Player Housing.
Unlockable hairstyles and cosmetic options.
Eyebrows and ears don’t clip through helmets.
24 entire dances, opposed to 1 that is racial-locked.
Gear icons match the gear’s model 99% of the time.
All emotes are animated instead just a line of emote text.
Crafting and gathering are more than just ‘click button, make things’.
All armor is unique, fully modeled and rigged, opposed to painted on textures.
Unlockable emotes/dances that are added every few patches so you can always do more with your character.
All classes, from crafters to battle to gather, have unique questlines, weapons, and armor that emphasize the class fantasy.
No week-long raid lockout so you can keep farming anything you like for as long as you like aside from the most current content.
Presentation, when it comes to story and especially raid encounters. The soundtrack also plays a part in that, I look forward to each new encounter just to hear the theme.
The devs actually care about their game and have good PR, opposed to their employees all having personal twitter accounts where they spew their political ideologies or bash white men.
FFXIV has systems in the game purely for the player to enjoy. The Gold Saucer is a perfect example of this, meanwhile in WoW the only thing that makes an attempt at this the Darkmoon Faire.
Hair doesn’t disappear when you put on a hat, sometimes even repositioned in an aesthetic way to make it work, opposed to hairstyles completely disappearing if you put on a piece of head gear in WoW.
End-game currencies that act as built-in bad luck protection, with which you can purchase and augment good gear, and which keeps you from feeling like you wasted your time when you didn’t get any drops in a raid.
The story is pure unadulterated kino, the villains in FFXIV actually have agendas that the player can agree with, opposed to stuff like Deathwing where the villain just wants to destroy the world for seemingly zero reason.
No, I’m not returning and you can’t have my stuff.
How mindbroken do you have to be to think everybody is as incapable of stopping consuming literal garbage as you are and will always return when the game gets tiny QoL improvements that were obvious in the beta a year ago
The game pisses me off because it was a setting and mmo that I loved and grew up with that we’ve had to watch slowly get murdered through incompetent design choices, the mentality of them being the king and nobody ever being able to threaten that, and marketing superseding fun game design
And don’t try to “i-i-it’s a product o-of course they use it to make money!!!” a well designed product takes your money while still being fun enough to distract you from the fact that it’s actively taking your money.
If my opinion was the minority every city and zone wouldn’t have been a ghost town for the last 3+ years.
Ah, you mean wait, I have to change clothes to work on a stick. Deep.
And know how to smooch their audience.
It just keeps getting better.
Assuming you can find a house, because the weird way their housing system works, if people get to the party late then you have very little chance of finding anything, especially on the more popular servers.
Excuse me, I need to go put a heap of coins in the Sarcasm Jar but you drove me to it, really.
I tried FF, paid for it, spent a couple of weeks in it, and disliked it on many levels. I’m not going to list all the things I disliked because this would just end up as a tit-for-tat and I really cant be bothered atm.
But if it makes you happy, go play it. I play other games on various casual levels but I dont come here to rave about them in posts. People can make up their own minds without me telling them, and there is time and enough to play more than one.
During my couple of weeks of play I wasn’t helped by a single player. I didnt find it particularly friendly (although it wasn’t bad). I signed up for their mentor system (whatever its called) and they didn’t do a damned thing for me, didnt even respond to chat. And if I asked for help in chat to figure things out, I got zero response.
Ive had much more input and help from people in WoW than I ever did in FF.