Yeah, me too. But i agree with one thing: the armor quality in that game is absurd. Armor really look like armor, even low level gear. Wow is literally body paint, and just the npcs get the cool stuff. Just compare Jaina’s clothes with any player armor in the game.
I have played that game recently and while my player interaction and feeling of story in FF are what I’d consider superb I don’t find the actual gameplay is even close to that of WoW.
Played through the first three expansion MSQ and post story MSQs and then came back to WoW.
I’ve come to like both in different ways.
Pfff. You pleb ff14 players need to get on the new hype train. Hello Kitty Island Adventure is the future of MMOs.
There should be a ‘Goodbye’ subforum for people who are leaving and who actually care.
Even small things like getting that chicken suit beats out wows reward system. Hatching tide day or whatever it is called you do a 5 minute quest and get the Easter armor. In wow you have to fight off other people while collecting dozens of eggs each day for 2 weeks. Then still can’t even wear the stuff unless its the holiday season.
FFXIV gearing is much more balanced. Run casual dungeons and only be ~5% behind the sweats. If you want to make a group to do sweat content that is harder than Mythic WoW content you don’t feel out of the ballpark. The devs of FFXIV aren’t lazy and actually can balance content without just boosting HP values.
Maybe I’m just not with it anymore, but I read all these posts raving about FF and the things that they care about I just don’t.
Like good for all the people who like additional hairstyles, dances and animated emotes, but if I listed all the things I’d like to change about WoW, that kind of stuff would be like dead last on my priority list.
FFXIV is a way better game overall. There is more to do than chase the loot pinata and there isn’t a ridiculous 70% power disparity. The PvP while ignored is actually more fun than WoW’s (must have RPG element) get 1 shotted by the sweatlord.
I play FFXIV now too, the game simply feels more like an MMO than wow does, if it wasn’t for my guild I’d quit and I suspect alot of people are staying for the same reasons.
I loved wow I just don’t love it anymore.
Yeah there is more of an objective than chasing a higher rating in FFXIV. Really sad the direction the devs have taken this game.
All nice things but the art style is what kills final fantasy for me.
Why the wall of text when all you really like better in FF14 is the uwu erp, you know it, I know it, we all know it. Enjoy that cat boi erp
Enjoy your furry World of Warcraft. Cat ears on a human < Vulpera/cows/wolves etc…
I grew up on FF. FF2(4) for the SNES was my first, then FF1. When I found out about emulation I played FF2 and 3 for NES and FF5 SNES since they weren’t released over here at the time. FF4 and FF6 being my favs. FF9 wins for me by a little over FF7.
I have been playing FF14 for a while now and it’s pretty fun, but I still prefer WoW style over it. Hoping with all the changes happening in Blizz we will see more love and thought put into the game and community.
Uwu oh cat boi uwu, sry did I tickle your pickle uwu
Better graphics than WoW’s Warcraft 3 engine where everything bleeds together kills it for you?
As you get healed by a cow and dps next to a fox.
Dude its ok to like your cat boi erp uwu I’m not judging, you do you uwu poo poo doo doo take me cat boi uwu
I prefer bunny girl ERP.
Cat ears = furry game when WoW actually has like 10 furry races. Makes sense buddy.