FIX LFR. Players with Mythic tier win tier token

That changes nothing. If they leave they still roll and it gets sent to their mailbox.


Doesnā€™t matter, theyā€™ll just receive the piece in the mail. I dunno who told you running out the timer works, but youā€™ve probably wasted your time, and othersā€™.

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Ah, well. Was worth a shot.

You can still roll need even if you already have the Xmog. Thereā€™s no limit on how many tier tokens you can snag. They have 0 restrictions on rolling need.

no it doesnt, because you choose employ it doesnt mean its not an option. LFR has no option, its foisted on the players whether they will it or no and the people defending it are the biggest reason why its a flawed system that should have never been added back to LFR. it failed in Cataclysm, and it fails in Dragonflight, regardless of whatever loophole coding Blizzard tried to implement.


LFR is more difficult than normal! Random people of random skill and random intent randomly doing things, and sometimes succeed.


What donā€™t you understand? ALL difficulties of raiding HAVE NO OPTIONS anymore. Itā€™s all group loot

Knucklehead, there were multiple reasons for the change. The community was screaming at each other in every raid and even here on the forums for months when we still had the N/G system in LFR. I got tired of those kinds of arguments holding up the raids because it was just stupid on Blizzards part.

And a lot of the complaining is what I am talking about right now.

See, back in the day Need meant you actually NEEDED the item as an upgrade for the spec you were playing. Greed was for every other reason before transmog came out.

Hereā€™s where Iā€™m at in this debate this early into an expac:

If you have a higher ilvl in your inventory for that slot thatā€™s equitable, the system should automatically flag you as a Greed roll.

That would seriously eliminate these arguments.

Functionality over fashion.
ā€œOh but Iā€™ll never get my transmogā€

You will later because thatā€™s not going away. In fact, Iā€™m sure you could easily solo Cata LFR at this point for those looks.

And your odds will be 20 times better.

Maybe- to get people to run the thing the next patch- patch it in where everyone can roll need regardless of what your ilvl is.

Iā€™ve had plenty of times in which Iā€™ve wanted to run last patches LFR, but no one was queuing.

Duplicates is because the token isnā€™t a piece of gear. Lower ilvls is because they have different appearances.

And yet you canā€™t roll on lower ilvl stuff even for appearance on other items like a cloak, so why is a tier token an exception? Makes no sense

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Yet I canā€™t roll on the Eranog LFR shield at all, even though itā€™s a different appearence than my Mythic version.

I certainly canā€™t win both set of boots of Kurog, only 1 will be given to me.

Tier, the most important item, is unrestricted, creating frustrations and yes situations where people have literally taken all 3 tokens and ran.

Letā€™s stop pretending any of this is well designed. Itā€™s a mess. Bring back PL.

You can definitely roll on lower itemsā€¦ or so I think. Be right back. And if thatā€™s the case, it goes back to what I said. The tokens arenā€™t pieces of gear.

you think you are more entitled to others, anyone who outgears the content but still says ā€œno i need thatā€ when they only plan to vendor is the embodiment of selfish and entitled. You have a room full of toys but youā€™re dang sure you are taking that too, cause stuff the kid who plays with a stick, right?

ā€œsocial contractā€ has been binned faster that the thing took to create im sure. Bunch of people, ultra low post number forum alts in some cases, showing why the community is literally plague. Just death, rot and decay.


You cannot no.

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Not the ā€œsameā€ item. LFR cloak dropped that I was wearing, couldnā€™t roll need.

Same should be if you have the tier token at a higher ilvl

Only thing I can find is back when bonus rolls were a thing ā€“ ā€œWhenever you use a bonus roll and you donā€™t get any loot, your chance of getting loot on the next roll will increase. This increased probability wonā€™t be reset until some loot is awarded.ā€

You are one hundred percent wrong. Raiding of all difficulty levels is group loot.

It was forced PL from BFA and SL and they recent changed it to only GL in raids in DF.

Like unsaid you arenā€™t informed enough to be in this conversation.

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Yā€™all ever notice itā€™s almost always the same supporters of group loot in every single one of these threads?

I genuinely hope you guys are at least doing this on company time lol.

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There is really no difference between the system awarding you a piece of gear and you not putting it up for roll and you rolling need upon it. In both cases you are making the decision to put your own needs over another. Well in the case of PL you can actually just hide it from everyone else but just not looting said item.

And for the record, I think they should have never made it a forced ā€œgroup lootā€ and expect that next season it will go back to being an option. After all we saw the last season of SL used as a raid test bed of ideas that were not carried forward.

My point is and always has been that this situation occurred all the time with PL, so acting like it is some new ā€œGroup Lootā€ horror show is a bit of a stretch.

While I agree, that at the end of the day. The two systems are more similar than many make it out to be. Itā€™s the perception of things. It is kind of like the difference between glass half empty and glass half full. I do fully support bringing back personal loot though especially in LFR. This is from someone who ran full lfr on two classes last night and got 3 tier pieces and one other item. Rolling against people who had much better gear in those slots.