Final Fantasy XIV Community is WAY too proud | Toxic Positivity

Wow Player since Burning Crusade
FFXIV since Heavensward

I have never seen a game go through the kind of issues with a launch like FFXIV is going through right now with Endwalker

Every single server they have is full. No option to transfer. Errors while queuing that will kick you out of it. The only time you can get in is during the workday or morning. Yoshi P is offering free game time but sadly it may not be enough. Still a great gesture.

What bothers me most is the community. They are so accepting of this saying things like ā€œIM PERFECTLY OK WAITING 3 HOURS TO GET INTO THE GAME. Iā€™m just so happy its good.ā€ I do believe there is such a thing as Toxic Positivity. This community is the epitome. Final Fantasy is the only game where you arenā€™t allowed to say anything bad about it in any circle where the community might see it.

WoW community can indeed be toxic but I can say iā€™m proud of the community thatā€™s left for not taking crap. This community has seen how good this game can be and refuses less than that standard within reason.

Are there any other FFXIV players here who havenā€™t been able to play at all? I am definitely going to let my sub lapse. I am not going to pay for a game I canā€™t play during the time I can play it.


Wrong forums. But I heard the rumors, people choosing to wait 3 hours there over being a lab rat here.


Why are you posting this still? Arenā€™t we beyond that?

You guild name fits perfectly.


I simply wait until everyone goes to bed.

Toxic positivity is a scourge and an evil that must be cleansed. Down with the Canadians and the Minnesotans!


When I was a kid, I liked to play tag. As an adult on the GD forums, I now like to play Flag.

Youā€™re it!


Iā€™m just imagining like, a midwesterner, or a chicagoan being like ā€˜This entire city must be purged.ā€™

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WoWā€™s community sucks for the most part, but Iā€™ve read how some of the FF14 playerbase can be like and, ya itā€™s hard to read lol

Maybe if both player bases merged together weā€™d have balance :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


honestly endwalker is worth the wait times, really great

and yeah, you can just play offpeak and get almost no wait time

the deal is, you wait to get in but its good times

in wow there is no wait for a friction filled low loot timegated experience that chased away 85% of the playerbase

wow is killing itself

ff largely copies pre-borrowed power wow

ff community is definitely way less toxic cuz moderating and standards work, but part of it is less focus on pushing every single player into the hardest content with the maximum amount of friction - addons like recount arenā€™t even allowed (though some take the risk) and it really shows how that changes the social dynamic

wow is doubling, tripling, quadrupling down on the stuff that drives toxicity


Ope! Time for a reset.

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Letā€™s flip the narrative on itā€™s head.

The game is so good that people are willing to patiently wait for a chance to play it, like waiting for House of the Dead 3 in the arcade when you were a kid.

The only thing ā€˜toxicā€™ I see here is saying itā€™s bad that people are so excited/enjoying an experience so much that they are willing to wait for it.


I just play at non-peak. Being upset isnā€™t gonna make anything better because they canā€™t upgrade for a few months due to shortages. They had already upgraded and added a datacenter. The game is just more popular than before.

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All mmos have wonky launches with new expansions. Its a given. Not sure what the point of the post was other than you dont like ff?

In which case fine, I dont like it either but Iā€™m not sure how trashing another game will make our current dumpster fire of one any better.

Weā€™re all gamers regardless of what game we play.

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I dont play or care about FF14 this is wow and wow forums are for wow related stuff.
Dont care what others are doing in another mmoā€¦
This is like going to a game of DnD and complaining about chess players. Like what are you even doing?


They also push converted the test servers temporarily while they overhaul their other equipment to allow for demand too.

Imagine bliz being pushed so hard to meet demand that the PTR realms had to be taken offline for live versions of the game.

Thatā€™s still happening? Weird.

WoW once had that issue and Blizz eventually upgraded the servers to hold more people. Since then queue times are very rare to nonexistent. Youā€™d think FF would have considered that by now. :zipper_mouth_face:

You know that other thread going around about why people are still playing this game (wow)? Because I have fun? If a game was fun enough that waiting around three hours did not tip the scales of the pros and cons, so be it, awesome.

WoW is on a decline, and Iā€™m still having loads of fun. Even though the Guardian MT is going to give me a heart attack.

Iā€™ve really been thinking about giving Final Fantasy a shot. Can you go around killing anyone you want? (world pvp)

To be honest, when I even peaked on the ff forums, gives off cult like attitudes with the positivity. Itā€™s abnormal lol, but if someone is excited, enjoying something, Iā€™m indifferent to be honest.

They have. Chip shortages have made it impossible to upgrade again for at least a few months.