So wow lost the spot for most played mmo and now is final fantasy XXIV but you know… you get what you get. Bad decision after bad decision and this is the end result. I hope they take over and rule for many years to come. Regular ppl would just learn from their mistakes and be better but knowing how blizzard works… good luck.
You dont know that for absolute certain and this topic bores me.
No king rules forever, my son.
i don’t don’t have any sources of this info but it’s true i swear
So, if you’re really from the future can you give me Saturday’s Powerball numbers?
You know who else never learned their lesson? James Cameron and Avatar and that’s why Marvel End Game was able to take over as the highest grossing movie of all time 10 years later.
How pathetic… Blizzard with 15 years as the top dog and Avatar with only ten years… truly pathetic.
This data isn’t even accurate because neither releases the actual numbers. But going on the data presented:
FFXIV has 2.5M
WoW Shadowlands (2.2M) + WoW Classic/TBC (1.8M) = 4M
It’s not the most played, it’s just some of the retail players went to TBC because it was fresh during a retail content drought. Even with a huge content drought and people playing TBC for a bit it’s barely beating retail. WoW overall still has almost double the players. Remember, it’s the same sub for retail and TBC, players go back and forth.
Manipulating the data to make these claims just reeks of stupidity and/or desperation.
So what bogus data is it based on this time?
Can I play the Twitch viewer card?
You do realize that neither FF online or WoW posts their player count numbers and that the companies tracking it use fictitious information? SuperData (a Nielson company) was shut down a few months ago because their information was so inaccurate.
Haters gonna hate, I guess. Maybe some introspection by the dev team wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
This is untrue, as your Final Fantasy news site that states this links the MMO Population website which shows WoW as #1, FF at #4, and WoW Classic at #5. It also shows that Shadowlands’ steady playerbase is higher than it has been since the WoD launch.
So unless you want to accept those as facts, I’m afraid your post is garbage.
But I just want to feel validated in my decision to play my loli cat girl in FFXIV!
You literally look at the financial data and see WoW’s yearly revenue is up every single year. WoW alone is a $1 billion/year franchise. Last I checked Square Enix’s financials… their yearly revenue is 1/4th of what Blizzard makes.
everyones talking about it
Its been most played for a while now, wow has gone downhill since Ion took over.
Just like WoW overtook Ultima Online and EQ, so did WoW one day have to fall.
No, they’re really not. None of those statistics you see are accurate, nothing but 100% lies.
Everyone talked about the world ending with the Mayan calendar but yet here we are.
Makes sense there’s literally WoW refugee “free company’s” or guilds in the game. There was def a big shift of players to ffxiv during shadowlands whether it be the long content drought, temp power climbs that reset every 2 years, or no player agency over covenants or lack of cosmetics.
There’s tons of reasons people don’t play as much. I’m only here till the sub runs out then I’m going to try the whole “play the last patch where everything is easy to get” game from now on and see if I can enjoy the game more.
Not to be a nerd and recognizing that this does nothing to contribute to the topic at hand but I believe SWG was the top dog at the time of WoW’s launch with about 500k (not including any of them crazy asian MMOs like Lineage). SWG took the top spot from DAoC/EQ and possibly EVE (I can’t remember their exact numbers) who bumped off UO early.