Fix Divine Guardian for Ret

Ret Paladins lose dps going into Dsac spec, and I really don’t want to spec into it, but since you can cancel Divine Sacrifice and still retain Divine Guardian, almost any guild worth their parse will require you to have it. Please have it remove Divine Guardian when you remove Divine Sacrifice so nobody forces a Ret to spec into it. Ether the Ret dies from it, or has to use Divine Shield which would hurt their dps to the point of not being viable.

You forget however that on certain fights Aura Mastery prevents more damage.

Overall yeah it sucks we give up so much for that CD, but it is what it is. Ideally Prot/holy should have it covered though so you can get another Aura mastery

Stop being a greedy player and support your raid.


Stop being a greedy raid and support your player.


Just give rets an instant one shot ability on bosses with a chance to proc touching grass. Anything less is disrespectful to the class.

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FIX THIS ASAP! can’t you see this is a paladin complain!


DSAC should be nerfed, honestly

no other class has a mandatory CD like this

Our rets happily switched to DSAC cause they aren’t retarded and see how much the raid benefits.


Didn’t take long for the rets to start crying again lol.


Didn’t I catch you in other posts recently talking about the state of warriors?

Pot, meet kettle

And I was inherently against class balancing, which was my major gripe with the crying rets (you) originally. But you’ve already opened the flood gates. So is this another ret telling me I’m not allowed to complain about exactly what they’ve complained about?

I’m simply saying it’s odd seeing someone who was crying earlier, making fun of Rets who are crying.

Does anyone have any tissues btw?

You seem upset I’m asking for the same things you were.


C’mon admit it, you were crying. You’re caught. GG

You gonna tell me I should just wait until ICC before my class should be good? Or you gonna tell me that the desirability of my class is fine? I’m not the one who cried for months on end to open class balancing. It’s funny seeing all the rets REEing that warriors are now asking for a buff when they’re the ones who started all of this.

Pallies will never stop complaining.

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“Ret Tears” should be the new Ret ability that one shots bosses, fills your bags to gold max, unlocks every mount, and gives you an instant 500 arena rating per stack of Seal of Corruption/Vengeance.

emote The raid boss is hit with Ret Tears. Feeling a deep sadness for the state of ret the boss decides to drop all loot and gift you a bag of gold emote

Crying is crying. Do all the logic flips you want. But you’re caught.

Serrannah is charging for her ultimate attack, Ret Tears


DK named Fishfeast, eh? What, do you have a bone to pick with me?