Fix mythic keys

Fix keys

Only people who don’t need the mythic key’s gear get into the key.

update 6
I got into three keys with a solid group.
I had a miserable time.
I got no gear.

Oh and my chest item sucked

update 7
decided I am the only one that thinks keys are broken
I am probably wrong by volume


Idk I can always use upgrades with titanforges…


Guilds and friends are the answer to this problem.


As said above ^, what exactly are you complaining about?


they fixed that by making it so everyone could easily get their own key


I literally JUST got a 415 titanforged ignition mages fuse. Replaced my 400.

Also has avoidance which is nice.

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Push your own key.


I waited two hours with my key, and nobody came.

I asked a friend, mythic raider, to help. He helped me, and I just felt bad for wasting his time.
It should not be this way.

We can get into dungeons with dungeon finder, this mythic key not having the same mechanism is dumb as fudd


Sounds like you shouldn’t be doing mythic + keys then. They are working as intended. /shrugs/

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This is not a good solution. So if only people that need gear out of the content outside of WF/TF’ing can do the content where does that leave people that enjoy helping friends and guildmates through lower level content to help them gear up regardless if it benefits them or not? Mythics and up don’t have an ilvl requirement hard coded like the LFG/LFR tool for that reason and because sometimes people like a challenge of trying content beyond their gear with their friends.


M+ is a door and IO is your key. Practice with low M+ and work your way up. It’s not hard, people in general feel entitled. Otherwise create your own group or run it with guild mates.


I only see people who geared past the key with raiding doing keys to catch up some of their lagging gear.
I don’t see people doing keys at their level in groups as part of gear progression.

Just checked online and no wonder people get defensive about mythic keys.
The runs sell for hundreds of us dollars lol
Because people hate them

Run your own keys.


These topics remind me of console games where they have easy/normal/hard modes. If all you can do is easy or normal mode, stop whining that you aren’t good enough to do the hard difficulty. As far as not getting into keys, I agree the raiderio system is flawed and moronic but you have to abide by the system people use.
So that means doing at least a 10+ in every dungeon for io, 10+ keys are a joke to get at least one once a week. If you aren’t getting invited to a group start your own, I see tons of group leads get carried because they had a desirable key or lockout for a raid. Or better yet like most others said find a group/guild or friends to play with that’ll put up with another sandbag in their group.

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They decided to cap the gear at 400 (410 via chest) so the content ages out… by design. Right now, those who pushed early are done.

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The community choosing who to invite to their groups has nothing to do with the devs.

I don’t entirely agree with that as mythic + spamming and pushing appeals to a lot of people that are either looking for titanforges or pushing raiderio score which I’d rather afk than do the latter.

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This topic does remind me of other casual threads whining about not getting upgrades through world quests when they already have a full set of world quest gear and refuse to do dungeons/raids.


Work up your IO score and maybe you’ll be invited. You’re competing with a lot of players, especially if you play a dps role.

The only change I’d like to see is the restriction of queueing for 5 groups removed. I feel we should be able to queue for any amount of groups.

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