Try reading it again and it’ll make more sense.
So you clearly didn’t read. Because I said the had M+ vault TIER. They had TIER. Of higher ilvl. Not a regular M+ higher ilvl piece.
My favorite thing about LFR this expansion happened last week.
Three tokens of my tier dropped, the same person won all 3 and promptly dropped group.
Such good design.
Personal loot was nice to avoid the loot drama. That was good while it lasted.
Have you ever heard of people mog farming? It should not matter who or what gets gear at any level. It does not matter if someone is wearing higher gear than you. Maybe the person in question is mog farming or using the piece for another spec to build up. You have no idea why they want the gear. They are entitled to that gear as much as you are. The system works as intended. There is no need to change it.
This is their goal, to convince players who used to be the LFR demographic to stop queueing, so it can be used as an exclusive transmog dispenser for higher geared players.
People withholding loot is the most cringe thing ever. I’d say 9/10 times the person is a decent human being and passes it out via rolls, but I’ve had my fair share of people who are scumbags about it.
I’m not even LFR “demographic” i’m 391. I just have 372 gloves and no 4 set
Who cares? Maybe they’re running it with a friend and giving them the token. They put as much time into the dungeon as you did
Too often it’s the geared people who afk in LFR.
After all why contribute when you don’t really need anything from there.
With PL, you were literally rolling against the computer, not other players.
Come on, you’ve been on these forums as long as I have. You should know how this worked.
Don’t believe me? Go look it up. This guy explains it best.
So what? Do you think you’re entitled to the other players time?
I don’t know where y’all are even getting that from (in what I just said).
This is why Bliz went to PL. Because this was exactly what was going on in Cata in LFR.
But mah transmog!
The different colour makes depriving someone else of the tier so worth it!
That’s a screenshot of the trinkets, but not of the same person willing all three. also, did you roll need on only one? sure you dont need three.
The point is, he probably rolled need, saw he got one and dropped. or maybe he didnt look at all. if im on the last boss and the next lfr pops, i have no choice but to need all and leave.
The issue though, game shouldn’t let anyone win more then 1 token. After 1 person wins, it goes to a person who did not who also rolled need and after that if no1 else needed go to greeds
You think Blizz went to personal loot because people were running with low level friends and giving them tokens?
Imma have to call Bs in that.
Nothing to fix. They were probably there for transmog and enchanting mats.
I ran both wings for the same thing and didn’t win anything, we can try again next week.
As a side note, I do not do content with the set goal of receiving gear. I have always done content that I want to do for the content itself. I think many miss the entire point of doing content. Gear drops are merely a bonus. No one should go into content if they intend to whine about not receiving gear. Far too many have a sense of entitlement about them. That has sadly been the state for a long time, and the toxic nonsense is not only taking place in WOW.