Quiet honestly, the next step after removing resists to certain types of damage is allowing every class to heal…
Look, retail devs agreed with you. Retail is that way —————->>>>>>
Classic doesn’t agree with you
And hunters hould be able to melee more.
10 characters
Yes, I know that that’s why I said outside of a few vanilla examples.
I don’t understand why it bothers you guys so much. Is your experience really going to be ruined if I can clear molten core by casting fireballs instead of frostbolt? Really?
Nice vanilla achievements. You didn’t even play how would you know?
I did.
The resists force the player not to play “cookie cutter” build, but to respec from tier to tier.
A raiding mage will play both the frost and fire specs. If they want to pvp they will respec to one of few different viable PvP specs. In a few years, they will master several different playstyles. It adds variety, challenge and fun. In retail, you choose your single spec, it is always viable, you learn your spec rotation and press the same buttons for the entirety of the expac.
The only thing I will yield is that the rotations themselves in retail, for mages at least, are more complicated and entertaining than in classic. But that is a completely different matter.
How is fire viable in MC? That’s my issue. Every spec is not viable.
That’s wrong, Frost was better last tier…
But was fire unviable?
You’re the one who seems so bothered by having to cast Frostbolt that you want the game to change, but sure… the issue is the people disagreeing with you. /eyeroll
You’re going to cast Frostbolts for 2-3 hours per week no matter what, but one option saves you 100g on respecs.
Ohhhhh, you’re one of those people who gets the words “optimal” and “viable” confused.
Playing Fire in MC/BWL and casting Frostbolt is perfectly viable, but it is not optimal.
I just want variety to be added in the first tier…
You are confusing playable. I just want to be invited to a pug. I don’t need to do the same damage, just some damage.
Hmm… I am not sure a majority of guilds/PUG groups would let a fire mage into MC. If you can’t get the invite, you are unviable.
If you wanted to be competitive yes.
If you’re a min-maxer, what variety is there in any tier? You’re playing Frost in the first 2 raids and then Fire in the second 2? Or you can just play whatever you want if you’re not min maxing and just cast the other bolt spell when needed.
Well I have good news for you, since you will be. Just cast the appropriate spell and problem solved.
One thing that might be a possibility this time around, since we have 1.12.1 talents, is doing MC and Onyxia with an “elemental” (fire+frost hybrid) build. This would let you use frost for MC/Ony and fire everywhere else without respeccing.
That wasn’t a viable build when I started raiding… you had to constantly visit your trainer and flip between fire and frost if you didn’t want to use frost everywhere.
There’s that confusion between “viable” and “optimal” again.
As long as you are not raiding you will be fine for the most part (brd might give you some issues). Pretty much all of MC and and any fire elementals in brd will be immune to fire
Just answering the question. But it was playable. Fire in MC isn’t and I want that to change.
I don’t know why you think a game is better off when it limits dps specs. I really don’t understand that fascination. But then again you barely play WoW, you only got to blood guard and never raided much after. Seems like you just don’t enjoy MMO’s which makes sense considering your backwards philosophy on the game.
Please explain to me why you think fire spells should hurt enemies made of fire?