Fire Mage PVE Viability

Because limiting specs on mob appearance is limit’s variety and makes the game less fun.

Be that as it may, not having common sense type effects limits immersion for some people. Unfortunately that will not change as they are releasing the game as it was in 1.12.x and it was not until sometime in wrath when resistances/immunities went away

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Your stupid, cease talking.

The design you want is available in retail.

Go play that.

If you want classic shut up and play it, or don’t, we really don’t care, your opinion on the matter is irrelevant!

Yeah, well that’s like…your opinion man…

Anyways, no Fire is not viable until AQ40. Until then people are going to want Arc/Frost mages who have the Frost threat reduc. talents to make the AoE easier and Frost damage to handle the fact that majority of the mobs (The serious ones anyways) are resistant or immune to Fire damage.

Even though you could do Strat/Scholo as Fire, tanks will be hurting for threat gen in the early stages of the game when those instances matter. Even if you roll Alliance with a Paladin popping Salv on the Mage the threat reduc. on Frost talents is important for AoE pulls.

If you ever think rolling Blackrock instances as anything but Arc/Frost you will probably get kicked and called mean names since dps are common and you can easily be replaced by someone willing to play the right spec.

Contrary to the OP, i wish more raids required other resist prep. Gearing for fire, ice, shadow, etc. Making it so its an adventure to be prepared to enter, both in regards to gear and specs.


Each of the major tier raids in vanilla (including aq40) had 1 or more fights where resistance gear was important. Needed fire, frost, nature, and shadow resis.

I actually enjoy having an extra set of gear to farm, working on your fire res set and tweaking your gear to get just the right amount of fire res to help your healers out without sacrificing to much dps added another element of gameplay that I really enjoyed.

I also like the “realness” of how a fire mob doesn’t get hurt by fire, it just makes sense.

I don’t like how they removed it and cheapened gameplay just so Joe Blow can do whatever the hell he wants.

I was responding specifically to this, “Because it doesn’t happen anywhere else in the game outside of a few different vanilla bosses.”

It does happen elsewhere in the game in Vanilla. Out in the open world. And it’s not just elementals. It’s not bad game design when it’s consistent throughout the game.

As far the change ruining my experience, no it wouldn’t “ruin” it for me. It doesn’t even really bother me other than it’s just not the way it was. And I don’t mean how it was in a single patch either. It was that way All the way until the Cata overhaul. It’s just a more old school game design. A game design that caters to how that world works, and players have to make decisions within that framework. The decisions have consequences though.

You stated, “casting fireballs instead of frostbolt?” The thing is, the builds have all be homogenized in retail like that, and it sucks. It does take away from the gameplay.

But the question could be flipped and we could ask why it bothers you so much and if your experience would really be ruined if you had to respec? Why don’t you conform to the gameplay that everyone else is enjoying instead of requesting a change for something you find personally annoying?

Because I can’t imagine anyone actually thinking an MMO is better with fewer specs and spells to use. I just can’t.

What are people even arguing about? There is a 0.0% chance Blizzard is going to remove fire resists from MC mobs. Let it go and stop feeding.

I’m not arguing. I’m having a friendly discussion about a topic.

is this thread a joke?

Funny, since the thaddius encounter gives you a stacking buff of up to 1000% more damage. Should have just posted a video of a fire mage casting pyroblast on a level 1 squirrel, would have been just as entertaining.

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Elementals are immune to their respective element. Water elements are,immune to frost damage. Air elementals are immune to arcane? Iirc, earth is immune to nature damage. Etc…

Well, lots of games used to have immunities and resistances. And I mean resistances to the point that I may as well be immune. Pen and paper games, other mmos and rpgs.

Part of the fun was figuring out how to get around those obstacles, and in some cases the solution was to run and find somebody else that could handle it. Hence grouping. That water elemental that’s immune to frost isn’t a challenge to me when the priest hits it with SW:pain, mind blase, and smite. Or, if I use my wand that has a different element than my main build and I use my other abilities. Still sucks in a raid where you’re basically useless without the right spec, but that’s the thing, you CAN respec. You have all the tools at your disposal to make money and contribute.

It’s just not all laid out on a platter where every class shoots a colored bolt that reduces hp by the same number.

Fire in MC is playable, you just have to cast Frostbolt instead of Fireball.

I got to Marshal and cleared parts of Naxx, nice try.

And how is my philosophy, of literally play whatever you want but just adapt to what is going on limiting DPS specs? I feel like there is some massive reading comprehension difficulty going on here and I’m not sure how you are experiencing such a disconnect.

Again, that’s not limiting the spec. You just cast a different spell until that mob is dead. You do realize that specs work differently in Vanilla than in Retail, right?

You don’t need “the right spec” to run a 5-man dungeon, good god. Can people not use a PvP spec in a 5-man anymore?

But no one here is claiming that. If anyone is, it’s you when you are demanding that 1 spec be the best at DPS, full stop. Just because you can’t use Fireball on a Fire Elemental doesn’t mean that Fireball has been removed from the game; it only means that you can’t cast it against that mob. If there are multiple of them, you better cast your Frost or Arcane spells instead… which you can still do with all of your talents points, or none of them, placed in the Fire tree.

Air Elementals are Nature immune just like Earth Elementals… makes for a sad Shaman (and, to a lesser degree, Druid).

No it’s not, you will never get invited to a group…

I just want to be able to play more than one cookie cutter spec besides winter’s chill points. Not sure what the big deal is for you to be opposed to.

You can? There is Arcane/Frost, Deep Frost, and then Elemental IIRC. Then there are just anything else you put together and cast Frostbolt with. Just because you have more points into Fire doesn’t mean you shouldn’t cast Frost or Arcane spells.

If you can’t get into a guild that can clear MC with you casting Frostbolt with 0 points in Frost, then your spec isn’t the issue.

Everyone knows that you fight fire with fire!

For questing/levelling, do both. Open with a frost bolt for the slow, then fireballs for more damage. A little more mana (not that much) but more damage. Goes faster. More fun too.

I’ll be putting points in both trees, to reduce cast times, increase crit/dmg, etc. Again, will make questing/leveling more fun IMHO.