Fix reckoning and hand of justice



It wasn’t fixed because it wasn’t broken. Every once in a while a paladin could near one shot somebody. Sounds like you were at the receiving end of this a few times. Should we nerf pom pyro and elemental mastery now? I enjoy deep ret pvp but I was looking forward to playing around with holy/reck. Sad times for a class that’s already treated as the red head step child of classic.

So I heard that pallies were keeping reckoning stacks even after their deaths, now they don’t seem to be so brave to die 4-5 times to try to one-shot someone open world.

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So windfury procs during windfury is coming back then?

Incoming cancel tantrum.

#nochanges mang.

They gimped Paladins because it’s Alliance. Meanwhile Shamans are broken and they won’t do anything about them. WoW is made for the Horde.


why tone down 1 spec that sometimes works, or you have to work to get it to work.

if they are going to prune and neuter paladins, then they best be nuetrering damage on all classes

shadow priests
these classes are doing not a little, but around 300% more damage than they did 15 years ago because people understand how to better gear and play their class.

those classes if any classes need a change, are the classes people should be complaining about.

the last class people should whine about are paladins and their ‘high damage output’ from reckoning.


wrong…Reckonign wasnt broken at all, as you can see in their post, they were fixing OTHER extra attack effects and that fix had an effect on reckoning breaking it.

you clealry dont udnertsand it or how it works to call it an instant-win ability

you should google some more m8, you clealry lack alot of knowldge about this game…


the one shot a raid boss was patched out


the original reckoning allowed the storing of unlimited charges.

it was patched to store 4 max.

You mean the ability that one-shot a world boss? LOL, read more noob. Been playing since day 1.

LOL ret. Put your dress on and heal like you’re suppose to.

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I don’t get it OP, from what I understand, Blizz said that that’s how it’s supposed work in 1.12 and your claim in that they are lying because reasons.

Can you prove them wrong? Maybe they will fix it that way.

There were a couple mechanics at play. Reckoning originally stacked infinitely and, when you /sit it’s a guaranteed crit which grants a reckoning stack.

They nerfed its ability to stack infinitely, giving it limited charges which is what we are supposed to have.

They also nerfed /sit giving reckoning charges, however people are exploiting using a macro to stand at the same time so they still get crit, but the game registers them as standing and grants a reckoning charge.

Vanilla paladins are healers and buff bots, just like shamans, shamans can just more easily do burst damage in pvp, you just have to play to your strengths as a paladin, and paladins are amazing for a team, just not as mdps.

There’s several old pvp videos from back then showing that they are clearly wrong about how reckoning is supposed to function. Their ‘reference client’ (Im giving them the benefit of the doubt that they actually use one) isn’t correct.

“Go and check old pvp videos” is still not admissible as proof in the report bug section.

Then what else do we have to say that they are wrong if not the fact that the way reckoning is currently functioning after their changes is antithetical to how you play the game? You are constantly stopping your attacks by judging targets with judgement, swapping targets, getting cc’d…

Perhaps you can make an argument about the stacks being lost when you mount up, but even then I dont think that should have been done. I don’t believe you should lose them like that.

Im not kidding about what I said though. The only way reckoning is currently functional is if you let yourself get crit and never ever swing or judge or do anything until the moment you are certain you can attack without losing your stacks due to an interruption or something. You literally cant use judgement or auto attack or you will in 95% of cases lose your stacks of reckoning. How is this correct?

Here’s another thing. We were stopping our autos to not lose our attack timer attack when reckoning procs, because for whatever reason reckoning will use the stack of reckoning, resetting your attack timer; but you don’t get the attack timer hit. The only way to avoid this was to cancel your attack so you get a double hit with the attack timer hit and the reckoning stack(s)… but you know what that means now.

you lose your stacks of reckoning.

They’ve legitimately made a 25 talent point core talent completely useless.

I thought people didn’t want class balance changes. But clearly blizzard doesn’t care about that.

Is there anything Allies won’t cry about? They FIXED a super broken bug that was not intended, and NOT how it worked back in Vanilla.

Do you mean the multi hit extra hits bug that was happening with start/stop attack macros for sword spec, hand of justice, reckoning and other multi hit stuff? Or are you implying reckoning being functional was a bug?

Because if you aren’t talking about the extra hits bug… I’d like to see one of your core talents get absolutely gutted and made non functional.

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