Fix reckoning and hand of justice

I wanted to take a moment to provide some clarification around what changed in 1.13.3 with Reckoning. There were several systemic issues with extra attack procs behaving incorrectly, which we fixed in the patch. A secondary effect of these fixes were two notable changes to Reckoning:

  1. Reckoning stacks are lost when you mount up.
  2. Reckoning stacks are lost when you initiate an auto-attack against a target and cancel it before it goes off.

However, both of these behaviors were correct behaviors in the 1.12 reference client and as such are considered bug fixes. Both of these issues have been added to the “Not A Bug” list.

This is from Blue Directly.


Yes, I know they’ve said that.

You haven’t played with reckoning. You don’t understand how completely and utterly dysfunctional it is now because of these changes.

This functionality seems in line with the designs back then. Rogues lost their combo points when switching targets.

I don’t believe rogues lose combo points when they stop their auto attacks though. Reckoning stacks drop if I stop my auto attacks. Which means I can’t start my auto attack until I’m certain I wont lose the stacks, and I cant use judgement either as that will make the stacks drop.

Do you see the problem here? Do you see how completely and utterly antithetical this is to how the game plays?

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Yes, it was, at the very beginning of Vanilla Wow (iirc before Diremaul). You used to be able to stack, I dunno, whatever MAX_INT in their engine is, number of reckoning stacks. One paladin did it, one paladin dropped Kazzak, then blizzard fixed it.

This isn’t what we’re asking for. We’re asking for reckoning as it was in classic wow straight through BC - stacks up to 4 times, you hold your stack regardless of target, and you can /startattack /stopattack to guarantee you get an extra weapon hit instead of just finishing the weapon swing timer immediately.

Never switching targets and losing your stacks sounds like a bug, though I wouldn’t be surprised if a timer was added in these later patches from Vanilla.

Kinda an exploit. Don’t forget that we still take a critical hit lol. Basically a kind of “glass cannon” calculation - do we take hella crits for an extra weapon hit?

Also, it doesn’t require a macro. Just /sit, then move right as the weapon swing ends. I actually can’t get it working with macros, before or after the “fix.” It’s pretty unreliable too - sometimes you get a crit and no reckoning stack. But, that’s reckoning.

Not a thread killer. People have been churning up videos of the actual game and demonstrating this reference client claim is false.

Every video supporting that the ‘Bug’ was correct has been proven wrong.

It is working as it was intended. Ret has always been a meme spec. We’ve known this for 15+ years.

Regardless, reckoning was never based around a system of combo points on a target like a rogue. If we were to compare, its like having combo points on yourself to use for any target. You cant get them manually, and they are just extra auto attacks.

For rogues their combo points is a core component of how they play and they have it from the start and have abilities specifically to generate combo points.

Paladins, its a 25 talent point core talent that requires you to be hit by a crit to get a single stack.

And right now, because there are so many things that are causing stacks to drop as a result of these changes… ret reckoning is effectively useless.

An offensively terrible class got gutted even further. Imagine that. The single saving grace of the class that made them actually able to do good damage in pvp, is now useless because blizzard thinks its okay to make class balance changes for classic.

Meanwhile, If a warrior had the same gear as me… they could be doing significantly more damage simply because they are meant to do damage, and as such have damaging abilities.

Reckoning to an extent closed that gap in damage. And now we dont have that option anymore. Because functionally, they broke it.

Notice how they solely nerfed the Alliance class that could get bonus AA from reckoning by destroying the ability altogether.

But did nothing about WF because it’s a Horde only feature.

Blizzard showing their bias like usual.


I honestly dont even care about windfury. It’s elemental shamans right now that are ridiculous. The damage they can put out because of the current 1.12 itemization is absurd.

Some of these ele shamans are putting out AQ40 levels of damage atm, and we are still only at mc and onyxia.

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Well, that and their talent that gives them ‘one free crit’ actually gives a crit for everything in a batch (so, it’s a new bug they added in Classic- this wasn’t in Vanilla), so they’re using it to do CL/shock auto crits.

But, because that bug is for a Horde class, Blizz won’t fix it.


That’s how it was in vanilla also…

It’s a textbook exploit. Behavior exists, Blizzard doesn’t like it so patches it. People find another way around the patch doing the exact same thing that was patched out.

I don’t agree that it should have even been patched in the first place, but Blizzard has made their position clear by doing so, making it clearly an exploit to continue doing it.

Okay, that’s fair. Sit/standing probably should not be there to give the paladin stacks of reckoning given they can time the standup properly.

But you know what? I would like the core talent to be functional, please. That would be great.

/sit crit to gain charges isn’t an exploit - it’s simply how spell batching works

and has been proven by vanilla era videos

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It’s just 4 stored attacks, Plus your auto attack.

Are you sure you’re not watching videos from Private servers? This was a bug in private servers that never was addressed.

Not in the current iteration, it isn’t. Reckoning stacks simply don’t work, or is completely inconsistent.