FIVE minute potion CD in shadowlands? Wut?

Well looks like alchemy wouldn’t be profitable and be even higher priced.And good-bye skips in mythics.

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Edit: i see now you do heroic dungeons. none of my comments are relevant to
you. I have only been speaking about Mythic + above 10s. I don’t pot anything below that. If your problem is with random groups in heroic dungeons then I have no advice for you.

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healing is exclusively Resto Shaman for group content.

‘sometimes’…MOST of the time its just that…DPS pulling for the tank.
Do you run random groups much?
Most of a healers mana problems is bad DPS problems…it doesnt mattter if you manage well or not.

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Yes I do run randoms often, the healer bonus pops up and I sign up for it, however I stay in boomkin spec and heal that way.

As you know dps spec’s that can heal have very little mana to work with, but I seem to manage just fine.

I’m not trying to come off as rude or anything, I was just curious and trying to help is all.


well, no, you dont ‘see’ much of anything. This isnt my main WoW account or Bnet even. I have three Bnets and five wow accounts. I dont post here on my main one for obvious reasons (tired of stalkers).

But yeah, randoms up thru heroic usually, filled the the brim with DPS players who like to solo the place and think healers dont have mana or CDs, lol

I honestly just dont even comprehend the logic of this sort of change.
So just drag it out from 2 minutes or whatever to 5 minutes for craps and giggles?
Why does this really sound like Blizzard hoping for more wipes and thus longer time played yet again, lol?


Honestly, noone ever knows what blizzard is thinking when they make changes out of no where to things, at least they are consistent and not being consistent???

I personally like the change from a raiding PoV, I am not sure how I will feel about it with M+ though, Mostly cause I don’t want to have to bring a rogue every dungeon again just so we don’t have to waste a potion timer on invis.

As for random BGs, I’m not sure if these changes are going to do anything to the bg only potions.

Though seeing that Rdruid spells are going to cost a lot more in SL than on live while we are getting the lvl squish, I may end up sharing your same concern over mana pots at that time.

Sit and drink a tick after every pull.

Yes you waste a lot of water this way but it helps.

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In legion heroics I’d just plop down in the floor and eat when they were misbehaving too bad.
Sit there till I had a ful mana bar. :laughing:
They never did kick me. Probably fully knew that the were acting like clowns and causing the manna shorts.
I dont mind fast.
I do mind chaos and stupidity that wastes more time than it might have saved.

I find I’m not able to get a full mana bar. The trick is to get a tick of mana after every pull, even if you don’t need it yet. This keeps you ahead of OOM longer.

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yeah…I definitely try to stay ahead of the game knowing that they can overpull and if Im down to half mana its my fault if I didnt top it off before the next pull IF I was able to.

My bigger issue is when they keep pulling after being told “OOM”, meaning I cant eat, and they keep chain pulling so I have no other choice but to potion up…now thanks to this idiotic CD increase that’ll be even harder.

It makes pre-potting obsolete, which is a good thing since it was an unintuitive mess in the first place and the subject of much drama if someone accidentally autoattacked or autoran into the boss, or just got impatient.

It still results in 2 potion uses over the course of an average raid encounter. Some fights will have room for 3. Some fights on farm and when overgeared will only have room for 1, but at that point it doesn’t matter.

Assuming they’re treating Mana Potions the same as DPS/Stat Potions, yes, it will have the 5 minute cooldown. You won’t have to wait for combat to end for the cooldown to start ticking, but it will be 5 minutes.

That is not a problem. If the group is charging onward while the healer has no mana, that’s them screwing up and an issue to be fixed. The “fix” isn’t letting you guzzle mana potions constantly. But also, it’s pretty much the norm for Healers in M+ to drink when they need to when a pull ends and just catch up to the group a few seconds later. It’s okay if they start combat a bit early as long as it’s not a really rough pull, it doesn’t break your drinking.

Additionally, this change means it won’t cost me 10k in potions every time I try to push a high key in Mythic+. I say that’s a good thing.

They are.

In this next build of the Shadowlands alpha, combat potions, such as primary stat potions and mana potions, now have a 5 minute cooldown.

well, one sure fired end result…I’ll probably end up quitting healing entirely if it causes too much of a problem. Im already on the ragged edge with PUGs in the first place. Making healing any more irritating in a bad group aint going to push my love button, thats for certain.

That may be…but the ‘fix’ that should be…players playing better…aint going to happen in PUGs and we all know that much just as a matter of reality.
yeah, maybe this works out for those who play with players they know are competent…but competent and PUG are very often as opposing concepts as it gets.
Ive literally watched a healer screaming “OOM” half a dozen times and the tank and DPS still kept pulling, lol.
Take that, add in a few more minutes of no mana potion and yeah…bye bye PUG healers…

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Does anyone even still use potions outside of bleeding edge raiding?

Does everything have to be exciting?

I use potions less often :slight_smile:

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This thread makes my brain hurt

The CD on pots is already 5 minutes.

… no it’s not?

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uh…yeah…i was scratching my head on that one lol