Fix Ret Paladins Megathread

meanwhile shaman can literally COME BACK FROM THE DEAD LOL

And how do Shaman make some one else immune to damage? Shaman are still EASILY killed. Bubble is a short CD for how obscenely powerful being totally immune to CC and damage is. Shaman have 0 defensive CD’s for themselves. Shaman are ALWAYS getting killed, paladins can literally bubble and burn entire groups in pvp, giving them an obvious immediate advantage in BGs and in BM. 5 minutes is a long CD? Recklessness is 30 minutes, Reincarn is 30 minutes, you can bubble 6 times during a BM. Is that inconsequential? No, that is 6 guaranteed wins.

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Whats the cooldown on that bud?

not long enough to compensate for all the other awesome stuff they have even if they made it 3 days

I kill shaman in BM ALL THE TIME! Couldn’t care less about their burst, because I can still burst them. Paladins every time they get low, EVERY TIME, bubble is up.

I can go through all the stuff Paladins have again and its more than shaman. Not to mention the amount of damage reduction paladins have just because they wear plate… while my class has no magic damage.

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I’ve already reported you for trolling based on your previous comments. You’re clearly not here to have a real discussion.


Shaman is the single best tank, mdps, and caster dps and competes with priests for healing

Literal S tier for SOD, with no other class even in the same bracket.

Also probably resist 25% of your stuns, and can blood rage ontop of it all.

Pallies are like B tanks, D tier mdps, and D healers but people are complaining :rofl:

Most valuable thing Ive seen a pally do in SOD is use DI to save a priest.


Lol, how is this not a real discussion? You can’t handle the truth?

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Tanking only effects your own faction. Unless they are pvping, where Avengers shield can hit 3 people for 1k damage. This is a conversation about faction imbalance. And in the current state, people do not want to fight paladins because of their toolkit and also viable damage. It is grossly obvious that paladins require a change. They either need to have bubble and bop as support healers, or DPS at RET but RET CANNOT have bubble and bop.

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ret is about to be pushed out of melee groups unfortunately in favor of just bringing more melee hunters :frowning:


The only class that has ever been unkillable is the alliance pink warrior.

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Yeah, tanking is faction specific and even that goes to shammy

Theres literally no way you can die to a pally unless youre terrible, just run when they bubble. They have no speed skills, and cant freedom if they bubble.

Literally can hamstring and kill one with a bow

They are one of the lowest dps with almost no burst, prob the only reason youre having issues is that warrior is actually the worst SOD class next to pallies

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Never said they could immune anything lol. And yeah they are burstable now, but absolutely weren’t phase 1 or 2. And they have shamanistic rage, 20 percent damage reduction, and give 75 percent mana returns on a 1 min CD lol. And don’t bring up warrior 30 min cds, because I agree it’s incredibly stupid that those are 30 min cds that share a CD. It was dumb in vanilla, and still dumb today, at the longest they should be 5 min cds and not share a CD with each other. Played many a year of warrior as well my dude, and those CDs are a joke. Still doesn’t make paladins op and in need of a nerf, that we can survive one fight every 5 mins. Not to mention as soon as the bubble ends we get one shot by some caster burst from 30 plus yards away. I’ll be the first to agree that warrior has it’s issues as well, and that there is zero balance what so ever in sod across anything. But it’s not the fault of bubble. It is what it is, it was a day one wow spell, and still the same all these years later. We got killed regardless of bubble in vanilla, and we still get killed today.

the people who think paladins are too strong in pvp in sod are the bottom of the barrel worst players with no game knowledge who live on reddit and the forums. I’m sorry but it’s true


Bubble dispells all movement impairing effects, so freedom isn’t needed. You are not being honest here. Warriors cannot kill with the 80 damage they do on ranged attacks every 3 seconds. Hunts complain they can barely kite paladins.

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All Paladin runes are a total meme, and anyone caught complaining about dying to a bubbled Paladin should have their opinion immediately discarded permanently on all subjects.

Paladin needs a 100% overhaul. It is laughable how bad all runes for all specs are.


Hum, thought bubble had particular magic limitations on negating speed spells.

I agree warriors cant kill pallies though, as warriors are actual F tier and pallies are only D in SOD

Any other class, yeah

And classic warrior has always needed a support class, having a pocket healer is the literal meme

Warriors arent really good in classic pvp, and SOD makes them even worse

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Now who is trolling? Why was alliance WSG strat in phase 1, 3 Ret paladins and 3 BM hunters for DPS? Because ret paladins could push, dps, immune, catch heals, dps, that was and still is an obvious faction imbalance.

at the end of the day. this is a pointless discussion, as pvp is total meme in SoD and should be the last and least of considerations when balancing specs.

no one cares that you struggled to kill x or y class in a bg or stv (unranked casual pvp)