FIX LFR. Players with Mythic tier win tier token

Hold on… you’re at 3 piece at squealing like a stuck pig? I’m 7 ilvl higher than you and only at 2 piece. What are you bawling over?

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I didn’t realize the op already had 3 tier… jesus… what a crybaby


LOL - sounds like a developer!

Truth though, LFR should be personal loot. System is poorly designed.

I am a real life functional support that counters developers innane ideas.

Otherwise totally agree with you, it is working as designed.

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And PL was less RNG based? And wasn’t gear ALWAYS RNG based since the game launch?

In my experience, I got an item every 4-6 kills, unlike now. Meaning if I ran LFR and didn’t get loot off first 2 I knew my chances felt higher on the 3rd

They have every right to roll for transmog.

Nope. People want to keep saying LFR is raiding so you get the same loot system as everyone else.

There was no bad luck protection.

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A full run in last raid it was very rare to not leave without a couple items from PL. Now it’s GL (good luck!) At getting anything.

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If they’re rolling for transmog or enchanting mats, it should be a lesser priority in the coding than need.


Yeah that’s basically a gambler’s fallacy.

Imagine making a statement so wrong and thinking it’s correct.

Id prefer personal loot over people being given to opportunity to actively roll on gear in a bid to deny it to other players. its not excuse.

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Except that was many peoples feel. Mine included. I always got 1-2 items in a full raid clear

Except it’s not incorrect?

Do you just come into threads and say anyone that doesn’t agree with you is wrong?


Has nothing to do with the situation at hand. Hell half the time the loot I got from PL was worthless as I already had it, better or it has terrible stats. The point I am making and apparently so many are missing, is even in PL people who were geared better STILL GOT LOOT you just didn’t know unless they looted it and even then they could tell you to take a hike and keep it.

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pretty sure thats a fallacy, since only LFR was changed to a different loot system, Im pretty sure every other difficulty still has the PL option.

I don’t mind if my suit gets a lil dirty, shining yours up so much that it blinds even yourself is a you problem.

So because YOU say they don’t deserve it, they’re not entitled to a piece of the pie? They participated in the kill just as much as you did no?


PL didn’t allow you to win multiple items off a single boss.

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