Fishing Broken

Also I’m pretty sure that in Vanilla, once you caught a fish you could click on the bobber any time until the end of the cast, making fishing a more relaxing activity.

I think this was not changed until BC, when it was changed to require clicking on the bobber within a short time to deter botting.

Can confirm, if not fishing in pools in places like tanaris, no fish come up. Just empty windows, even if Fishing is 300+

Same thing here in Tanaris on Mankrik server… if not fishing from a school, an empty loot bag comes up. Lvl 225 fishing, +5 on strong fishing pole, +75 bright baubles.

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Updating: Still not resolved.

Logged in prior to the 7:00 Tuesday server reset after not having played for about 12 hours from the previous night, managed to catch fish in Swamp of Sorrows on the coast, Ratchet in the Barrens (coast) and made my way back to Tanaris and was catching fish on the coast. Seemed resolved. Loot window was working outside of pools.

After server reset, on Tanaris coast at 9:01 AM PST, back to empty fishing loot window.

Problem persists and I’m confident I was one of the very early ones to login after server reset. Layering issues perhaps?


So I’m not the only one who wanted to come back to Classic for the fishing.

Just started happening to me on Stalagg in Feralas.

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I am experiencing the exact same behavior. Before reset I could fish normally, after reset “Empty Slot”.
I am fishing in Feralas on the Atiesh server.

I am experiencing the exact same behavior. Before reset I could fish normally, after reset “Empty Slot”.
I am fishing in Feralas on the Atiesh server. (now posting on the affected character)

I’m having the same issue, acts like I got something but nope

Tanaris and Feralas was getting fish but no more. I did Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme and now its just broken all I get is an empty catch window. Tried tuning off my only add on Questie no help. Tried upping my lvl to 250+ on trash in Booty Bay, but its no good its just broken.

Having same issue no loot

Same issue

UPDATE, I changed locations in Feralas to the inland lakes as opposed to the area around Feathermoon Stonghold and I was able to start catching fish again.

Yes all inland fishing is unaffected. There are reasons people would prefer to farm coastal.


Tanaris Coastal fishing still not working

Feralas same issue BUT:
At least I’m getting skill ups without the clutter in the inventory

I have now tried tanaris and hinterlands and both are broken fishing coastal waters.

Just hit 300 in Moonglade and moved to Tanaris. Confirmed having the same issue. It’s about to hit 6pm server time so I’m gonna see if the issue is the same when the loot table rolls over.

nope still broken.

Yep, just tried again for the 6pm+ loot table, nothing. Logged and tried again, still nothing.