FIX LFR. Players with Mythic tier win tier token

We don’t sadly. They ruined raiding and removed it everywhere

i see the reasoning. they clicked need on a item they dont really " need " need.


You have more tier gear than I do and I have not won a single roll from LFR (although I have also only rolled on stuff that’s an upgrade) all my gear is either world quest or rewards from low mythics or the vault, or the dumb elementals thing, where did yours come from?

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Except they haven’t. PL is still in dungeons and world bosses.

Either did I. See my post from last week. Same thing happened last week only last week they traded me the tier legs

Nope. Everyone in a pug group has equal need.

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Can confirm that xmog is considered main spec.

I won a lfr staff on my evoker. He has 411 zap staff.

Actually that is not 100% correct either. It wouldn’t awarded you more than one item, but it didn’t stop you from walking away with every item that could be traded to you. I mean after all that is how “carries” worked…

I meant all raid difficulties

its not a sense of “deserve” its a sense of actual need. do they need the gear when they have superior pieces? No, they dont, so the honorable person would simply pass to help their fellow players not be greedy little goblins hoping to scoop up all the gear to keep it from their fellow players.


Which is what the problem is in the first place.

Don’t be obtuse.

PL was superior for LFR and pugs. By far. GL has proven to be the toxic cesspools we all knew it would be.

GL should be reserved to guild runs only.

Did Blizzard ever say PL had bad luck protection built in? I don’t remember ever reading anything official.

For reference, I ran a few alts thru LFR Castle Nathria start to finish and walked away with nothing but anima.

Well they do need the piece, and why is irrelevant to you. They won the roll, they participated in the kill. You think they do that from the goodness of their hearts?

If you want gear funnelled to you, get a guild.

And honorable? Please, that guy that won the piece will never see you again, they don’t care.

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No, the OP is going on about losing a token to someone who already had a better tier item in that slot…

False. Every raiding difficulty uses GL.

If you actually think regular raiding is still on PL you aren’t up to date enough to be in this conversation

This literally doesn’t make sense.

Best way to combat this is let the loot timer run all the way down and then hit need. There’s a chance the person gets impatient and leaves the raid before winning.

They have said that, yes. And I saw it in action for myself. I used to plan kill orders around it lol

Ah, another fallacy of necessity thread… going strong still. The two sides will never relent!

Because of someone ACTIVELY needing on it. I get some of you are trying to protect GL somehow, for unknown reasons, but let’s not be daft about the difference here.

Also : Because unlike what Blizzard implemented for every other that doesn’t matter, you can win duplicates and lower ilvls of Tier.

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xmog > ilvl increase.


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