First thoughts on changes holy

Regardless of how good or bad these changes are, putting a Holy soft rework in a “secret” patch with no PTR was an…interesting choice.


I thought these changes were a peek for season 4 and I imagine they will be part of PTR then?

10.2.6 will be going up on the PTR so people can test the dungeon changes.

There’s still going to be a 10.2.7 patch, but I’m still expecting more changes come the next expansions beta.

What really matters is what our performance looks like live because it’s like 10.2 where we’re coming in with another big hps nerf. If my HPS is worse than it was last week than I’ll be complaining.for sure and we’ll have to wait another 1 month for them to revert the nerfs.

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I don’t see lightwell getting use regardless. If someone is below 50% in a key they need healing asap and lightwell won’t save them.

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Worst case and we are worse would you say you’re pretty confidant they would reverse some of it and buff us or would you say it’s 50/50?

Raid it could get some possibly? May play with it since I never got the chance

We’re already dead last on Mythic raid HPS and they’re hitting us with nerfs while giving Mistweavers buffs. It just doesn’t make sense.

Like I’d rather they not nerf us by -7% and if were over performing just drop us -3% a week.

  • Resonant Words now causes Holy Words to increase the healing done by your next Flash Heal, Heal, Prayer of Healing, or Circle of Healing by 20%/40%. Lasts 30 seconds.

This was 25% / 50% before … this looks like a straight nerf. I am healing the tank or hunters or an overexuberant melee a TON in M+ … usually with flash or regular heal or a word of some fashion. A reduction to words on top of 7% reduction … yea I am worried in M+ where I am the only healer. Ok it buffs COH a little (nice for raid). I use COH, but in M+ CoH feels lack-luster. Its one of the few spells castable while moving so of course I take it

I don’t see the empyreal blaze as a helpful change. I never have a chance to smite spam in M+ except in very rare cases (BRH bosses being one example). I am always saving people that are inch from death. I’d much rather have some sort of torghast type thing where I can heal and dps so I am not risking a group member’s life by trying to contribute some dps. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to smite enough to feel this improvement, but just getting off some instant casts is all I think I can spare … dps feels super risky in higher keys!

I am using Divine Words for raids for its AoE effect (encourages dps to group up). This also looks to have been reduced
→ “Divine Word now increases the effectiveness of your next Holy Word spell by 30% (was 50%).”

I hope the changes to LW are serious. Its never seemed to be that good. I too remember pleading with dps to click it, back in the early days haha. I’ll play with it when we go live

I was using the renew talent so I am really hopeful the loss of this is compensated as you indicate. I guess in a few hours we will get a first taste of it.

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Wait, this rework is live today and not slated for season 4?

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Correct. They are live once the servers come back on. Surprise!

Oh my goodness.

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yea raid hps is pretty bad compared to these other healers. yea 7 percent nerf is my biggest concern. and yea i agree with the overperforming comment too., yea MW already stupid powerful lol

Someone said the two charges for holy words got moved up on the tree and took the spot of the renew talent.

Gooberine, exactly! Surprise! Its not April 1st either …

The problem with Resonant Words is it only worked with one ability. Now that it works on other abilities it has more usage outside of just single target healing situations. Also, overall Desperate Times was superior to Resonant Words.

With the Chastise change you need to factor in you’re casting on average 40-50 Chastise a dungeon. Empyreal Blaze can be about 20-25 casts a dungeon depending on length and if you’re mashing it on cd. Overall you’d do about the same amount of dps, but you’re eliminating an extra button from your rotation.

The difference now is you can take Divine Word + Divine Image + Miracle Worker. Overall I think Divine Word is going to be a pick for M+, especially since it helps counter those nasty rot auras. I used Divine Word during S1 to counter that Hyrja damage and it did a ton of healing.

For raid it was about 5-8% of my overall healing during S1. Also, it’s healing scales based on your Sanctify healing. It might do a ton of AOE healing.

Lightwell might be like having a 3rd raid healing cd. Will need to test it.

Dunno, it sucks to lose it, but the issue with this talent is hardly anyone took it. If I had to choose between Rapid Recovery and Miracle Worker I’d 100% pick MW any day of the week.

They can compensate the talent loss with a +30-40% healing buff to Renew.


The heading for the patch notes says “ Patch 10.2.6 Plunderstorm Patch Notes for Season 4 - Class Tuning, Tier and Trinket Tuning”

I just read that to mean that these changes were for season 4. Anyone read anywhere for sure that they are live today? I mean they list tier set updates that are for season 4 along with changes. Super confusing.

Sorry. I am stuck. I will catch up eventually lol.

Good luck to all of the guilds pushing CE with these changes. Hopefully they aren’t a nerf. Goodness.

It’s fine, nobody is bringing holy priest to CE progressions. They are currently last in M+ and Raiding HPS… last I checked

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I hope with the reorganization of the last talents we can get restitution without losing so much healing…

Server’s are up.

I tested out Lightwell and it did 1.8mil healing during its duration.

Blessed Bolt - 59.4k avg heal (15 hits) = 891k overall healing
Renew (6s) per target (15 * 3 = 60 ticks) - 560k overall healing
Echo of Light Bonus - 381k extra healing

It’s roughly just under the healing of the Seedling and about 1/2 of Divine Hymn’s healing (although Divine Hymn massively overheals).

Divine Word Sanctify does about 1.1mil healing extra or roughly a little over 2x what Sanctify does a cast.

Divine Word: Sanctuary - 865k overall healing (85 hits * 10.2k a hit)
Echo of Light bonus - 294k overall healing

Divine Word does work on Holy Word Salvation to make the Renews tick harder.

Still feels like Answered Prayers and either Voice of Harmony / Light of the Naaru are mandatory picks.

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so from first inspection would you say we are weaker or or abouth the same from what you have done so far