Fix Divine Guardian for Ret

Ret Tears only works on bosses, like Blizzard. Not other players. Your attack has no effect on me.

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Oh I get it, the new glyph lol.

Well, when ICC hits and if/when our numbers get too big, you can be sure there will be a Reckoning.

It’s fine that you have to give up some DPS for raid utility.

Other classes/specs have to as well.

And you can always go aura mastery for an almost as good cooldown on most fights you’d need a DSac.

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See? He gets it.

AM works just as well on almost every boss.

The only boss my raid needs me to use DG on is XT. Other than that, its the ol’ trusty am spec.

What class/spec do you know that has to sacrifice dps with talent points?

Unholy DK, for one, if they want AMZ.

You only lose our on 2 points in seals of the pure to get DGuardian… It’s not the end of the world.

You can also sacrifice some of the other ret utility talents instead if you have a consistent raid team and buff overlap.

How weird, a post where smeetologist admits that ret paladins actually use dsac and that it is good raid utility.

I don’t see DK’s spec into AMZ for raids. Also you made it sound like more than 1 class/spec do this and so far you only listed DK’s.

Can still pull up all the posts where you cried and pretty much called me the harbinger of doom for Wrath classic

You are right, they don’t… Not because AMZ is bad, but because it costs them DPS.

Most talent trees have some kind of trade off going on, even if it’s not strictly for damage vs a utility cooldown.

It’s not much different than arms / combat being the spec with the physical damage debuff, but assassination/fury being higher DPS, or demo locks for SP over affliction.

Meaningful choices for talent builds is a good thing.

I’ve never said it’s bad… It’s just not something that guilds seek rets out for because holy/prot paladins also do it while being top tier performers in their roles.

And, as mentioned in this thread… We give up damage to even have it, which puts us further behind the pack (but appropriate amounts, not 10%). Rets are still pretty much the worst DPS option you could pick if you want DPS.

They are a decent option if you want more raid survivability but don’t want to add a healer.

And I also said that in most cases… We really don’t need DSac in our build, because other than tantrum which ignores armor mitigation in this version, aura mastery is good enough and doesn’t demand us lose DPS to get.

But even there, not a real reason to bring a ret, because holy paladins can bring both DSac AND aura mastery if you happen to actually need raid cooldowns to stay alive.

So yeah… DSac is a good ability. It’s just not nearly good enough to justify rets being 10% under the next worst PvE damage spec. The fact it is solid and things get better later is why I don’t support Rets being buffed any more than they currently are.

Fury is also fine from that perspective. It’s not the worst, it shines on a few fights, it has utility that makes at least 1 valuable to a raid, and we are starting to approach phase 3 where they start creeping away from the bottom of the average performance, which isn’t THAT much different than the upper third right now.

Blizz could fix rend munching to help them out, but the spec really doesn’t need interventions beyond higher ilvl gear, which it doesn’t even need to wait until ICC for. The next tier will help significantly.

Have you considered that he’s actually just smarter than you rather than attempting to steamroll a single issue and making everything about that?

When I have to make a choice between talents it fills me with anxiety please remove talents from the game.

You can also just cancel DSAC so you don’t need to bubble for it and still gets the 20% raid DR.

Run two specs. Your raid shouldn’t need full raid cooldowns every encounter.

I have my super nice tank spec with all the buffs and debuffs I can snag.

Then I have my “dps” tank spec that brings way less utility but much more threat gen.

AMZ is pretty terrible in a raid environment.

I mean, it basically negates a black hole explosion on the melee. That’s more than a DSac does.

It absorbs like 20k damage total. Unless it has some weird interaction when it eats an enormous amount of damage from different sources at the same time it should eat a black hole explosion for a single player at best.

I will happely swap for ds , but dont expect me to parse 90+ with it lol. All top ret parse is am. Ita aboit a 7-8 % dmg diff

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Isn’t it literally a 6% damage decrease from AM spec for only your seal damage? How does that equate to a 7-8% difference of overall damage?