Fix Divine Guardian for Ret

Trying to see if I can find an Algalon log with it used, but the search is finding zero logs, so I can’t tell.

Could be both. Depends on how it’s coded.

When i sim it with my gear its goes from 8100 to 7600 so 500 dps . So about 7%?

Yeah I am definitely not certain because I could see it being coded weirdly where it eats the “overkill” damage on the bubble despite the wording implying it wouldn’t.

I doubt a majority of DKs would be willing to use it even if it worked that way and most certainly wouldn’t want to spend 4 talent points just to test it.

Idk why that would be. When I go to wowsims and just use their preset everything (p2 preset, preset talents, preset settings) I get 7995~ for Dsac and 8179~ for AM which seems more in line with what I would expect.

It depends on how much of seals of the pure you have to give up. If you ditch other overlapping utility talents you can keep 3/5 of it. (I think the default settings is a 3/5 setup)

If you need to keep some, you can be stuck with 0/5 and take a bigger hit.

My DSac spec is 0/5 because I have to keep imp might and vindication.

And that’s part of why I only use it on XT, where I’m using SoC mostly.

Just resim it and its 7700 to 8100 . I run with 1 point. I get the full 20% from dsac and keep imp might. 400 . So more like 5%…

You think ret is being brought in for dps? They would make you use Dsac and Divine shield regardless of your damage. Hell they may even say Dsac knowing you dont have shield up. Worth sacrifice every time. You should also be salving and hand of saccing too. Chop Chop.

Because seals are a stupid amount of our damage really, it procs off of all of our melee attacks and affects judgement as well.

They are like 35-40% of your damage iirc and a 6% decrease in damage for that 35-40% does not equate to a 7% overall damage loss.

If you are running a Dsac spec that goes 0/5 in the seals talent then it’ll be a decent dps loss, but most raids don’t require you to go 0/5 because imp might is already part of the Dsac spec, the haste and crit bufs are generally brought by other classes, and vindication is frequently brought by prot paladins.

I’m a 99% parsing Ret who’s also #9 for Ulduar 10m, but I can’t compete for #1 using Dsac spec. The cancelaura macro that is needed to use it, is not an intended mechanic.

Lol do you think dsac is a bad cooldown to bring to raid too?

Oh no, we better change the entire ret talent tree to suit this one guy! Blizz won’t respond to a ticket for a month but they should definitely respond to the 1 guy trying to go for a 100 parse in a retro remade game that isn’t competitive in the slightest.

No? Where was that even implied? Who has ever said so?

Smeetologist regularly claims it’s not a reason to bring a ret paladin :joy::joy::joy: but keep defending your fellow ret for being “so smart”

It’s not a reason to seek out a ret paladin. No fight needs more than what you get from 2 holy paladins (who bring DSac and taunt).

You are supposed to MINIMIZE how defensive your raid comp is so that the boss dies faster and uses the dangerous move less often.

Sure, I guess if your raid lacks multiple holy paladins, and doesn’t use a prot pal tank, that ret DSac will be super useful on exactly XT.

Otherwise we generally don’t even spec into it.

None of the future content will need DSac to survive either unless blizz really messes with the raid tuning. Pre-nerf Ulduar is literally the hardest phase of the expansion. (And most guilds cut rets on Algalon, the big defensive cooldowns fight at a much higher rate than warriors)

DSac is fine, it’s just not a legitimate reason to keep rets at the DPS level of arms warriors, subtlety rogues, etc. Other classes also have major raid cooldowns like battle rezzes without being relegated to the dumpster.

When people needed paladin cooldowns, ret is the last place they looked for them thanks to the fact that we were noticeably below the other DPS, so you were griefing your raid comp to bring a ret in a DPS slot when pushing tight DPS checks when you could get that same defensive benefit out of a healer or a tank.

At least now ret at least competes on the meter without an arbitrary 10% handicap.

Ah I forgot ret has literally no offensive support either (keen to see your reasoning why a 3% dmg buff and your choice of an extra blessing doesn’t benefit the raid though and isn’t an offensive addition :joy::joy::joy:).

Uhhh, because you probably have those covered elsewhere…

Holy or prot can give might and kings. You only need 2 blessings total…

Arcane mages bring the damage aura while dealing more DPS than a ret…

We are a great package in 10 mans, in 25s? Eh… You can get literally every utility we offer from a better performing spec.

Hell, even fury warriors can cover might while doing more DPS than us.

So uhh, sure… Ret is great at offensive utility in a theoretical 25 man group without holy/prot paladins, no boomkin, and no arcane mage, and no shadow priest.

What about sanc? Prot does sanc, ret gives imp might. Are you intentionally being stupid to try and pretend ret is way worse than it actually is?

And this is entirely true with warriors also… I don’t see what your point is. You always try to make warriors out as this epic class because they have commanding shout, when literally everything a warrior brings is bought by a combat rogue (which absolutely dumpster on fury dps), or a feral druid (feral just got buffed, not to mention they also bring brez and innervate).

It’s generally correct to DSac & cancelaura it immediately. That way Divine Shield doesn’t have to be paired with it.

Disc Priest brings the important part of BoSanc, the 3% damage reduction. Only Prot Pallies care about the mana restore portion of it, and they can just overwrite Kings on themselves for BoSanc.

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I was just making the comment as I had seen that they wanted to make it so the aura couldn’t canceled. I know this, but thanks for clarification if anyone else didn’t know.