Fix mythic keys

This is an interesting thread for me because I have found the opposite experience where M+ is highly rewarding with gear and so I used it to gear up for raiding. Especially in the first few weeks when the ilvl increased. Now I don’t get any gear from it but that is only because I already have it.

With regards to paying people to carry you, using in game gold is fine but paying with real money I believe is against the terms of service. You can buy gold with wow tokens though it just makes sure the money ends up in actiblizz pocket.

I am fairly new to these forums so I can’t tell which server you are on. On the off chance it is barthilas I would be happy to carry you through m+ I have done it a bunch of times.

Believe ^^^^^^ is what Ahleesa was calling you out on adverting on the forums so blatantly about. They’re correct, too.

If paying in gold, it’s fine, if purchasing with cash - it’s against ToS.

M+ being or not being fun is all in perspective. If you don’t enjoy it, that’s on you. Many ppl do however.

I pick and choose what keys I run - I hate SoB so you can see that I have not run a SoB key - ever. I also enjoy keys in spurts. I don’t farm them.

But I’m not going to say - Blizz remove this because I hate it or it isn’t my thing.

That’s just a stupid idea…along with paying cash for a key. lol

Wish you luck, however, in whatever you decide to do.

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Mythic plus would be more fun if we got like 2 new dungeons every patch. I understand that would be a lot of work but almost a year of grinding the same dungeons in hope of the same item just higher item level kills my drive to play

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M+ isn’t for gearing for most people. I would say most people with decent scores enjoy the challenge…

Oh yeah, I do hate that model. I don’t like that my PvE 413 hunter is a demolition train in PvP when I don’t PvP. I miss the old MoP model where PvP success required actually doing PvP (as did PvE). That was much better.

Given you only do M+ due to PvP, I totally understand your frustration. As you get to M+10 and up, the system is very punishing if you aren’t actually “into” it. If you happen to be on a horde server in the realms connected to Garrosh, hit me up, I have a chat group with 100+ peeps who do M+ of all levels casually.

so you hate it, but use it to find qualified people for your 15s?


let me ask you this: without using raiderio, who are you going to choose from the list of 18 dps in queue to invite to your 15 KR?

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From the sound of it, you’d benefit greatly from joining a guild that runs m+ together.

Edit: woah, month old thread.

Thanks anyway, I found people who do play them.
They actually invited me a couple times.
So I can’t complain about finding people anymore, which was my first gripe.

So all I complain about M+ keys now is that they don’t give me useful gear and I hate them.

I don’t understand why they keep putting in affixes that make keys suck instead of putting in affixes that make them more fun.
Like the enemies blow up like confetti this week or something.

Because affiixes are meant to be a challenge, not a cosmetic change.

Affixes are kind of pointless though right?


I am not sure how you mean you fixed what.
I am pretty sure my original post is grammatically adequate.

If you mean I think affixes are pointless because I hate them, then you could say that.

I meant that numerically, affixes don’t really matter.
It is pretty much just the same as the 16 hells of Diablo 3, except there are 20 hells of m+.

You don’t know what “people” hate. You only know what YOU hate. So I replaced “people” with “I” to correct what you said.

I am a “people”. I like M+. Obviously “people” don’t hate the same things you hate.

I was also not responding to your original post. I was responding to the one I quoted, which said nothing of what you’re talking about now.

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Oh, I think in the most recent OP update I said that I am probably in the minority.
Seems that M+ are overwhelmingly popular.
People love them per this thread.

Honestly, I hope that blizzard finds a way to make an affix where they actually kick players in the nuts before the M+ key.
Maybe they just do that at blizzcon. I am going to suggest it.

No? They change how you play through the dungeon.

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Do they?
I mean I kind of always do the same thing. I avoid the sauce and spam my rotation.

Other than not getting any rewards, and dying all the time, maybe it is why I hate them.

This would be because you don’t change what you do based on the affixes present. If you’re always doing the same thing and don’t think the affixes make any difference, then you’re basically causing the problem you say makes you hate M+.


I have found that most “problems” people have in keys are solved by getting a group to run with and getting in discord. I will totally agree that there are plenty of flaws with them though.

Most of my personal list of changes are fine tuning things though and rng stuff like the fact I have had to do siege about 9 times is the last couple of days with no way to change the keys that sort of thing

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Most of today’s WoW players generally refuse to get in Discord even for raids, I’ve only seen one M+ PuG group use Discord ever.

Honestly, I really don’t understand the disdain for voice chat (3rd party or in-game) that so many players seem to have. Most “problems” in any group content can be fixed with something as simple as communication. Typing in a raid or dungeon in the middle of a fight just isn’t feasible as real communication.


The only reason I would not get in discord for a key if of it is a low one for an alt or something in which case I’m usually in another discord anyway.

I find it makes the game so much more enjoyable. the in game voice is good too. Nice addition blizzard. Credit where it is due.

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