Fix mythic keys

So if you hate raider IO and you do 15s, then are you happy with randomly grabbing any pug for your 15? What if all 4 of your partners had only ever cleared a +2 and don’t know the dugeons at all? How do you realistically figure that out when you are forming your group.

I love raider io, I will often not take players with 1500 raider io because they quit the minute the key timer looks in jeopardy. I get it - they are only interested in raider io score, not the actual M+ run. So the system works for both ends.

I have much success in the +7 to +10 range choosing players who are 600 to 900 io, because they need the run.

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To be honest I do my homework before joining any group, as far as raiderio score like I said it’s not worth the effort/time to push a 2-3k io especially when there isn’t a tangible reward. Do a 10 get 400 loot, do a 25 get slightly more 400 loot, it’s idiotic and takes you longer.
I’m sure it would be mildly entertaining to get my buddies back together and shoot for a 3k io which I’m sure wouldn’t be a problem but I pushed/farmed m+ in legion like crazy and I’m not really interested this expansion especially with how lame the dungeons are, I must preferred legion dungeons over bfas.

Doesn’t make sense to me what your question was here, you’re telling me because I hate raiderio I can’t just people by it, Obviously if you have 0 io you probably won’t get into a 15. But on the other hand the only way to acquire raiderio is by doing every meaningless dungeon, even the ones that don’t have any meaningful reward for doing them, there’s roughly 5 dungeons I don’t need due to gear, the only reason I ever needed to do them is for the raiderio score to in fact get into groups. If the system made sense people would judge people by the score they have in the dungeon they’re trying to complete, not by their overall score for doing one they aren’t doing.
As far as 7-10 keys, keys are a borefest til you reach 15+, even 15s with a competent group is boring.

How are they going to fix a completely player-driven issue? The solution is to use your own keys.


Yeah, BfA upped the trash by 50% - its way, way over the top from Legion days. Also added more difficult trash affixes and complications, then did an new seasonal affix that is -again- based on trash.

It’s like they got together and said “bosses are for raids, lets make M+ about trash”; even this week, without teeming+fortified (which is idiotic), you just can feel how the slog of dungeons is about trash pulls, paths, etc - the boss fights even with tyran up are hardly ever the concern.

I really miss Maw of Souls, that was more fun than any BfA dungeon by a mile.

I just started playing this character last week semi seriously and I’ve been running my own keys I now have a 12 key that I’ve been downgrading to an 11 and just been farming since this week. I had no guildies to help me or anything I just started my own group. It actually is even better starting my own group cause I can weed out the people that still pull avoidable packs.

As in you wait till people join
you spot them pulling
you kick them on the spot
you wait for the next group
you kick another person
you wait for the next group
you finish the key
You just waste time all the time going through this process?

or you mean

you suffer through a run with a puller
you suffer through the next group with a different puller after kicking the last one
you finally have this ideal group to play with
from now on you always have this golden group to run your keys with and don’t waste time?

for myself

I got into a good group for three mythic dungeons.
I got zero items.
I wasted an evening for no progress.
I had a miserable time and got no reward for it.

So yah, fix them please.

No I mean I only invite people with good IO


I think I said pretty much that in my OP when I said the only people who get into keys are people who don’t need the gear from keys.

But I need the gear from keys and I’ve stated that starting my own group has been working out…?

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I didn’t see the part about you having a preexisting group.
I usually don’t respond to those posts because it completely ignores all the issues.
edit: I read your post wrong

I thought I read like you were making groups.
I like that you were candid about how you just gate them at the group formation level though.

Yeah. Like I said I started from barebones like mythic normal but I was very selective when I formed my group which allowed me to get my key to a 14 now as of today but I still downgrade it to 11ish because I know for sure that my gear is not quite up to par yet. It definitely helps if you screen the people you’re inviting.

you can certainly do that
it is a way to do it and I see that you made a point of it working for you

to me it ignores the critical issues though

M+ keys aren’t fun
they aren’t rewarding me gear
there isn’t another way for me get that gear
I end up wasting hours at a time and not getting anything

so while I recognize that these keys work for you

I hope you also recognize that not only are they not working for me, but like Asmogold said “mythics keys aren’t fun, they are your homework and the raid is the test”

I feel bad about this thread.
At work, I try to come with solutions.
I don’t have solutions to this.
If I say like give gear then people will be critical for gear being rewarded.
If I say like make them easier, then people will be critical for the keys being easier.

I have zero solutions for this.

If you really don’t find them fun then Heroic is all you can do for equivalent gear I don’t really know what to tell you. But you’re right if you say make them easier I definitely cannot agree. I honestly find m+ fun so it was never a bother for me to grind out my key.

the keys sound easy for you

I have a solution. If they aren’t fun and they aren’t rewarding… don’t do them.

It is a great idea.

I only do them because I am irrelevant in pvp without top 10% gear

I get that, but if they aren’t giving you gear you want then what’s the point, right? Maybe there would be a better avenue for you to get some gear to increase your pvp enjoyment.

I sent a ticket to ask if it is okay to pay someone to run my character through keys.

I seem to be the only person with this issue though.

As long as you are paying gold, that is allowed. Well as long as you mean a carry and not paying someone to actually play your character. You can give people gold to carry you through content though. It is considered an unsupported transaction, which means if you get ripped off there is nothing Blizzard will do about it… but it’s not against the ToS.

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