First thoughts on changes holy

I’ve seen a lot of Priests not adjusting their talents and were kind of in limbo until people figure out which build is better (Lolwell or Divine Word). They both have very specific playstyle constraints because lolwell is useless on fights where the raids not dropping <50% hp. Divine Word is only good if the raids stacked and not moving around. If you aren’t min maxing both abilities then you’re losing out on hps.

My overall hps last night on Mythic Fyrakk prog was largely the same as it was the week before. Circle of Healing shot up a lot in overall healing to being roughly +20% higher and lolwell filled in the rest of the hps difference.

Lightwell gets used up alot now. It does seem weaker though. PvP I seem stronger. Divine word is something I’ve never used so it’s hard for me to figure out when to use it. I don’t like the button bloat. I got 3 action bars bound and still running out of room.

I was looking at other builds people were suggesting and there’s some builds that don’t take Lightwell or Divine Word. They run Pontfiex + Resonant Words instead.

Pontfiex is roughly a 1-1.5% overall hps increase. Resonant Words (if used on every CoH cast) would be a 2.5-3% overall hps increase. Worst case you’re looking at a 2.5-4% hps increase.

Lightwell is probably 5-6% of your overall if all 15 charges disappear consistently.

This Pontifex/Resonant Words build would IMHO be higher overall hps than Lightwell IF Lightwell is not having all 15 charges consistently used. Divine Word only properly functions in situations where you can min-max the Divine Word Sanctify AOE healing.

Main negative with this build is slower Holy Word generation.

My short thoughts on the matter. The good:

  • Lightwell is surprisingly decent, but it still needs range adjustment or just simply becomes a moving aura for the priest.
  • Miracle Worker being higher is amazing
  • New Empyrean blaze mechanics incentivize Holy Nova spam for much higher regular dps. This combined with proper Divine Word usage is much higher dps.
  • Healing Chorus buff was definitely needed
  • Pontifex and Resonant words are much easier to use with more applicable skills.

The Bad:

  • Desperate Times swapping with Answered Prayers is a mistake in my opinion. Seems as if there was a fear of too many holy words, but we must keep in mind we only have this many holy words currently due to tier.
  • No Renew talents. Heavy duty dismantling for those who built for it and to our current tier.
  • Epiphany is a gamble talent that nobody in their right mind take over guaranteed returns. Removal or rework into a guaranteed effect is much better, we have enough gamble talents as it is.
  • Divine Word needs a 30 second cooldown or needs to buff the next 2 Holy Words cast. Can make for interesting gameplay with either stacking buffs, stacking healing zones, or a mix of 2. The alternative is the buffs for Chastise and Serenity lasting longer, but that leaves out Sanctify.

I don’t like the right-side path either. Epiphany is an annoying slot machine and Desperate Times is very niche and requires the raid to be dropping <50% hp consistently to min-max it. I’d rather they delete both and add something better.

It’s the same issue with Lightwell in that it requires the raid/group to be dropping <50% hp to min-max its usage.

Divine Word not being off the GCD doesn’t help either. It also requires very specific conditions to min-max its usage. The raid/group has to be stacked for Divine Word Sanctuary and not moving around. It can also massively overheal.

Pontifex really should work off of Renew hardcasts as well. The only way to really min-max Resonant Words for raid is using it with a 20 stack of healing chorus CoH. +40% increased healing to CoH makes it hit as hard as Sanctify on a 9s cd. Also, it would be nice to be able to take Resonant Words without taking Pontifex.

Answered Prayers is a mandatory pick for raid: no iffs and butts. Holy functions best by constantly overflowing in Holy Words and you can get 6-8 procs a raid fight. It synergies with Voice of the Harmony and Light of the Naaru pretty well.


I ran some high mythic+ keys last night with DW and okay, part of it was trying to get used to a new keybind , but I cannot count the number of times I thought I’d hit DW and then HW’d, and one of those it turned out didn’t happen. -_-

I’ll second the feeling of “please take DW off the GCD.” It feels kind of clunky when you’re pressed for time and every second counts.

A lot of people are non-ironically trying out skipping out on a second capstone. That feels like a bit of a design failure and says a lot about the general opinion on how useful our capstones are. “All equally good” is good, “all equally bad” is not.

Need to try running some keys with lolwell today and see how that feels.


Can’t divine word just do all 3? Doesn’t seem like that much extra strength.

Lightwell as it is could be okay with a tweak or two, maybe change the health threshold to 60%-65%. It would be far more useful in triage scenarios, but people are topped off too fast now.

it has a built in 30% buff to the Holy Word used. I agree though that’s a potential solution, but a higher uptime could also be more useful and cover more ground.

This seems like people are just trying to cook without much thinking about numbers.

LW is realistically like 4-5% for one point. That one point in Say your Prayers (or even voice of harmony) is not getting you 4-5% healing. You’re better off running both pontifex/resonant and Lightwell/weaver than putting a point in those.

The problem is you have to be under the assumption that all 15 Lightwell charges are going to be used up each time you drop it every 1.5 minutes. If I’m out pugging Heroic or doing some easy Mythic bosses the raids not dropping <50% hp that often Lightwell is borderline useless. Same kinda issue with Divine Word in that you need something to Divine Word Sanctify every minute.

