Fix guilds

After two days and several hours of running around Orgrimmar and other population centers trying to find players “on my server” not already in a guild to sign my charter, I decided to post here; something needs to change.

In my search, I have only encountered a few (3) players that were either on Dentarg or Whisperwind, meanwhile I’ve seen hundreds (about 99% players seen) on the Zul’jin server. I understand, via wowanalytica, that Zul’jin is a high pop realm, fine. Dentarg is full pop and Whisperwind is med, so I’d expect they should even out…instead I find it absolutely ridiculous that players from my realm are far and in-between. I’m assuming this is a result of sharding.


  1. Dump the charter requirement for guild creation.
  3. Make guilds COMPLETELY cross-server.
  4. Explain to me why 99% of players I see are on Zul’jin.
  5. What is the argument against 2 and 3 being implemented?

I agree its frustrating and of course it was invented prior to servers being connected.

I think anyone you can see and talk to should be able to sign your charter. Even if they can’t join your guild. I mean, signing a charter doesnt mean any one wants to do that, right?

Keep putting in the suggestions because it is a very annoying restriction.


Server transfers make the company money, plain and simple.
There is money to be made isolating players from one another. Too bad they will realize too late that making tools that allow players to meet and collaborate better is essential to an MMO. They’re hemorrhaging players by the day and they still stick to their monolithic principles.

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Blizzard doesn’t care about guilds.

For example, look at this.

This post has been going for 3 years strong. We were told it would be addressed.

It never was.


don’t assume that blizz’s lables for server population have any meaning at all.

it’s all smoke and mirrors.

Blizz has done basically nothing as their server populations on all but a handful of servers dwindle down to nothing.


100% support! :+1: :heart:

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You have access to a guild search tool. I keep mine listed just because and it’s pretty common to see a few applicants here and there. Apply to every guild listed if all you want is the tag/perks and no doubt 1 will get you.

Blizzard doesn’t care about guilds. That much was clear when they took away everything we earned by leveling them.


why are you making another guild when there is no need?

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Tauren deathknights called “the Moosworn”; there is a need.

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Because CRZ and sharding have failed us.

They need to connect a boatload more realms, drop CRZ entirely and turn sharding into layering.


if u serfer aint full , it probly ded as end game , i say on then iwanna do dungen ! but i cant there aint pepole do a replay .

ya is funny LOLHAHAHA lotta guid marn , dont get alot funny , u gotta do this guid but can u get old guid name swamp , can do a changes , can get in it , dont gotta do alot raceuta

I can answer 4 it’s because that’s the big horde server in the ones that get grouped with us.

  1. Charters prevent people from rolling level 1 toons simply to reserve a guild name they end up never using.
  2. This should always be the case, fix it Blizz !
  3. This can never happen because there is no cross server economy allowed. How are you going to hand out flasks, pots, or allow guild repairs if the other guild member isn’t in your server group? This would 100% be abused by people who live on the AH.
  4. Probably because your server is small enough to run on the same hardware as Zuljin
  5. 2 should be implemented, 3 never will.
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We already have too many guilds per server for how little of a player populace we have after SL, the guild charter is not the problem with guilds, especially since more often than not unless those initial signees are friends they usually leave. The best suggestion would be to merge some servers, however if you merge the servers you merge the guilds into one big arena of competition to find players. The true solution is less guilds, more players in the populace to pull from. Trade right now is literally riddled with guild ads desperate for new recruits, and that’s MG of all realms.

If that’s the case, maybe Blizz should lump us with Zul’jin like they did with Dentarg.

Maybe it should happen, make it a global economy. If other things are going to be global that may depend on local economy, e.g. first guild to complete something, then economy should be made equal. Maybe first guild server has cheap economy, can buy BOE for ilvl boost and top leggo real cheap, whereas another guild may have done it sooner but couldn’t afford to push ilvl fast enough.

JS if everything else is global, why force some stupid stuff as local. Servers shouldn’t even matter anymore, should all be in the background.

The AH is bad enough with all the automated dino + mailbox AH players, if that opened up across the entire battle group it would chaos.

I’m all for #3 or make cross realm mythic raiding available from the get go. I’m on a highly populated Alliance server but can’t find a guild because hardly any raid 8pm PST or after.

This. The game is completely different if you’re on the top 5 or so servers (A52, Illidan, Tich, Stormrage, Frostmourne).

Raider IO pegs the largest realm (A52) at 202k characters and the smallest of those 5 (Frostmourne) at 134k.

For reference, Zul’jin is the 6th largest realm at 125k and Dentarg and Whisperwind combined have 28k.