Finally quitting the game and moving to FFXIV

And this is where the truth about your “experiences” come out.

You have never leveled past 50.

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That was a big turn off for me when I first started. I love the variety of races in the horde. Even know over 7 years later I still will miss the variety I have in WoW.

One plus side though, is that since most the races have the same basic shape, silhouette, the gear models fit a lot better than compared to WoW. There’s far less clipping and stuff like that. Like I said, I still wish we had some more monstrous choices but there is a silver lining.

I’m literally on the game right now but okay :joy:


Yes you can :wink: ive pretty much only ever duoed wow since cata

8.3 was really good for duoing competitively for example, between twos arenas for high ilvl, duoing 5 mask visions for gear, duoing last expansions mythic raids for gold/mog, etc
Just makes the game easier/more enjoyable without needing to deal and interact with random people you have no attachment to

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Hence why I said I wasn’t sure what that meant. If you are playing with someone else and just doing the normal content, it would be the same as WoW, but two ONLY isn’t a thing outside of arena and with the changes coming in 9.1, even that is questionable.

Why’s that? :astonished: (the 9.1 bit)

If PvP is your only endgame, it’s fine but the gear is getting separated and won’t be as effective in PvE and you have to pick between PvP and PvE in the vault.

Good Luck. I tried it, just couldn’t get passed the animation style.

Ah i see what you mean. duelist gear will still be fine in pve for what me and partners do, but things like raid gems working outside of raid are def hindering people who don’t like grouping with 20 people

Yeah, the biggest problem is the vault. If you want to play both parts, you have a much harder choice to make at reset.

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Sounds like we’ve activated blizzard’s trap card, pick pvp in vault and buy funnel carries for pve gear :upside_down_face:

If you have problems with gcd at that level (assuming it’s your toon) then you just aren’t hitting your abilities. I’ve leveled several jobs up but never had any issue with the feeling of nothing to push. I wouldn’t say it’s faster than WoW, but it’s on par at higher levels.

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Two DPS CDs off GCD and you sit there and spam 1 3 1 2 unless you have procs. Yeah, super fun and engaging game design with the 2.5gcd. I literally have more keybinds and abilities on this character and my elemental shaman than I do this RDM while also pressing more buttons. If your credentials in FFXIV are as good as the content that you participate in on WoW you’re literally in no position to even make judgement on a games combat because you literally don’t even play the game.

Also, while we’re here, the LITERAL fastest class in FFXIV is Ninja clocking in at 48APM.
In WoW that is 7th from the bottom putting it in the same row as Assassination rogue which is literally an AFK spec. Outlaw, which I play, clocks in at 69APM.


I couldn’t even fit Arcane mage at the bottom into the picture. If you think for even a second that FFXIV endgame reaches the same speed as 90% of WoW specs you’re delusional.

FF14 has some really cool features and it has some truly horrible features.

Fantastic feature: allowing 1 toon to be all classes
Horrible feature: how it does its main story questing.

Switch your gear and you switch your class which crafting/gathering professions counting as their own classes. For 1 dungeon you can go tank another you can go healer, etc… Which is a good thing if you like trying alts. It’s class (or job as its called in FF14) is equivalent to a WoW spec and they have as many job’s as wow has specs, not including crafting/gathering (which FF14 has way more of). Build diversity within a specific job is non-existent though.

Absolutely horrendous feature is how tedious, unengaging, and mandatory the main story quest line is. Thankfully if you have just 1 character you only have to do it once since job quests are separate from it, but the FF14 Main story quest felt like I was reading a book instead of playing a game. Literally my character just ran from NPC to NPC often sitting through a minutes-long cutscene, with a rare instance/dungeon/raid encounter. Unlike wow where quests require you to actively participate in (go kill x guys, etc…) FF14 was just sit, watch and read. BORING. And everything is locked behind the Main Story Quest. There is no way to skip it except by buying a “skip” voucher with real money.

I completely disagree I really enjoyed the story in FFXIV it felt like I was playing a real rpg and it made me care about the world and characters much more than in wow


Pfft, FF14’s warrior of light? try messenger boy of light. That’s all I was in that game. Dev team may have done a great job in writing the story but in terms of making you interact with it they failed miserably. Watching a cutscene, traveling to another npc, to watch another cutscene, rinse and repeat doesn’t qualify as “interacting” in my book.

Then there is the mandatory nature. With Wow you have so much freedom to choose what you do and when you do it. With FF14, you are required to finish the entirety of the main story quest line before you are allowed to go into the story for the next xpac.

You’re right about one thing, I don’t play WoW. I haven’t since shortly after my return to shadowlands, and in all honesty I won’t be back next expansion.

As for credentials? That’s cute.

I’ve been around this game since launch, and I have loved a lot of it. I’ll never deny the magic WoW has created over the years, but for me at least it’s been on a decline since cata. I’m also well aware of flaws with the game you’re citing, but I’m calling bs on what you’re saying. Sure, there are plenty of things I would love them to adopt from WoW, but the gcd thing is just so incredibly incorrect, and often parroted here.

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I’m not sure how many people will come back. I bought a six month sub expecting 9.1 to come out before it ended. If it runs out before the patch arrives, there’s no way I’m resubscribing. And I know a lot of people feel the same way.


I agree about the quests in WoW , especially this expac . Their are the same everyday , at most every other day , and very few . 4 or 5 a zone . And they are all copy
Paste type of quests .

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Ty that’s exactly what I mean!

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