Just for reference I’ve been playing paladin as my main since vanilla classic 2019, I played two paladins in TBC classic, I played 3 three paladins in Wrath Classic, and I currently play FOUR paladins in season of discovery. I have a massive body of work when it comes to playing this class, this isn’t a complaint from someone who doesn’t know paladin very deeply.

CURRENTLY, the state of ret paladin make no sense at all. Our best options for dealing damage involve going back to last phases’ raid for our bis weapon, and then having to swap to either the FLURRY AXE (a 750g rare epic world drop) or Sul’Thraze (rare epic from combining rare boss drops) after our crowd pummeler runs out.

This is NOT acceptable. Forcing rets to continuously farm gnomer and then have to spend hours on end farming in ZF for two rare drops just to do dps that barely beats the tank? I mean Come on man. This is ridiculous.

There’s also another problem that’s been created by the addition of melee hunters, another class that wants windfury and melee buffs, but ZERO additional sources of windfury for the alliance. Since ret provides no real group buffs and also does poor damage, it is being pushed out of the melee groups and forced to perform even worse. I have some suggestions that I believe could fix this, and make a lot of paladin players happy since you guys have said yourselves that your goal is to make all the specs feel op.

First I’ll address the weapon situation. In order to keep us away from automatic crowd pummeler, Ret needs a non-normalized hard hitting attack. My suggestion for this is to add something that’s already well known and loved by all paladins: an offensive version of the reckoning talent. Call it “Zeal” instead as a tribute to fast attacking zealer paladins from diablo 2. Every time the paladin crits, you gain one stack of “Zeal” stacking up to 5 times. When unleashed, zeal instantly attacks the target for 75-100% melee damage for each stack of Zeal accumulated. Having these crit based stacks would make consecrate much more appealing since now it can crit as well.

Zeal (or whatever you want to call it) could be a new ramping/stacking type of attack that can fill in our GCD’s and give something to build up to press that feels good. pressing a “Zeal” would feel very similar to landing a sweal twist, all the swings popping up and critting. but it also works like a builder/spender which is what a lot of the cata/retail players lean towards and have directly asked for in the discords.

Having a hard hitting attack like that, non-normalized, would force us to leave last tier weapons behind in favor of the new ones. Many ret players are upset by the fact that the spec is being pushed towards more buttons doing smaller damage instead of few buttons doing a lot and this could bridge the gap.

Second, the windfury situation. Alliance needs another source of windfury. Adding a new melee spec and then making it super popular because it’s the highest dps in the game without providing any form of additional melee group buffs makes no sense for alliance. The perfect candidate for alliance windfury is very obviously Sanctity Aura. Sanc aura deserves to be buffed in the first place, given that it helps no one except ret paladins and it’s meant to be a party wide buff. Sanctity Aura Should be reworked to provide windfury.


Horn of Lordaeron

This rune is garbage. It needs to be made a baseline skill to actually be worthwhile. Horn should be baseline, raid wide, and also provide MP5. This would allow solo paladin groups to actually take advantage of blessing of salvation or light without taking away a massive chunk of AP from the melee or mana from the casters.

Crusader Strike/Judgements

do I really need to say more? make crusader strike refresh all judgements like it’s supposed to. It’s actually a joke that we have to take judgement of wisdom away from the ENTIRE raid just to put up a holy dmg debuff to increase our mediocre dps (and no one elses). either make Crusader strike refresh all judgements, or add a book that changes improved crusader judge to also apply judgement of wisdom. Also, even with the shift to 100% holy damage crusader strike hits for next to nothing with a 2.00 speed 2h so if we’re going to keep those as the meta CS damage needs to be increased.


  • Paladins need a new strong physical attack that makes crowd pummeler less attractive and increases our damage, the current situation is unbearable at best and malicious at worst

  • Alliance deserve to have another source of windfury and it should come from paladin’s Sanctity Aura

  • Horn of Lordaeron needs to be stronger, raid wide, and a baseline skill.

  • Judgements for all paladins should be refreshed by crusader strike, or improved judgement of crusader should also apply wisdom.

Implementing these changes would make paladins actually desirable in a group buff setting and ease the frustration of sorting the now higher number of melee players into useful groups.

