First thoughts on changes holy

Played around with Pontifex on H Fyrakk.

7 minute fight with 55 procs. 63.76% uptime. Average stack size was about 2.5.

Figure it’s roughly a 10% healing increase to Holy Words. Overall hps increase probably around 1-1.5%. TLDR: Pontifex sucks.

Holy Fire DoT lasting over a minute is insane. Did a 20 and the boss died with Holy Fire DoT still at over 60 seconds remaining.

I didn’t do anything particularly special (or well) and had to stop to do mechanics, last boss of DHT I ended at 90k DPS. Very curious to see how I can do when I actually play well. No DH in the group, either.

If my raid doesn’t drop below 50% health for the fight im gonna take that as a good sign and not even care what my talents are. Probably would be using emp blaze and a few other dps spells at that point.

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How does Nova interact with chastise?
Do you think CoH will be any good for 5mans now?

Nova = smite in chastise reduction (2/4 seconds)

Also I always use CoH on 5 mans dunno just left it in never thought or complained about it. Never pushed past 20, but an instant to give me sanctify seconds is never a sad thing for me.

these changes are huge nerfs to pvp so color me not impressed.

no one in pvp is going to use lightwell or heal so now we have dead top rank talents. none of the talents they buffed is used in pvp and still won’t. 7% nerf with removal of rapid renew is the worst.


Just comparing my before and after from last week I’m only seeing a -1% hps difference.

Lightwell seems to perform well on our M Fyrakk prog. I can get all 15 charges used up and it resets every 1.5 minutes or so. Overall it’s about 5-6% of my healing if I factor in the Renew bonus.

Also, Lightwell rolls over the remaining stacks when you cast a new one up to a maximum of 20.

Seedling and lightwell are definitely bugged.

Such wide untested changes is insulting to the community. No Season 4 info, no PTR for changes for the sake of a side mini game


I’m pretty angry they surprised us with a rework with no PTR and no advance warning so we can play with talents. That’s not cool.

Don’t do that.


New talent reduces the cooldown of it when you cast holy nova.

I still don’t think circle of healing will be taken in m+ because you’d give up a lot of strong talents to make it heal for a decent amount.

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The healing chorus change is great for raiding.

Prayer of healing is still too underwhelming and mana intensive to bother casting, even with the talents that prop it up, better to throw out renews.

I don’t mind using lightwell, but having it despawn the seeding or vice versa, made it tough to gauge.

Why did we need the 7% nerf bat? They could have just adjusted us downward if they needed to. Feels like a slap in the face, after most other healing specs that have been reworked usually shoot up quite a bit. Though, calling it a rework is a bit of a stretch, I suppose.


Lightwell change, ironically, makes Lightwell significantly weaker in exchange for being able to move it on a short CD.

It’s OK.

I played a quick very low key with some really low ilvl alts and it could basically keep them up alone through boss damage, which meant I could just blast with HF. But I wouldn’t really say it’s good at all. Even when you get all 15 charges off it’s just… not super good.

Don’t really understand why they refuse to make the talent powerful.

Talent layout change is alright. Answered prayers/DP/LoTN feel like they’re all in the wrong spots now though, lol. Almost feels like they just wanted to emphasize pathing over to LW, but LW is still pretty weak because they toned it down so much so :man_shrugging:. But in exchange miracle worker isn’t a capstone anymore so that’s nice.

Pontifex/resonant just feels weaker, too. So it makes me want to stay away from that side even more. NO idea why they nerfed divine word Serenity. Like, who in the world was using that? Was it just to stop the DI/Divine Word synergy? Cause it’s not strong enough to matter.

That said, our damage is sick now, I guess. Divine Word Chastise in dungeons is gonna be pretty fun, I can maintain like 200k on dummies, which is pretty wild. If you’re willing to blow Apotheosis, you can do pretty incredible damage. We still don’t really have the externals to be good in M+ though so not gonna make holy competitive.

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Ya that’s one thing missing from these changes. Would love to see that spell feel good to use.


The changes just feel weird. Yeah, we get Divine Word and Lightwell now, but we took a -7% hps nerf so we do basically the same amount of overall hps. We were -5% behind Disc and if they hadn’t nerfed us we’d be 3rd or 4th on overall hps instead of 7th.


These are awful changes in regards to pvp. I’m in agreement, prayer of healing is too mana intensive for the amount of healing. RIP.


Just had a rough time in a 22. Renew feels useless now. I know it’s only 7% across the board for everything, but it -feels- worse.

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For what it’s worth, I don’t think it made holy worse at all?

Miracle Worker being so much more accessible and being able to be taken alongside Lightweaver/Lightwell/Divine Word and DI is enough of an HPS gain that I think it washes out the healing nerf for raid.

We can also cut out a lot of not very good talents in dungeon toward the right side and have way better healing in small group content because of it, since we don’t have to heavily invest into PoM to grab DW/LW. So in THEORY I think our dungeon HPS should go up? And our dungeon damage just shot through the roof. But I don’t really think holy had a dungeon HPS problem. They have a major dungeon utility problem and some mana problems.

It doesn’t feel as good as the Disc overhaul which was literally a check box of fixing everything I disliked about that spec.

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It’s obviously not the largest sample size when it’s not even 24 hours yet but…

There’s already a measurable drop in overall performance based off 1 day statistics versus 2-week and 1-week statistics.

Whether it’s people getting used to the new talent tree or whether it’s due to the 7% nerf…not exactly a good look regardless, any nerf to the current worst healer spec is just kicking the dog when it’s down.

Going to keep a close eye on our overall performance and pray it’s just an anomaly, because I have no faith in the balance team to make things right in a timely manner whatsoever.