In these circumstances even Lightweaver would be better.

I was kind of wondering about this too last night but couldn’t get myself to click that button. Been so against lightweaver but we will see if I cave or just do what I want.

Played with lightwell all night instead. Only heroic though. Circle of healing was second heal for both smolderon and fyrakk.

Is it me or did we get our healing reduced 7% since many of priest key abilities have renew tacked onto it; POM give a renew, or tier set gives us a renew with our holy words, Lightwell gives us a renew and I think COH can give a renew as well.
I think I have renew going almost all the time and I don’t think I have hard cast it once this season.

And since almost everyone takes the talent: Renewed Healing you a flat 6% healing buff. Maybe that is where they got the 7%.

Why where class sets, and the class tree change top secret. We could have had a test realm of just the Teir set and class changes it wouldn’t have ruined the pirate patch.

I honestly at this point I would have preferred we kept our simpler trees before this xpack. I feel I lost more than I gained all due to the illusion of choose. I used to have shackle undead, COH, Divine hymn ect all the time.

Don’t get me wrong some of the changes at the bottom of the new holy tree are nice but as a whole most this tree is a mess from start to end of this xpack.


Well no, it’s not.

Even if lightwell was like ~2% of your healing, it’s better than one pointing Voice of Harmony (the old Harmonius Apparatus) or Lightweaver. Though I will say lightweaver is cutting it close with that round of buffs in the last patch that made heal/fh chunky - it just would require a big playstyle shift to make it significant, which I don’t think most holy priests would want to do.

Even casting CoH and PoM off CD, that’s gonna be realistically like a 1.5% healing boost or something, IIRC. In a 6 minute-ish fight, you’re looking at 34 casts of each. With one point over there, you’re gonna get like 1.11 more casts if you’re playing perfectly.

Sure, Sanc can heal a lot. But for lightwell to do less than ONE cast of it over a 6 minute fight would be rare even in a fight that moved a lot. Basically it would need to be a fight where nobody ever hit the threshold period. Even if only like 5-6 bolts went off it’s still doing pretty well.

The same could be said about Mistweavers when they got a similar talent rework in terms of scope, but they shot right up after their buffs and didn’t get preemptively nerfed.

It’s really not that hard to evaluate that the balance team plays favourites and top specs get buffed and bottom specs get nerfed.

I mean, Mistweaver’s saw a flat aura nerf a week prior to receiving the latest talent reworks. If that’s not preemptive nerfing I’m not sure what is.

The main benefit of Voice of Harmony is that while you’re in Apotheosis you can use PoM and CoH to reset your Holy Words. Outside of the end tree nodes: everything in the last row is only like a 1-2% hps increase per point.

Every end tree healing ability is realistically only ever going to contribute to a max of 6% of your overall. They’ve nerfed Divine Image down pretty substantially it used to be 10-15% of my overall.

You just have to run more flexible builds depending on what the raid parameters are because I did a heroic reclear on Tuesday and outside of Smolderon and Fyrakk my Lightwell barely did anything. I’d be better off in those circumstances just running a Pontifex/Resonant Words/Lightweaver or a Divine Word build.

Lightweaver itself probably would amount to 2-3% of your healing because you’d be using it just with Surge of Light procs. Healing wise Lightweaver Heal is only 50k less per cast than Holy Word Serenity which is decent. If you have Resonant Words backing it up then Lightweaver Heal hits as hard as Serenity.

Just to get a sizable hps increase though you’d have to use Lightweaver at minimum 20-30 times to equal out the hps of a fully discharging Lightwell.

Divine Word is only really useful for dropping Divine Word Sanctify’s if the group is stacked. You can Divine Word buff your Renews just before using Holy Word Salvation to increase its healing.

So yeah the TLDR is that there’s no real cookie cutter build for Holy now. You’ll have to adjust your talents depending on the fight. Lightwell will perform well on fights where the raid consistently drops <50% hp. Divine Word will perform will on fights where the raid is stacked.

Lightweaver or just running Pontiifex/Resonant Words would perform better when none of the scenarios for Lightwell and Divine Word are in place.

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This sounds like a good thing :slight_smile: also sounds like lightwell will win and it can sit on useless for many of us. Since the charges will be there and ready to go for any player who needs them (life saving heals can be looked at as more value than hps and I’m doubling down on this on the fact that primary goal is to down bosses not win heals). Though I really do enjoy using divine word, so happy to have a choice!!! Still voting for Should have just made DW proc all 3 simultaneously

They do need to address the mandatory Divine Image issue as well at some points. Right now it’s literally Divine Image + w/e other talent. Also, there’s no other option node for Divine Image because they figured nobody would pick it unless it was stronger than Divine Image.

That nerf was because they were overperforming even respective to the second ranked healer in disc(at least, according to their own reasoning). At that point they were neck-to-neck with disc.

Then fast-forward to now they got buffed again with their talent tree rework by more than what they were initially nerfed for, so they are heads and shoulders above disc again.