I encourage anyone else reading this to add your ideas about how the class/spec could be made more comparable to our horde counterpart the shaman. Unfortunately Shaman are far more impactful and valued in a raid on the horde side than paladins are for alliance, especially rets who most will be looking to reroll soon if things don’t change. Please keep us from using crowd pummeler at level 60 and beyond.




I agree fix ret paladins. Ret paladins need bubble and bop taken away from them. They should not be better front line warriors than warriors, able to kill people while inside of an immune bubble, or be able to immune their healer in a burst meta game.

Nerf paladins.


man who could have predicted a horde would come here to complain about paladin bubbles. an ability on a 5 minute cooldown that we die about 20x in a row after popping it. Also its very obvious at this point that balancing around pvp is just not a thing for many other classes in SoD.


Lmfao for real? God people hate so hard on bubble. It’s once every 5 mins. And immune there healer ? Are you crazy lol, with shamans and priests running rampant bop, all buffs, and seals are purged so fast it’s borderline useless to waste the globals. People complain about bubble like it’s something new lol, it’s literally the same exact button it’s all been. Jesus busted runes and new stuff causing the burst meta to exist and paladin, arguably the worst supported class in sod gets targeted for a vanilla static ability that’s existed throughout wows entire life cycle lmfao :joy:


Just got hit by one in an AB for 900. While he was bubbled. It is a problem…


So a 900 is what your upset about? How about the 2400 crits off an enhance shams chain lightning, or the 3500 crits from a boomkin. But worried about 900 from a ret lmfao?


Let me get this straight… Paladins should get WF and super eviscerate?


it’s not a problem lol, how do you feel when a mage nukes you while you’re polymorphed?


Sorry, doesn’t ring a bell.

not everyone can have glinda levels of forum clout ya know


No such thing.

Paladins should get something to at least compete at all in pve. Pvp is screwed across ever class right now, but we’re are functionally useless in raids, because all the support is around gimmicky fast attacks, and last phase weapons. Personally I think blizz needs to tag most things in sod to do less damage to players to kill the burst meta, but there not gonna do that. And when they reduce something to help pvp, it hurts even more on any class in pve. Would just like my spec to be competitive at all/relevant in pve. Not asking for top, I’d settle for a good rotation and middle, just don’t prefer to get out scaled by literally everything lol.


What I am upset about is this. The class has, heals, cleanses- the ability to dispel CC’s on a teammate, freedoms, immune to damge for self on a SHORT CD (5 Min), immune to damage for another, damage reduction on a party member, off heals, and in SoD they were also given viable damage to at least be on the meters, which based on their tool kit IMMEDIATELY MAKES THEM WAY OVERPOWERED! And here they are crying that they dont do enough damage, you play the most broken group support class in the game. Use the abilities you have for support as a healer OR Ret needs those support abilities TAKEN AWAY and their damage can be buffed. THOSE ARE THE REAL OPTIONS FOR ACTUAL BALANCE!


So humble, I envy you.

X for doubt.

go play paladin and then come back after 10000 hours and we’ll talk. You have some huge misconceptions about how good certain things are and seem to not really understand the game very well at all.


Not gonna talk about the fact that shaman does everything you said, minus bubble and dispell magic, with stronger damage in melee, ranged, healing, instant free heals from maelstrom, a totem that is literally freedom, a crap ton of utility, group support, purge, etc. Literally better than paladin in every conceivable way ? Plus way more burst damage than we can put out lol ?


I alt a ret paladin, I gave up on it to play Horde side. And there is a vast faction imbalance in group pvp. It is OBSCENE!

Shaman can get gibbed very easily.

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Yeah now that they can’t effortlessly run way of earth in pvp, being unkillable, while also dishing out insane damage. Out of the two unique classes , you play on the side with the superior one in every possible category. Shams literally got paladins best sod rune, but better, this phase. I’m a diehard paladin man, have played it in every version of wow, talked my friends into alliance so I could play paladin, and I regret pulling them away from horde, because sham is just flat better. Horde has the clear advantage in basically everything, so I really don’t get the pally hate, just cause once every 5 mins ya can’t kill one.