First thoughts on changes holy

They also buffed lightwell too. Are they wanting us to take lightwell with divine word? Dropping the second charge (should be baseline for crying out loud) is a big ask.

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Here’s to hoping truly

Harmonious Apparatus has been renamed to Voice of Harmony and its icon has changed. Voice of Harmony now causes Holy Nova to reduce the cooldown of Chastise in addition to Holy Fire.

Hopefully with the changes to Empyreal Blaze we will be able to cast more Holy Fire.

What kind of healing buffs to talents are actually relevant for us in M+ or raid?

The Divine Word rework which was actually a nerf? The Healing Chorus buff that came with not only a 7% all healing nerf, but also the removal of Rapid Renewal, which was what made Renew filler viable in the first place to take this talent?
Or was it the really impactful 7k extra healing on every cast of PoH with Prayerful Litany, which would further necessitate taking Prayer Circle and invalidate the Healing Chorus buffs?

Dying to hear your take on what exactly made this an overall buff.


Lightwell “rework” is also a nerf after the removal of Rapid Renewal. Realistically only Pontifex is an actual relevant buff, but 30% extra healing to 1 cast out of every 3-4 casts of Holy Words doesn’t make up for 7% overall healing reduction and removal of Rapid Renewal.


I think we got the revamp we were asking for, but will need to see what the talent tree looks like since they reorganized the bottom rows.

A -7% hps nerf right off the bat is a bit discerning though. Also the removal of Rapid Recovery/Empowered Renew murders the Renew build for raid.


I think blizzard is really listening to the players in regards to priest with this update. I can’t wait to see what the new tree looks like.

It looks like they read my Holy Priest - A Dragonflight Review post because a lot of the things I complained about were addressed.


Did they have to do this rework in the secret patch so we couldn’t test and complain?


I kinda agree that a class overhaul shouldn’t be in a secret patch.

Without seeing the new talent tree (wowhead has to update or wait until the servers up) I have no idea if I should be complaining or offering praises.

If they just took the same bottom of the tree, updated underutilized talents, but didn’t reduce all the 2-point sinks then we aren’t getting any new changes. If they completely overhauled the bottom of the tree and made it 5 end tree talents like Disc/Shadow and added in way more 1 point sinks then overall its a net buff because we can take Divine Word/Lightwell on-top of Miracle Worker and Divine Image.

So right now everything is speculation because we need to gain enough positives to offset a whopping -7% hps nerf. We could end up being bottom of the barrel hps again like when 10.2 came up and will need to wait a month to get hotfixed again.


I’m uncertain on how to share images, but you can see the bottom row talents on a guide writer’s stream on Twitch.

Pontifex connects to Resonant + Light of the Naaru which both lead to Lightweaver + Lightwell

Salv/Apoth connects to Light of the Naaru, Answered Prayers, and Harmonious - the latter two connect to the Naaru node (no longer choice).

Empowered Renew is where Miracle worker is.

Say Your Prayers/Miracle Worker connect to Desperate Times + The PoM Reset Talent which lead to a choice node of Restitution + Divine Word.

I see the new calculator, but we plebs don’t have access to the 10.2.6 PTR stuff yet so I can’t open the calculator.

The biggest change is Miracle Worker being in the Empowered Renew/Rapid Recovery slot.

Looks like we get to choose 2 between Lightweaver/Lightwell + Naarus + Divine Word/Restitution

and then choose 2 between Resonant Words/Light of the Naaru + Answered Prayers/Harmonious + Desperate Times/PoM Reset

This assumes we take Pontifex, Salv, Miracle Worker, and Say Your Prayers.

I am hoping for super giant circle of healings y’all.

I am hopeful that all of these changes make for opening up different interesting play styles…ooo and super giant circle of healings.

Also I hope light well is viable because I have never even tried it.

Other than that, hard to say until we see what they do with the points they are opening up, what is happening with the end caps, and how the hero talents mingle with it all.

i remember using lightwell when it first came out. The players had to run to it, and click it for a heal. very interesting in dungeons if not well placed lol

Reading all the Holy priest changes with a lot of concern. They nerfed so much.

  • Straight heal reduction across the board (7%)
  • Removed the empowered renew healing that synergizes with our tier set
  • Lowered our single target healing with the nerf to resonant words (I used this in M+)! and divine word
  • The change in Pontifex seems like it means I need to cast more to get the same effects
  • Activating empyreal blaze means we now only get 2 holy fires instead of 3. Seriously?Our damage is already laughable - but then again I never get to dps since I am always trying to heal people that are an inch from death in M+.

They buffed stuff that doesn’t really get used:

  • Lightwell. Really? Does anyone use this? It looks like its a range increase and they added the now de-fanged renews to it … or is there more?
  • Prayful Litnay - Really? We don’t have the mana to spam POH for this to do much

The two brights spots that I see are:

  • 1 point for Gales of Song max effect. This should help Hymnn
  • Final 3 rows re-arranged … maybe it is helpful?

I am really worried about what this does to my M+ and raid healing (don’t care about pvp). I don’t quite follow the “recommended” spec than many priests use that depend on miracle worker and POM spam since I don’t enjoy it and it seemed lackluster for smaller groups. I really hope this was adequately tested. We already are near the bottom of the meters for competitive healing and definitely bottom of the barrel for dps.

These changes seemed to have been dropped out of the sky on us and now we have to deal with it.


Does anyone else feel like this is a lite rework instead of the full rework? I’m still praying we get a new ability or let us move while channeling Divine Hymn or give us damage reduction.


Its definitely lite changes…

What concerns me is all these are going in untested, changing talents that we generally don’t care about, and nerfing our healing overall by 7% is huge and uncalled for right now, I dont see how anything else compensates for this.


Healing nerf is bad, but we need to see what it looks like live.

The biggest change I’ve seen is Miracle Worker is where Empowered Renew/Rapid Recovery was. That means you can go Divine Image + Lightwell/Divine Word/etc.

Overall, both Lightwell and Divine Word will be about 5-6% of your overall healing in raid. So that snips most of the hps loss.

Pontifex change is a nerf imho.

Resonant Words is better overall because you can use a Holy Word + Healing Chorus to make your Circle of Healing do 40% more healing. CoH might do as much raid healing as a cast of Sanctify.

Divine Word is just good for Divine Word Sanctify imho. It’s a pretty powerful ground AOE heal.

The Lightwell change is kinda big, especially if you’re doing Mythic raiding where the raid gets blasted <50% of their hp often. I know when I tested Lightwell during S2 it did a lot of healing, but I had to give up Miracle Worker for it. The TLDR is Lightwell can do as much healing as a major raid healing cd in the right conditions.

The change to Empyreal Blaze is actually a buff because you can reset Smite in about 6-8 Smite casts depending on talents (15-25s reset). It’s even more powerful if you bust out Apotheosis and get Answered Prayers procs. It flows a lot better for a dps rotation because you’re eliminating an unnecessary button.

Losing Rapid Recovery/Empowered Renew hurts the Renew build, but imho if they just buff Renew by 30-40% it’ll completely wash out the loss.


I read it that way too as I read that holy nova now lowers the CD of chastise so it seems like that could be pretty sweet. Plus, like you said, getting rid of a button will be nice.

I think the dps buff is actually quite substantial and if you aim to push dps you will dropping some incredible numbers.

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