Fix Ret Paladins Megathread

Clearly you were never a melee , against a way of earth shaman in pvp phase 1 or two. They took absolutely no damage, and would kill you before you could get them to 50 percent, and that was with bubble.

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The only reason some people play the game.

You complain because of your parses, I complain because the game is not balanced for me. Neither one of us will ever get what we want.

I played Ret in phase 1, I did fight Way of earth shamans, and they still died faster that Ret paladins.

my parses would be exactly the same they are class based, good job displaying your lack of knowledge

Your PVE DPS in comparison to other classes if you’d prefer it phrased that way.

The levels of willing ignorance are strong in this one.

When are we going to talk about how stacking 6 shamans in a horde raid effectively allows them to ignore mana conservation? In what world is this healthy balance?

This is the only powerful raid-wide utility in the game, that is Horde-only.


Inb4 bel-whatever guy comes in here and spams the threads to smithereens because you dared to mention shamanistic rage being gamebreakingly overpowered.


meanwhile ret cant even use judgement of wisdom without nerfing our own damage


i stop reading when u said than u asked for paladin buffs in wrath, paladins cant be happy being in second place?

In Wotlk paladins are top tank, top healer, pvp monsters and whining they gets changes in 15 years old expasion.

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Then those shamans weren’t using way of earth man. Had many a wsg where it would take 3 or more people to take down an enhance shaman. If they died easy, they simply werent using the rune. And phase one I’ll give you ret was strong in pvp, were still strong Ina 1v1 in pvp. But laughably bad outside of pvp, and like has been stated , just run away when a bubble is out lol. Plus paladin has always had an advantage over warrior, without bubble I can dumpster a warrior. Warrior doesn’t need a pocket healer in pvp, it requires one, and always has lol.

apparently you need a history lesson. I had to write a big post here to attempt to have ret buffed in wrath because it’s dps was so bad raids were going to stop bringing it. and the devs actually refused to buff us for months until it became painfully obvious that I was right. I can link you to thread if you like.

Well, because not all shaman run this ability… Tank’s cant run way of the earth and Shamanistic rage. With Shaman being the best tanks, you still can’t run 6 shamans with shamanistic rage.

Unless half your raid is shaman, and that just isn’t the case.

As someone who did premades in p1, you are completely clueless. The meta was 2-3 disc priests and BM hunters. Then after BM was nerfed, it became 2-3 priests and balance druid starfall spam.

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Ret was only top 2 in wrath in icc cause of set bonus. In wrath classic because of the patch it was on, ret was bottom tier until toc, when it was barley mid tier, and that was only because of the extra glyph blizz added. Up until icc set bonus ret was there for buffs and an extra dsac lol.

Oh yea, 3 priests, and 3 BM hunters… like I said, so you went 6 v 10? Or did you just forget how many people were in Warsong’s?

Meta was, 3 paladins, 3 BMs, 3 priests, 1 druid.

Oh, here I was complaining that my class was gear dependent, sorry… let me play you my tiny violin.

Is this some weird copy paste?

60 second CD. 15 second duration. Does not stack. CD begins as soon as button is pressed. 15 x 4 is 60.

It only takes 4 Shamans to 100% rotate this, permanently. 1 healer, 1 enh, 1 ele is 75% uptime on permanent mana regeneration, with no doubling up.

Glad to help you understand elementary school math.


All of the speed run groups run 3+ shamans. Go look on WoW logs for yourself. The rank 9 team ran 5 shamans.


I never gave a number for the amount of BM hunters. You suck at reading comprehension.

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Actually putting forth suggestions for the class you enjoy, good effort post, hope the devs are listening.

Makes a ton of sense, make it function like Wild Strikes.

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