Final fantasy xiv most played now

Is that the primary discussion forum for FFXIV? If it is, it’s a good thing I don’t play that game because that cheap-looking forum literally hurts my eyes.

Apparently most ppl prefer cheap looking now days. Bending over and without lub gets old I guess.

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Aside from the fact that you all are jumping onto this FFVIV band wagon, why should I care about this game?

Just watched the trailer. Nothing about it made me want to consider playing it.


Well, if that is the case, they are welcome to it.

The fact that FF players continue holding a WoW sub so that they can post on these forums is proof enough that WoW has more active accounts.

I’m sure FF is neck and neck w/ ESO for 2nd place, so that’s something to be proud of.

p.s. Is that Elden Ring trailer not the best thing you’ve seen in the past few years? My god, that game is going to be awesome.


True true. If bliz doesn’t care why should ppl.

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Doesn’t care about what exactly?

I’ve been playing SL for several months now and have been enjoying the time I’ve invested into the game. What exactly is the problem with WoW that isn’t going to be the problem with any other game for you folks?


Then you’d be surely wrong. :wink: Microsoft wouldn’t have been able to buy Zenimax for $7 billion if ESO had a subscription base as large as FFXIV.

Probably how Intel was thinking about AMD 5-6 years ago.

No it’s not, it’s not even close. You FF14 andies make more wow players than you do FF players to boot lol.

Because my six month sub auto renewed before I realized it. Certainly not because I actually like the game as it is right now.

Go look at group finder if you want the truth. No raids, no keys, and no PVP. It’s all just WTS carry. Retail is dead and 9.1 is going to be the final nail


I mean, I agree. I’m tired of the stupid REFORGED nonsense. They used to be a company that innovated. Now they just ride nostalgia for really old games that used to be hot. Like they have a dev team literally spending time and money on revamping DIABLO 2 from 20 years ago. It’s not going to last forever. It was fun playing Classic, and I’m enjoying SL, and their plan for that was sound from a business standpoint, but they need to do something fresh, they’re running out of good will from their golden years.

Is this based on the report that still lists Wildstar and City Of Heroes as active?

The obsession Yoshida’s Witnesses have with WoW and totally unrelated franchises like Genshin Impact tells me XIV can’t stand on its own merit, and over on Twitter the steady copypasta spam was just embarassing. Why they want the first impression of their playerbase to be “desperate and borderline cultish” is beyond me.


Copium is strong with this one

This is certainly one point I will agree with. It’s also difficult to navigate, and as someone else mentioned in another thread I think, the controls to me are extremely clunky. I think FF could do with some serious upgrades in their UI across the board. It’s really, really bad, imo.

But, the game itself, to me, is very very fun.

Except for Lalafell. I’d like to pull a Sylvanas on them.

Is Square Enix paying you guys to post here?

It’s incredibly obnoxious. If you like FF14 so much, then just go play it. Should we start a brigade of WoW trolls to go to the FF14 forms to crap all over your game?


Just two threads down and you got a guy saying FF14 “should be worried about accepting WoW refugees”

Looks like a stellar community of welcoming players over there . . .

Hahaha that or they know the WoW community will ruin their ‘‘community’’ :stuck_out_tongue:

I like to think the people that flagged this will still be here when the lights go out insisting there’s no way you can prove that wow doesn’t have the most players still. “They’re just shutting off the servers so they can focus their talent on new projects, really”


I’d love for them to try.