Final fantasy xiv most played now

This community has a well deserved reputation. I mean…look around you.


Even if the numbers are accurate, and who knows if they are, that doesn’t mean WoW is dead.

The constant FF14 spam is getting annoying.

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Sure but wow being dead is a subjective condition already unless the only metric you measure it by is all servers being shut down, and flagging a thread because it’s annoying is the equivalent of submitting a formal complaint to a restaurant because they put tomatoes on a burger you asked for no tomatoes on

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Even on their own boards they bring up Warcraft nonstop. I said it was borderline creepy before, but I think I can upgrade that to just plain creepy now.


Funny how I can log in during work hours on my low pop server and find multiple groups that aren’t WTS spam . . .


False. Please do research before posting false info. Sorry you precious FFXIV has to have fan people post false stats to try and act like it has more. Fact is, WoW still has WAYYYY more active subs. Nice try though!

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Your going to go sinking down with this ship to the last breath aren’t you? Sorry to break it to ya, but wow is dying and has been dying for a while now. You can’t prove to me wow has more active subs and then, which version of wow? FFXIV is 1 game and surpassed wow. wow is now 3 games and retail is pretty bad, classic is dead, tbc classic is carrying subs.

You seriously need to learn when something is dying and let go.


Competition is a good thing. The FF devs were forced to play WoW to fix the first version of the game. Maybe the WoW devs can learn something from the current version of FF


This data is for sure very accurate. Based on the same data, wildstar has 13k active players, even though the servers have been shut down for quite a while.


I agree. Regardless of the accuracy of the info everyone is passing around, competition can be healthy and WoW can potentially benefit from it.


Sure – but LuckyBancho is more a census for post-HW players. Activity towards the engame of the game.

Even if we want to believe that is is discounting a number of players – are we actually going to sit here and say that 1.5 million players are sub-60? Really? This would be the same as saying a majority of WoW subs are below level 50.

Especially since this census is patch by patch. If there was a large influx of players over the ShB – there would be a larger growth in numbers of census players not a decrease.

Lol it doesnt make sense to seperate retail and classic players. They all play from the same subscription.

Troll away then little buddy.

It’s not at all, considering that you clear level 50 in two days in WoW while you can play FFXIV For months without getting a character to 50.

very big true!!! wow fan boys going nuts thats for sure!

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But again – 1.5 million people being sub-60 is a very questionable claim.

I think it only compliments blizzard, they made 2 games that are good enough to cause players to invest in 2 mmo’s at once.

I don’t see how it would be unfair tbh.

They are for good reason. They ban the people that are being toxic in the community allowing the game to grow. In WoW people get terrible first impressions doing multiplayer content due to the toxicity. WoW could learn a lot from the FFXIV devs.


I always feel more insulted by passive aggressive tones from ffxiv players than wow’s players. The wow “toxicity” feels like casual banter to me. In ffxiv, you need to put thought and effort into how you want to upset someone.

I don’t really think it will change anything. There are a lot of people who play wow just because they either have played it for years and are invested or just play it to hang out with friends.

They don’t necessarily support blizzards game design but will keep subing because wow is all they have known.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing, (even if it’s a little sad) but I don’t think wow being overtaken will really change anything about the game.

Blizzard can’t throw money at this problem they need a change in game philosophy

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