You may not buy things you don’t need right away but I guarantee that little old lady buying canned food is gonna more prepared in case something happens than someone else who thought “why bother, nothings ever gonna happen”
Bet you square is feeling hindsight right now.
That old lady is gonna have cans leaking in her basement.
No I don’t buy things I don’t need. I’m not gonna buy a whole server for my access to internet. I’m not gonna buy an extra CPU or GPU, especially now. Because of the shortage. There is no reason to do that.
Absolutely every MMO has gone through this. Usually in a month, most move on anyway. Even Classic went through that. So this might work to their advantage really. Because people will go play something else after they are done with the MSQ.
Happened during Stormblood as well.
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Then good luck if your gpu ever frys and you cant get a new one because you thought it was dumb to be pre prepared
You know what, if that happens… I’ll live.
If it goes in a three year old pc, it was just my luck. I’ll get another when the price goes down. Not cry over spilled milk.
Have fun never being prepared for anything. Guess you’re also the type that doesn’t save money because why bother right. I’ll never understand people who don’t think ahead.
Saving money is different thing to this. That’s for something eventual that will happen. Not something unforeseen. I know you can’t tell the difference since you already used the weather analogy.
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The fact you couldn’t see the analogy as an example is telling.
Saving money for unforseen circumstances is no different than buying a second gpu for unforseen circumstances. Its the same thing but I dont expect you to understand that. Just like I don’t expect you to ever be prepared if unforseen circumstances ever happen. My guess is you’ll try your live in the moment routine and that usually gets people killed in the most extreme of unforseen circumstances.
Either way I’m done here. You go right ahead and not understand how this entire thing is literally on squares head for not being pre prepared. No skin off my back.
I see the analogy, as a fail to be anything like the situation.
Buying a second gpu when your’s is 3 years old is foolish. Because they typically last anywhere from 6-10 years depending. You only buy a gpu three years in if you want the newest latest thing always. But in 6-10 years any gpu I buy now will be severely dated meaning, I can’t use it. Can’t sell it, nor return it. It’s a wasted purchase.
And I wouldn’t do anything that non-sensical because you can’t take the L in a discussion.
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What do you mean by you people?
And you can be bent out of shape about nothing all you want. I’m not gonna be that way. I can still get in game and the game is stable.
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Yeah that doesnt work. Nice try but not good enough.
I’m not bent out of shape at all. I dont even play that boring as spit game. I only chimed in because in a gaming sense the whole situation falls entirely on squares head.
So you don’t even know what is going on but thought to comment anyway… lol.
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I know what’s going on. I looked it up, saw videos of people stuck in queues, saw the threads here and on ff forums. I still stand by what I said though. Its squares fault, no one else’s.
Nah, you decided you wanted to try and create issues with people playing the game.
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If that’s what you think than that’s a you problem
You either didn’t play wrath or have a bad memory, because wrath’s launch was the worst ever in both games, and there was literally days you couldn’t play. nand hours and hours of queues.
It is like the weather you can plan for what you think by historical trends and educated forecasts, but you cannot allow for all and if its suddenly flooding when you expected a heavy raid for no fault of your own then how can you plan…
At the end of the day company’s are no different than us, they have more, but its not an endless bucket, there is budgets made to forecasts, and FFXIV did not plan for Wow to fall over and the sudden influx of players, and why would/should it.
No more than if they fell over and we had an influx of players here would be accounted for… it would be a lot easier for wow to work with because they already have all these dead servers, and they already have a really bad track record for lag etc, but they wouldn’t/cant plan for it.
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Vanilla and TBC as well. And queues for them and Classic were in the 10s of thousands. Much greater than the FFXIV queues.
We had queue times back in 2005 when I played and horribly laggy raids. They upgraded their servers and all the problems were fixed overnight.
WoW expansion launches were usually only bad on launch day. After that it was smooth sailing. In FF14s case the majority of the playerbase can’t even play without waiting hours to get in simply due to their servers having limited capacity. If you get disconnected for any reason you’re pretty much screwed.
It has to be the worst MMORPG launch this year because they had 5-6 months to prepare in advance.
SquareEnix doesn’t own their own data centers. They sub contract a company called iWeb Technologies to host their NA servers out of Montreal. They could have hired another company to host, but my assumption is that they’re waiting for iWeb to get more machines because they’re probably under a contract.
They were able to upgrade because they didn’t have a shortage going on. Their queues were also much much higher than FFXIV has ever had.
It’s not the worst MMORPG launch this year. New World was. It was bugged even after you got in game. That is not true of FFXIV.
Square also made Yoshi P use the servers from the original game which aren’t great. There have been jokes and memes made about it.
I was able to get in during peak yesterday so it is getting better. A lot of people have been finishing MSQ, so they will likely move on.
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The issue is budgetary like you pointed out. The only real overhead an MMORPG has are its employees, development, and servers. To actually rent out your own servers costs like $100-300 a month (or more) depending on how powerful they are.
So if a single world server is 10-20 blades you’re looking at a very pricey monthly bill when you add everything up including the staff that has to maintain it. And when you got greedy corporate overlords and low profit margins they don’t want to fork out the extra money to buy more machines.
Just to put it into comparison Blizzard and Amazon own tens of thousands of server blades, but WoW makes over a billion a year in revenue so it pays itself off. Amazon basically owns like 40% of the cloud servers and also hosts game companies & Netflix amongst a lot of other stuff.
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