Finally, the Mage Tower nerfs are in!

Blizzard never ceases to amaze me.

Now its healing is also nerfed. Endless Tincture of Renewed Combat was a strong option for surviving Archmage Xylem’s Comet Storm and for passive healing during Agatha, but now it only heals for 330 when killing an enemy, down from 1600, which is still helpful, but not overly strong.

Kek. Just earlier today I was gonna spend 150k on that trinket… I can’t kill Imp mother simply due to insane incoming damage. Even with perfect RtB roll, constant use of the self heal (20s cd), trash just kills me. Nothing I can do about it.


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Call me after it has been tuned correctly and I get to use Legion Leggos and artifact weapons in the encounters.


what was misadvertised?

Mage tower as being content for the community when it’s not for the community, it’s for the mythic level players to stroke their egos more with


can you not get it? you just talk to the person.

But I thought the fights were “over tuned”…if that’s the case, why would they be nerfing these abilities?

Huh…apparently they’re not considering the current state of the mage tower to be “harder than intended”. Odd


All things nerfed in time :man_shrugging:

Why can’t both be true?

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Their complete silence and lack of speed about what they will nerf proves they do not care to let players complete it and get the rewards. 100% bait and switch. DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY.


Yep. Pretty much.
gotta flex that ego or its muscles will atrophy due to lack of content.


Guess they could be /shrug

It’s because they don’t think it’s over tuned. They have to actually go in and tweak each little thing a little bit and they don’t know what it’s going to take to do that so they can’t say.

Their statement was to appease the “it’s impossible” crowd.

I rather would they have said nothing than that they were looking at it. Now I just want to punch someone in the face. That’s how horrible this iteration of mage tower is.


/target Blizz


Pity Blizzard removed that. I’d be getting some use out of it for sure.


Ye thank you blizzard for fixing crusader and that potion because that was stopping people who wanna complete MT which is limited time every few months . :thinking:


I enjoy it. Reminds me of the first iteration :smiley:
But I too would rather they have said nothing, because those people who are completing it as it is and those (like myself) who are enjoying the struggles of the encounters are just being labeled as elitists although we’re doing what we can to help others progress in their trials.

This is delicious.


If they said nothing and stealth nerfed it, it’d screw over people still trying to use a now OVER 75% nerfed effect trinket.

If they said they were looking at nerfing those things, it’d just bring attention to it and everyone would use it especially with the heads up.

What they SHOULD have done is put in the hotfixes AT THE SAME TIME AS THE TUNING.
That would’ve balanced the good and the bad.
But this is Blizzard we’re talking about, so obviously they didn’t.


Reddit video that was showing people how to cheese it (putting it politely lol) has been pulled to already :laughing: Was up biggest part of the day yesterday. But yeah you know good, and well they are going to hotfix any possible way to cheat the mt before they resort to nerfing stuff.

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