First thoughts on changes holy

and caith could you send me youre build that runs both image and lightwell? of did i misunderstand thast they can both be chosen now? ty for info

Hard to say. It feels like the builds a bit more constricted.

1 point is now going into Miracle Worker that would otherwise go into something else.

If I want to take Divine Word I have to take Epiphany or Desperate Times. I hate Epiphany’s slot machine RNG and Desperate Times is wasted if the raids not <50% hp all the time. I also can’t get a point into Voice of Harmony or Desperate Times that easily so my Holy Words will reset slower.

Going left-side for Lightwell feels more viable because you can take Light of the Naaru and have a free point to dump into Gale Winds, Pontfiex, or Voice of the Harmony. However, Lightwell is only going to be viable in raid encounters where the raid is getting knocked <50% pretty often.

I think numbers wise Lightwell beats out Divine Word Sanctify because you can make it a 1.5 minute reset and Divine Word Sanctify can massively overheal a lot of times.

See these builds here…

Lightwell (raid build):

Divine Word (raid build):

Either build is really going to depend on what are the parameters of the raid. Lightwell is worthless if the raid isn’t dropping <50% hp so Divine Word would perform better. Lightwell would perform better if the raids getting hit <50% pretty often and that build would overall give you more Holy Words.

When I sat and spam healed the target dummies until 20mil healing and got off 2 casts of Lightwell it was overall about 7% of my healing. Circle of Healing is also a lot beefier now with an avg cast of 70k * 6 so Circle of Healing became my #2 heal.

Lightweaver “might” be possibly viable as a raid healing build now as well. Heal w/ the Lightweaver buff does about +60% more healing than Flash Heal. However, the viability of spamming Flash Heal in raid is a bit sketchy unless you’re relying on Surge of Light procs.


Thank you so much! I appreciate this detailed info! And also for posting the build! I feel like at least enjoyment wise lightwell may be better I sadly don’t care to use diving word but I will if needed. Of course il be trying both, we are progging mythic smoldy so light well may do very well in that. Nice again I appreciate this info!

Lightwell on M Smolderon, Tindral, and Fyrakk would be viable.

I just can’t really think of much uses of it in Heroic or on other bosses. The Divine Word build would cruise control most of the bosses, but without LoTN or Voice of Harmony you’re going to cast 5-8 less Holy Words on a fight depending on length.

That’s a lot of healing if you factor in Sanctify can do almost 700k a cast.

I hate the changes…
It feels more restricted now…

We still have tons of PoM talents… idk it just looks like a mess with no direction

The issue is that Miracle Worker is eating up 1 point that we otherwise were able to freely spend on the bottom. They need to make Miracle Worker baseline imho or push it up higher in the tree.

Answered Prayers is also a mandatory pick for raid because of how important it is to getting your Holy Words reset. It’s not really possible to do a Lightwell + Divine Word build without giving it up.

Epiphany still sucks. I can get 1 proc a minute if I’m lucky and it always procs when PoM is about to reset so I save 2-3s off of PoM.

Overall I feel like the Lightwell side is done well, but the Divine Word side needs work. Swap Desperate Times and Voice of Harmony.

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Things I desperately wanted in a holy rework:

  • Lightwell moved up the tree (choice node with cosmic ripple?)
  • Miracle worker moved up the tree
  • Everlasting light tree position swapped to be directly beneath lightweaver
  • Prayer of healing to be worth something other than it’s CD reduction
  • Heal to be worth something period
  • Vault of heavens
  • Less PoM talents
  • A pass through on hymn of hope’s defensive CD reduction to standardize and add some sanity to the class disparities in who it benefits
  • Cascade back for vibes reasons (it was fun)

Things I got that I wanted:

  • Miracle worker moved up the tree

Things I hate:

  • let me have renew builds gosh darn it
  • why is voice’s new icon an Uncanny Valley version of a blue woman?!?!?

Things I might end up liking despite myself

  • New Empyreal Blaze. It would be a complete positive except holding chastise for use as our discount interrupt now means lack of a real interrupt is extra punishing

On the DPS side, if you can burn Apothesis and Divine Word as DPS CDs, our burst damage absolutely cracks. I was seeing +250k on the target dummies and I wasn’t working all that hard.

yea that is quite a bit of healing for sure. agreed i dont see well being super viable in heroic sadly. tindra li m sure it pumps lol

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mm i dont know how i feel about l.osing voice of harmony in lightwell build tho =O

That’s why I’m thinking Lightweaver might be possibly viable in circumstances where Lightwell isn’t usable. Baseline healing of Lightweaver Heal for me is 122k vs Serenity being 193k. It might not be much, probably 3-4% of your overall healing.

There’s also going to circumstances where Divine Word isn’t that useful. The raid needs to be stacked to maximize its hps. However, you can use Divine Word to buff up Holy Word Salvation’s and the 2-piece set bonus renew healing by +30%. It would also work with a Renew-spam focused raid build, but 30% extra healing on Renews for 15s is literally going to be like maybe 400-500k extra healing if that.

that is a good point. the extra hit to salv sounds really nice tho. even tho 500k isnt a ton sadly. i suppose ill just have to play with em and get a grasp on them i suppose too

Lightwell and Seedling seem bugged. If Lightwell is out and I use the Seedling it instantly disappears.

Been trying out a burst rotation for M+. There’s so much into Holy Fire that I probably should have switched from Shocking Disclosure pots to Ultimate Power pots. Especially with Divine Word amplifying our damage directly, making the Int go further.

Maybe we were already supposed to be doing that, but now I definitely am gonna try that.

I wouldn’t mind sticking with Shocking Disclosure though. It has the added benefit of doing damage while we heal.

My seedling stayed and the lightwell started healing it. That’s actually kind of nice.

I’m testing Lightwell on Heroic and it just flat out despawns on Smolderon’s platform the second I spawn it.

I wasn’t using it in an encounter, that might be the difference. :frowning:

Well, we don’t deserve a kick or a knockback so why would we deserve the chance to test a talent overhaul?

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This wasn’t a nice surprise. I logged in, saw one talent refunded. didn’t think much. did a m+. Everything was a mess. I don’t even know what talents to take right now.


Playing around with this on live now and having divine word, image and miracle worker owns so hard for m+.

Super easy to get more damage out and nice to have holy nova interact with chastise.

Now with divine word usable we have a rot heal option, better mana efficiency with reduced flash heal cost and burst dmg to boot.

I’m stoked this is amazing.

Did 515k dmg in 3 globals and nothing even crit.

No way this stays