Finally quitting the game and moving to FFXIV

It’s important to remember that FF14 is in its best expansion, Endwalker is going to suck compared to Shadowbringers, everyone knows that.

It’s going to be a meh expansion like Stormblood.

I just can share my opinion about FFXIV.
Yes, it’s a great game for people who like “mememe ololo hello kitty style” and bunch of intestines like corridor locations, because it’s not even feels like a world.
Not even saying about “another planet” game setting. Press I for inventory, press Shift+I for armory inventory etc. Everything is very strange and unusual.
I know its just me, but I absolutely hate anime and anime style games. Its just not match with my brain.
Anyway its worth of trying.

Same reason everybody does. If we all agree with them it’s somehow justifies their decision in their minds.

I myself question if anyone who enjoys Final Fantasy were ever really happy in WoW or if they were just kidding themselves. To go from a World of Warcraft style of game to an anime style game just doesn’t make any sense.

I mean if the games were at least similar I’d understand it more. Like SWTOR for example playstyle wise is basically World of Warcraft with a Star Wars skin so I understand why Wow players also enjoy that game. Final Fantasy however I just don’t get unless you’re a console gamer deep down

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Travel, in a MMORPG!? I thought the whole point of this genre was to just sit and look at group finder before you run the same 8 dungeons over and over again for 2 years!

Man. Next you’ll tell me something ludicrous like they have a detailed, well-written, coherent story or something. Everyone knows that can’t happen in a MMO either.

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It’s kinda like WoW in that there are levels. There is a Duty Finder (dungeon finder) you can use to complete dungeons and raids. So, you can do all the content in the game with random players from across the world and don’t have to worry if you are just playing with 1 other person. If you want to do harder content, however, I recommend finding a Free Company (guild).


NECRO: If WoW were to “die”, which they won’t, then I’d just quit playing MMO’s… I did all the content up to shadowbringers because it was insisted by my weeb cousin and son that “you just have to stick with it.” They should make an expansion dedicated to blowing up the power point boredom. SWTOR does a better job of acting immersion instead of click click click… I can skip the cutscenes, but that defeats the purpose of FF… Which is why I find it to work better on single player.

You can play through the content with a friend. Once you’ve progressed the MSQ up to the point at around level 16 you’ll start getting into your first dungeons. Up until that point, consider yourself in a “tutorial” while locked in a city-state’s local area until you unlock the ability to travel between the three cities.

MSQ is vitally important to progress the game. Without it you cannot access any expansion areas, any dungeons, or unlock any side content.

You can play with a friend but all end-game content is grouped. Trials are 8-man content. Normal, Savage, and Extreme Raids are 8-man content. Alliance Raids are 24-man content.

There really isn’t such a thing as “competitive” gear. You are either geared at the max item level or you aren’t. You achieve the highest item levels by completing Savage raids and obtaining tokens based on a weekly time-out.


They got tiger guys there cool to and the weapons make wow look like tooth picks


Hard Pass… I’d rather just quit MMO’s. It’s not that awesome and I’ve “stuck with it” because of my weeb friends but no more. It’s just too boring, the story isn’t that compelling, they use power point slides for cutscenes that I could skip, defeating the FF purpose.
“How dare I not bow down!?”

It’s just boring except the 10% of the time where you get a voiced cutscene.
Other “less cutting edge” games have been doing this for years. SQEX definitely has the money.
Most of you people leaving will likely be back.
Me? If it gets to the point that I don’t want to play this anymore, then cat/rabbit people, little munchkins, sailor orcs, and lack of being able to make male characters look like anything other than figure skaters.
It is an unpopular opinion right now, but it is quite possibly the most boring fetch and kill game I have ever played. I recently gave my account to a family member who likes anime/manga more than me.

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You’re probably not going to be floored by FFXIV. It’s not the best out of them that come out so far. SWTOR, WoW, and frigging ESO all do a better job of telling stories. You sit there and queue for things in FF as well. You lose your powers at lower level dungeons. The story is 6/10 at best for me. With all the money they have, they couldn’t somehow hire more voice acting… It’s pretty much like any other MMO, but with guilty gear slashes, sparkles, and dirt voice acting. Wanna do something? Click click click click to get to another cutscene to click click click so another one will show.

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No, they will look Japanese and WoW’s will look more western. I like my manly ham-fisted games, not sparkly little moogle nonsense. Lots of us here still like comics and cartoon more than anime or manga, regardless of the medium.

Im going to ffx14=full time to have a high level there to

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