Fix guilds

Is this still a thing? I never noticed as I have never seen people asking for help to make a guild since MoP. I really thought you could just go and make a guild when ever you wanted to by now.

sounds like it’s just an alliance server is why you don’t see anyone, i ran into that on thrall until i realized thrall was a 98% horde server, so i switched factions

Only people who can join a guild can sign a guild charter, and guild membership is only open to people on the same server, or connected servers, as the person making the guild. So even though you will see people in cities from a variety of different servers in your area, they cant all sign the charter.

Sometimes people forget that and just ask in Trade for people to sign, then when someone tries they realise they are on a separate unconnected server. So you have to do the whole “looking for people on X and Y servers to sign my charter”.

It seems a weird restriction to me because they can simply adjust it so that nobody is automatically added to the guild on creation, so that signing the charter and joining the guild are two separate actions.


I thought will all the connected servers they would have removed the restrictions for that reason alone.

Na, I suspect such changes are way down the bottom of the “Do This One Day” jar. Right down there with working on a proper universal Ignore.

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I agree.

They should make the charter a level 30+ requirement, to ensure lv1 spammers don’t spam create guilds and also to allow new players to make a guild with friends but require some experience first, and also ensure more than likely veterans are making the guild. Also attach a hefty fee to making the guild, nothing token worthy but maybe a solid 10000 gold or something. Just another roadblock for those who just want to spam create guilds for whatever reason but for those serious about the endeavor, isn’t too bad of a roadblock to get them through the process.