Final fantasy for real?

I thought the same thing until I tried FF14 and enjoyed even the “bad” beginning.

You don’t have to forsake one game to enjoy another, but playing FF14 was like coming home to WoW, not leaving WoW.
By playing that game, I know what’s missing in this one: fun, community, progression.

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ffxiv is the new wow

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I play both FF14 and WoW.
Though I’m only playing WoW TBC Classic as of late, on the WoW side of things.

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SWTOR is the only MMO that is as good or better than WOW.

FF14 is okay, I’m playing it right now as I wait for the dailies to be reset. I’m on the trial account, and only level 15 at the moment. I do like WoW more though, FF14 feels kind of clunky to play, the graphics are a bit outdated but still good for their time. It is a pretty nice game, but I don’t think I will be paying $15 a month for it - I think EQ2, or GW2 should suffice when I want to play another MMO.

The way people go on and on about it, on WoW forums, makes me think they are either just really upset with WoW and trying to convince everyone else to move to another MMO or they might just be trolling us all. WoW is a good MMO, out of all of the ones I have played, it remains my favorite.

I don’t think Final Fantasy will destroy WoW, I think the people that have enjoyed WoW for years, are a different breed of players in general. Perhaps RP realms might feel it a little, but most PVP and competitive people are probably going to get bored to tears while levelling their characters.


Not sure what you mean by “unique design”, but PvP, M+ and raiding is pretty much all retail WoW does better content-wise. I’m sorry but there is much more to an MMORPGs than just sweaty content. Retail WoW is honestly abysmal at being an actual MMORPG, classic was much better.

You can boldly say whatever you want, but things look dire for World of Warcraft right now. And this has nothing to do with FF. (I think Riot’s MMO will hurt a lot more if Blizzard doesn’t course correct.) This is all on Blizzard.

I play both WoW and FFXIV, and if it wasn’t for my attachment to my guild and friends in WoW there is absolutely no way I would have played BfA and Shadowlands past the expansion launches.

The only race that creeps me out a bit is the Lalafel. They look like deformed toddlers. I don’t really like Gnomes either though so… :man_shrugging:

Otherwise I just think the races are kind of boring. With one exception they’re all just anime humans with some small changes.

The beast guys (forget their name) are cool though. They should have a female option. lol

They will at some point during Endwalker.

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Neat! Maybe I can finally make a character that I think looks cool and give the game another shot. lol

The combat still feels kind of floaty though. Wish the slippy-slide cast stuff wasn’t a thing.

There’s a 300% chance that people getting creeped out by something in FF14 are talking about the Lalafell, who tread super far into uncanny valley in 14’s artstyle. (it probably doesn’t help that they look like someone spliced the genes of a child with a turnip)

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idk nothing really creeps me out there or wow if it was real life and i seen some of the stuff running around i’d run. i play both games i guess i look for other things in a game and races don’t bug me i guess it does some.

At least he knows how to praise the sun. \ [T] /

I need to play through Dark Souls again soon…


Races usually don’t bug me in games. In fact, one of my main gripes about games–and FF14 falls into this for me–is usually a lack of interesting race choices. For example: I love Mass Effect but really wish I could play a Turian or a Quarian. That’d be sick.

I also usually really like short races… There’s just something about how Lalafel and Gnomes (in WoW) are depicted that irks me.

FF14 might be enjoying a little boost right now, but I would not consider that game to be a long term threat to World of Warcraft. The real threat to WoW is going to be Ashes of Creation, I watched some pre-alpha gameplay today and it looks very good.

I’d get into it more if it had decent pvp but they don’t seem to care about that aspect of the game, so this game isn’t appealing to people that primarily pvp. WoW has a huge pvp community which is what drew me over here from SWToR.

I do however love that people are hyping it up and pissing blizzard off because they have been way to content with their sloppy systems and need to be called out in mass.

nothing will be a threat to wow maybe lower the players but there’s to many diehards that will never give this game up and every other game seems to fail at endgame massively wow has always had decent decent dungeons and raids and even pvp at times not always but once in awhile lol.

Another FFXIV thread brought to you by a WoW fanboi.

Seriously, it’s cute how scared some people get of other games. As if you get paid by Blizzard or something.

That’s a you problem, my man.